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Posts posted by 4merper4mer

  1. It would be interesting, but the Bills probablly have a contract with the NFL that they will abide by NFL rules, including eligibility rules, which would likely render the contract w/ Manziel null and void. If not, the contract may be honored, but the NFL could keep him out until he reaches their eligibility threshhold.


    That sounds an awful lot like restraint of trade and I'm sure the US Department of Justice would not look too kindly on it.


    You stated that these mobile QB's have been winning when most the teams they are on where winning before there arrival with the exception of RGIII. My point is that the best QB's in the league are pocket passers, so if you are going to do something ridiculous to get a QB why not do it to get one that is going to be one of the best? You cant be serious in having a franchise hold a lawsuit with the NFL over signing a collegiate freshmen and you want do all this for the next Russel Wilson, RGIII, or Kaepernick? These guys have been playing for one year in the league, have you heard alot about Cam Newton this past season? like i said if you are going to do something ridiculous why not do it for a Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, or a Drew Brees, guys that have been putting up big numbers for years and continually have there teams in the playoffs no matter the supporting casts.


    The league has changed. Name a pocket QB drafted in the past 5 years that has done anything. Don't try because you can't. Your choices are Skelton, Sanchez and crack head Frankenstein. They are all worthless.

  2. Here's how you go get a quarterback


    9. A national emergency is declared and Obama faced with a choice of nuclear strikes or appeasement chooses appeasement



    This is the only thing on your list that is realistic but it belongs in PPP with the Matt Damon rant.


    Some youngsters are making plays with there legs...The best QB's in the league remain to be pocket passers. The most durable QB's in the league remain pocket passers. Yes Wilson and Kaepernick have made some exciting plays but lets not forget that those teams where playoffs teams last year without them.

    Plenty of college QB's have had some stellar college careers that didn't make it in the NFL, several freak of nature college athletes have not made it in the NFL, and now we are scheming a way to bring an 18-19 year old in as our QB of the future??? Seriously TBD needs a wall of shame for posts like this.


    So you don't want Manziel because he is mobile? :wacko:


    Frankensteins like Mallet have long careers on a bench in today's NFL.

  3. Like "Suck for Luck." What rhymes with Manziel? WOW! Remember when DeLuca (a poster a bunch of years back, inside joke) was ripped mercilessly for wanting to tank a season...


    I've heard standstill for Manziel which is a weak rhyme but no worse than people put in those ridiculous Haiku threads.


    Anyway, the whole point is the Bills should not stand still. Take action now and draft him THIS year.

  4. the NFL has rules about the age and or college experience needed to play in thier league.


    And why would Manziel sign that contract? It would still have to be based on the rookie scale and there's no way he would do that. If he plays one more year of college, hell go #1 and get more money than the #8.


    And honestly, I know the NFL is getting worse and worse, but we don't want to go down this road. Next season you'll have the Pats or some other team signing high schoolers, and freahmen in college. The draft will turn into signing guys for the future, not right now.


    I hate to out it to you this way, but yiur idea is absolutely idiotic. You don't belong in this board with such stupid posts. That's all I've got for you.

    We could give Manziel $$$$ outside the rookie scale like a % of the franchise. As for the NFL "rules" they had rules about taping other teams too. Ignoring those won at least one Super Bowl championship and the NFL swooped in and burned the evidence themselves.


    Fortunes favors the bold.


    You do realize that as a franchisee in the NFL the Bills have a contract with the NFL to abide by their rules, including eligibility requirements, in order to remain in good standing in the league? If we did this, they would sue us in a heartbeat, we would lose before he saw a single minute on a practice field, and the Bills would be out the #8 overall pick (at a bare minimum) and probably a bunch more picks on top of that as punishment.


    This is the worst idea I've heard in a long, long time....that is, except for draft Dysert in the first round.


    Did the Bills sign the same contract as the Pats and Saints?


    im not following this insane thread.............can we pay the lawyer a little extra and get Jadaveon Clowney in the 2nd?


    The problem is you can't have the contract signed before making the pick. So let's say Manziel's contract is all drawn up and ready to go. As soon as Goodell reads the name, Johnny puts pen to paper. By the time the second round comes around the NFL lawyers will be all over this. They will probably ask for full access to the Bills computer systems and void anything that is prepped and ready to go. I think they are ready to do battle before pick #11 or #12 hits the board. I don't really care about that because our biz will be done. Now if we can't get Johnny on board then picking Clowney in the 1st might not be a bad backup plan.

  5. you know Manziel might go before pick 8..................if your landmark "sue" comes to light still


    I'm not following your sentence structure but I doubt he goes before 8. The teams willing to cheat always have a jump. It is possible one of the other 7 teams is thinking of this but whoever does it first has he element of surprise.

  6. WTF?!?!?


    You do realize he has to be eligible and declare for the draft right? And even if we could do this, he's still in the NCAA and can't receive any contract or have any money involved or he would be out of college football.


    Not sure what the rule is, regarding a player that hasn't finished college in the NFL. But I know they have to be old enough to have 3 seasons in NCAA. Not sure how that would work with a walk on or something like that.


