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Posts posted by 4merper4mer

  1. That is the underlying economic issue: are the additional revenues generated today worth more than the loss of revenues in the future? As Chef could tell you, a $ in taxes today is more valuable than a $ in the future. Are people more concerned about the deficit today or the future deficit? And today's deficit is compounding....

    That is independent of the political issue of how you feel about the government capping a program it created...


    Do you really believe they won't spend every dollar they get and immediately? These people are like Canadians with $5 in their pocket; except they waste it on more than just another beer which will be vomited in a gutter. They spend it right away on equally useless things. At least the Canadian gets to forget he is Canadian while he blacks out from being drunk; the US government only gets more empowered.

  2. I wouldn't read too much into this. Ever since we drafted him, Byrd has been all about using excuses to miss as many practices as possible. Bruce Smith did this to an extent. Bruce had "injuries". Byrd has had many original excuses including not attending his first mini-camp due to "School" even though he was already drafted and could have told his school to stick it. I would bet he has missed more practices while healthy than any Bill in history.


    Personally I think his nickname should be J

    rus Byrd.


    I find this annoying but he does produce on the field.

  3. I know a lot of us love our pets and enjoy showing them off, so I thought I'd see if anyone has a little friend who is a bit...well...weird.


    I've raised dogs all my life, and along the way I've certainly had a few with a bit more personality than others. After one of my dogs of nearly 17 years passed away in February of last year, my roommate, a very good friend of mine, thought it would be fun if she got a dog and I helped her out. Well, to my surprise, she brought home a really little, 8 week old cockapoo named Teddy. Over the last 9 or 10 months, he's proved to be maybe the smartest, most personable dog I've ever had.


    As it turns out, one of his favorite things to do is watch tv. He'll often respond to things on tv here and there - he REALLY doesn't like it when people on tv start fighting - but we found out that he actually has a favorite show. It's called "Too Cute" and you can find it on Animal Planet. His favorite episode was the one with the Himalayan kittens, and he literally sat at the end of the bed watching the entire show, about 24 mins in all. When the commercial would come on, he'd stop watching for a few, but as soon as I fast-forwarded to the show again and waived my hand in the direction of the tv, he would take his spot and continue watching.


    Here is a pic I took of him during his show...





    What sort of odd behaviors/quirks do your pets have?


    Only a picture? What about doing a web show on this?


    BTW, does your dog watch your web show?

  4. China is not commumist, they are socialists. At least that's what our tour guide told us. Also, that cooling tower you can see from the highway, by the exit with the sign that in chinese and english says "Nuclear Power Plant", is not a nuclear power plant.


    I didn't say China is commie, even though they are. I said the bald bearded wonder of a "golf reporter" is a commie. Which he is.

  5. So some snot nose Chinaman is playing in the Masters at age 14 and ESPN has to spend half their Masters show talking about him. All the pictures from China looked wonderful including the production quality video of this slave golfer at age 4 when the state told him what he would be doing with his life. The Chinese countryside is very beautiful in case you didn't know and everyone lives in relative comfort and there is no slave labor.


    In case you didn't know all of this ESPN decided to tell you.......in the Masters coverage.............delivered by some douchey reporter I've never seen before.....guess what......he is bald.......and has a neatly trimmed beard......and talks all snooty..................ie. commie. Thanks ESPN it is hard to see through that. I thought it was just a nice human interest story.

  6. Woke up early. Still was not here. I can't figure out where I thing that left. No I was not drunk. I not drunk am now.

    However. Alcohol would be nice. That fancy curve drawing just will not help. Nor will any chicken across the road...

    Now where did I was it?


    Maybe you were trying to remember not to go beyond the pail because that is where you put all the cow poop. Maybe you forgot to properly place the pail.

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