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Posts posted by 4merper4mer

  1. What specifically is it they wear?


    Look, I am not saying he did anything wrong by expressing his rights, but you have to consider the context of that shirt within a middle school setting these days. He could have worn any shirt, white shirt, tank top, etc. Just like B-man posted, keep it neutral and non controversal.


    It's like the pictures chef posted but these mormon broads cover their faces and stuff. I think it is called a hibbity jibbity. Anyway it is totally cool they wear it as it is an expression of their religion and freedom of speech. Some of them might wear it to bother other people or make a political point. So what? This kid wore a gun t-shirt. That is totally cool as it is an expression of his belief in the 2nd amendment and freedom of speech. Maybe he wore it to bother someone. So what? If I want to weear a shirt about the fourth amendment because I honor my mother and father am I going to offend some orphan? Geez dude.

  2. [/size]


    Sorry, J, but you're way off on this one.


    My most recent posts in these forums, starting last week in the aftermath of the Boston bombings NEVER attacked, denigrated, or were condescending to any other posters in ANY way shape of matter. OTOH, I WAS attacked, name-called, and made fun of simply for having a divergent point of view. So finally after a few days, when I kept getting maligned & abused for no other reason than having a different view, I pushed back ever so slightly. If pwning someone, who btw, made fools of themselves, comes across as condescending, then I can live with that. l'm still happy & having fun!


    I can't be bothered to read through this crap and see if you denigrated other posters and I don't care if you did. What you did do is denigrate a deceased 8 year old boy by purposely misrepresenting at whose hands he died in an effort to spin up people and have fun. I hope you had fun.



  3. Yeah, and they laughed when smokers were told that there'd come a day when you'd have to go outside in the freezing temps to burn one. There are even some places in this country where you can't smoke outside!


    Wait a minute? Are you also...........could you be..........let me ask this another way:


    What would you do if the Bills drafted a cornerback on Thursday night?

  4. If you wear a shirt with a weapon on it to a school, your're either asking for a tangle, or deliberatly doing to be a punk. There is zero tolerance for most anything in schools anymore whether we like it or not, I in the light recent school based violence, I am sure we will see more arrests that seem overreach in the future.


    You made your point, we get it, take of the shirt and stop being a dickhead.


    What about a hibbity jibbity or whatever they call that thing the mormon chicks wear? Isn't that just making a point?

  5. So everyone does a mock, and on the Eve of the draft, so will I. But I'll do mine with rules. I used CBS Sports site:



    If 2 of the 4 people had selected a player before the Bills pick, I could not pick that player. IE my top two choices are Ansah and D Jordan but I couldn't pick them bc they are 'gone'


    3rd and 4th rounds I just picked guys I hope are there.


    In round two, if 1 of the two people had selected a player, he was gone too.


    So here it is:

    1- Bark Mingo, OLB/DE LSU. J Jones is passed on due to medical*

    2- Zach Ertz, TE Standford (wanted Elam SS from FL but he was 'taken')

    3- Honey Badger, CB LSU

    4- Marcus Lattimore, RB SC


    I dont think any of these QBs are that great, so I didnt take one. I also think that with as many holes as we have, and still having no QB, we should just take the best players we can because next year is a wash IMO.


    I don't know about round one but this year's Honey Badger has drug problems. He is a pot head loser. Honey badgers are usually good like the one that went to Dallas last year so I understand but I can wait until 2014.

  6. For punching the driver in the face...which is why the driver chased the cyclist down.


    Didn't you read the article?


    I'm sure before the punch he did something stupid in his girly outfit and the driver dared to say something. I wonder if he hurt his taint in the collision.


    If the driver gets caught, I hope the jury is made up of people that commented under the article.

  7. The Austin/Rams scenario is likely. In the 15 hole, I think you can get the Niners to bite (Vaccaro, Rhodes, Trufant)...they have the picks to spend.


    That would be a NICE collection of top 100 picks for us. They are not far-fetched scenarios at all.