    Either way, I hate the way the way the NFL is going to, but man, you need to get a grip.


    This is the part you have to get past mentally. I admit I had to get past it too. I don't want the Bills to be considered cheaters but that is the way these days.


    Manziel is over 18 and has the legal right to sign a contract. The Bills are a corporation and they are also able to sign a contract. If the NCAA and the NFL want to go to court, good luck with the contract already signed.

  7. A lot of things have changed over the past few years in the NFL and some have stayed the same.


    With regard to the Bills selection in this draft the factor that has been a constant is that you need strong QB to be able to consistently win.


    There are two things that have changed. The first is becoming obvious as it relates to QBs: mobile QBs are no longer just a novelty. They are winning, Yes, there are some proven losers like Michael Vick out there that will probably be tempting in trade scenarios, but the real winners have been the young guys like RG3, Kapernick and Wilson. The Bills could have had two of these guys and failed but maybe they have learned. The other thing that has changed, and may seem unrelated is that the NFL has proven itself to be looking the other way when it comings to individuals and teams violating rules or "cheating".


    Michael Vick got to play as soon as he got out of jail. Ray Lewis, at the very least, let two guys bleed to death and gets his very own NFL pedestal. That tight end from Seattle did those horrible things with no repercussions. These individuals and others prove that after an initial hazing period, the NFL either looks the other way, or rewards dirt bags. As for teams and coaches, the Patriots cheated harshly and still are the media darlings. The refs still give them every possible break despite their sissy kicking QB and their grouchy coach. More recently, the Saints who were caught on tape trying to hurt other players, took some punishment for a while but now are back in business as are all of the violating coaches including moron in chief Gregggggg Williams.


    It is time the Bills stop playing Mr. Goodytwoshoes. When Goodell approaches the podium with the #8 card in his hand I hope to see a huge scowl on his face and hear him say.........


    With the 8th selection of the 2013 draft, the Buffalo Bills select Johnny Manziel, QB Texas A & M.


    This of course, will involve contacting Manziel ahead of time and having a contract already done before the NFL lawyers can stop it. It will involve paying him extra $$$$ beyond his already high value but everyone has a price. It will involve the organization keeping quiet before draft day. We already know from this board that they are pretty quiet with reporters so that is a good sign. I'm sure after the fact there will be punishment but as the Patriots, Lewis, Vick, the Saints and the Seattle loser prove, it will be weak. IMO we can either take the bull by the horns and select Manziel now or stink out loud for two years and take him then. I say now.

  8. Manti Te'o hoaxer Ronaiah Tuiasosopo didn't fake the voice of the Notre Dame grid star's make-believe girlfriend, experts said yesterday.

    "These are definitely women," said Paul Ginsberg, one of four audio experts asked by "Good Morning America" to review phone messages Te'o has said are from fake girlfriend "Lennay Kekua."

    "It's the frequency range; it's the intonation," said Ginsberg, who agreed with colleagues that the voice on the tapes was female. "I don't believe that a male could simulate that."



    I love these "experts". What does this guy get paid to go around deciding if the voice is a man or a woman? That's a job??????


    Anyway, I heard those tapes and as Austin Powers would say:


  9. +1. Rooney rule is unnecessary. If you have the ability you will compete well for the job. Period. See Mike Tomlin. Quotas are bad policy. Never worked and never will. You have to want it, train for it, compete for it... before you have a chance to get it.


    I tend to agree and that is why I think it will end up going the way I predicted.


    There are plenty of good white and black candidates for all the positions that end up open. The problem is that there are only a few every year. The league should step in and fire crappy white coaches/GMs if the teams won't do it themselves. The teams would be free to fire crappy black guys but the league would not step in. After the firings create more openings these will inevitably lead to more black coaches/GMs due to more spots being open.


    I don't think the NFL should do this mid-season ever even if someone is as bad as Wannstedt for example. That could lead to continuity issues.

  10. What if they adapted the Rooney rule to come into effect earlier in the cycle? We can all argue about whether Smith, Horton or others should have been hired. We won't know for at least a few years how Trestman and Marrone and others perform. It is not fair to Marrone to say he was hired due to skin color. Someone else said that if Shaw had his name out there he would be an NFL HC already and I agree.


    What would be fair is for the NFL to examine non-firings and here is where the Bills would end up in trouble. I like Buddy Nix but most Bills fans don't. The obvious choice to replace him is a black guy. Could the NFL start stepping in and forcing teams to fire inept coaches and GMs? That doesn't mean you have to hire a black guy to replace him but it would shake things up. It would not just be Nix that would be out. Rex Ryan, John Fox, Jim Schwartz, Gary Kubiak, Dennis Allen, Greg Schiano, Mike Munchak, Mike Shanahan, Jeff Ireland, David Caldwell, Rick Spielman, Mark Dominik, Les Snead, Steve Klein, Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder would all be firings nobody would argue about.


    Maybe the NFL can have a policy of firing 5-10 failing coaches and GMs per year if they are white and the team takes no action. Again I am not for quotas so you can't force anyone to hire a black guy to replace the white proven failures.


    I'm not sure it will go this way but it does seem to make the most sense of the options.

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