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Posts posted by 4merper4mer

  1. What if they adapted the Rooney rule to come into effect earlier in the cycle? We can all argue about whether Smith, Horton or others should have been hired. We won't know for at least a few years how Trestman and Marrone and others perform. It is not fair to Marrone to say he was hired due to skin color. Someone else said that if Shaw had his name out there he would be an NFL HC already and I agree.


    What would be fair is for the NFL to examine non-firings and here is where the Bills would end up in trouble. I like Buddy Nix but most Bills fans don't. The obvious choice to replace him is a black guy. Could the NFL start stepping in and forcing teams to fire inept coaches and GMs? That doesn't mean you have to hire a black guy to replace him but it would shake things up. It would not just be Nix that would be out. Rex Ryan, John Fox, Jim Schwartz, Gary Kubiak, Dennis Allen, Greg Schiano, Mike Munchak, Mike Shanahan, Jeff Ireland, David Caldwell, Rick Spielman, Mark Dominik, Les Snead, Steve Klein, Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder would all be firings nobody would argue about.


    Maybe the NFL can have a policy of firing 5-10 failing coaches and GMs per year if they are white and the team takes no action. Again I am not for quotas so you can't force anyone to hire a black guy to replace the white proven failures.


    I'm not sure it will go this way but it does seem to make the most sense of the options.

  2. This theory is original beard theory. We've moved on to Twitter Subordinate Satellite Necro-Beard Theory.


    Necro-Beard was an expansion of original beard theory wherein a man might seek to hide his homosexual identity by engaging in a relationship with a woman (ie: marrying Nicole Kidman). Twitter Necro-Beard theory evolved from this concept but supposed that a man may engage in a relationship with a fictional woman existing only as an online profile, thus giving the impression of a real long distance relationship. If a man were to carry on the Twitter-Beard relationship too long without meeting in person, it would arouse suspicion. Necro-Beard involves the untimely demise of this fictional woman, giving the closeted man a long grieving window and an excuse not to pursue other women indefinitely.


    We've now moved on to include the possibility of many satellite beards, both fictional and breathing. According to teammates, Manti was seeing one or more girls on ND's campus. These satellite beards may exist but in a subordinate nature to the primary twitter beard, thus giving the impression of an adulterous heterosexual male.


    We cannot, however, rule out the possibility of Surreptitious Twitter Necro-Beard or Surreptitious Twitter Subordinate Satellite Necro-Beard theories, where Manti is the victim of a hoax but still used the online relationship, possibly in unison with other beards, to his advantage to avoid suspicion. In other words, Manti may have had no knowledge that his beard was fake.


    Wait a minute. Keith Urban is gay?

  3. This is Te'o's problem. No matter if he was duped or not the whole media blitz surrounding him since the Michigan State is an issue.




    ESPN discussed the Bills in their coverage this morning and how Kiper has them picking Te'o. There is an article about Te'o and the Bills draft linked from the Buffalo News on the main page. I haven't read it yet so I'm not sure what is in there. I am afraid to read it. Polamalu may be involved and has connections with Whaley. And from the article you linked.....



    Where does that leave us? Well, waiting for Manti Te’o and his representation to circle the wagons and provide more than a released written statement, I suppose.


    Smoke....meet fire.

  4. If the Bills ever drafted the player that the majority of mock drafts pegged for them you'd have typed this masterful pretzel logic wearing a Haloti Ngata or Brian Orakpo jersey.


    What you said there actually makes me more worried. You're right that the Bills were interested in Ngata and Orakpo. This was reported in many mock drafts. But it is also known that the last regime placed high importance on character. Both Ngata and Orakpo had character questions. Both turned out to be false alarms but at least the Bills stuck to principle. Is this new group not even investigating character at all?


    As the story develops it seems plausible that Te'o could have been duped or that he was in on it. Either way those are not traits you want for a team leader. If he was duped by a fake girl and some dude I feel bad for him but it sure will be easy for Tom Brady to fool him on Sunday. No thanks.


    I hope the luck the Bills had in this being discovered BEFORE the draft indicates our luck has changed.

  5. What? First you call out the press for running with a story without investigating, then based on mock drafts (put out by the media) you treat it like it's set in stone that the Bills were going to take Te'o? Can you expand on your thought process a little here?

    so a mock draft has the Bills taking Te'o and that means Nix is going to do exactly that.


    I love the logic bro, love it.


    It was a lot of the mock drafts, not just one. I guess MRW has a point that the Bills could be lying to the press about their interest in Te'o but Mel Kiper is generally seen as the top guy and he has probably learned over time how to interpret these conversations. With several mock drafts having us taking him, I have to believe that where there is smoke there is fire. Luckily for us I'd bet this fire got put out.

  6. Here is what bugs me a little about this....


    The press will seemingly report anything they are told and keep telling it over and over. They want a story and don't need to check anything. The girlfriend story, even the dead one isn't really a huge deal. It is sick but that's all. It's not like that guy that got arrested for bombing the Olympics in Salt Lake because a bunch of people were speculating. There have been other bad stories too like Lance Armstrong being a great hero. That crap went on for years. You don't even need to research that issue; you can tell he is a liar just by looking at him.


    With Te'o though, the press really doesn't have much to lose.. It will blow over for them because they all cover for each other.



    Here is what bugs me MOST about this.....


    Almost every mock draft you see has the Bills taking Te'o at #8. The Bills DO have something to lose. A lot of $$$$$$ and another wasted pick. I wanted to believe this new regime was better than the old one but I guess not. They should have investigated this before deciding on Te'o. I suspect they will shy away from him now which only means they got lucky but why they had him pegged in the first place without discovering this major character flaw is amazing to me. Do you think Bellichick would have ever picked a guy like this?

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