    Why stop there? We can get even more picks in the top 200 by trading out of the top 100 altogether. We may even be able to get picks 151-200 as all ours if we plays our cards right.

  8. A + B = C


    Well, to be fair, the guy's pics DO NOT cover every second of action, do they? One pic does show a police SUV right in front of the house.....right out in front, near the window where the guy was holed up.


    Ssssooooo, A = police SUV was down the road on the right, B = police SUV had to travel down the road to get in front of house, and C = police SUV ends up in front of house. He took pics of A and C, but what happened during B??? Did they run over the perp as they went from point A to point C? Apparently, the lady on the phone thinks 'YES'! lol


    We should look up these genius conspirators before Thursday and have them help us draft Manziel in the first.


    And the person who asked about WTC, I saw people helping a lot of people and many people who didn't belong there, there doing stuff that just seemed odd.


    Try not to be so specific or the black helicopters will be over your house. Next time be more obtuse. I might suggest a statement like:


    I can't get into detail but 9/11/01 was not a normal day.

  10. There have been multiple eyewitnesses who witnessed the shoot-out. Civilians have bullet holes in their furniture from it. Reporters were on the scene. It's not hard to find the facts unless you aren't willing to see them. Christ buddy, it's easy to toss around these wild theories when you are hundreds of miles away isn't it?


    All of those bullet holes could have easily been photoshopped with a 3D printer.

  11. No. But they're probably not tough to find, as I've heard more than a few interviews with Murdoch where he's said that was his intent.


    I'm sure this is true, but the other ones are lefty. So if you assume 50% of the population is lefty/righty then Fox will dominate. That's good business. If another network swung all the way right then they would take share from Fox.


    The question is what would happen if a news source decided to just report news and not spin it. They could give just facts on stories. If they interview a righty or lefty, they could identify them and not offer comments. They could also refer to Obama as a professor commie because he is one and they could call John McCain an idiot, John Boehner a loser crybaby and Harry Reid a senile douche. All of these things are undeniably true and totally unbiased but the network would fail because nobody wants the truth, they want things their way only.

  12. Is this a joke?

    Is this a joke?


    Personally I think it is a joke that players who consider themselves stars don't want to practice, so I would say yes, Byrd's actions are a joke. Other people say that his performance on the field during games should mean everything. I can see there point but worry about Byrd continuously opting out of practice for his whole career sending a bad message in the locker room. I think needs to be more of a leader.

  13. It does not give a max on how much you can put into a deferred account. It gives a max to how much you cann HAVE in your accounts. From the article:


    "So Mr. Obama proposes to "limit an individual's total balance across tax-preferred accounts to an amount sufficient to finance an annuity of not more than $205,000 per year in retirement, or about $3 million for someone retiring in 2013."


    Balance, not contribution. So if I invest $1, and it somehow turns into $3M after 5 years, I can no longer invest any more money into my retirement. And what happens to funds over $3M? Who knows...


    So (again, based on the article, I haven't read any of the official budget proposal) that means the government needs to monitor your retirement accounts to know if you're at the $3M level or not because it's BALANCE, not CONTRIBUTION.



    I'm sure they will be fair about how they monitor it.

  14. So, the perfect NFL schedule would have you playing for say.. the Buccs, and you'd have away games in Miami, Jacksonville, Seattle, Dallas, Houston, Tennessee, Chicago and either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia?


    How the heck could they play 4 or 5 road games against AFC teams? The Bucs are in the NFC and would play only two away games against AFC teams. This idea won't work.


    Is it irony that Canada is is a better fiscal situation than the US? I know its not apples to apples, but the point is not less pathetic.


    But you are right, they wil spend that extra dollar rather than pay doen debt of scale back programs.


    Canada in better fiscal situation? It depends on your point of view. They don't have to spend on military because we defend them. They don't have to spend on medicine because we subsidize them by having our citizens pay all the fixed costs. Basically they produce nothing, or not much and live under our umbrella. That's why they are typically falling down drunk all day and still even have a "country". Between our neighbor and any invader having to look at Canadians all day while they are freezing to death in July, who is going to attack them?

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