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Posts posted by enlightener

  1. Chandler: A couple years ago this guy was running great routes, creating separation and making plays..usually in chunks of 12-15 yards. I know he's coming off of an ACL, but he's playing scared. Maybe I'm overreacting, but the play that sticks out was this past week where he caught the ball in the flats and rather than turning it up field, he turned, saw the defenders and curled up in a ball. I think he had another drop down the seam , in traffic, which again leads to the fear.


    Graham: We draft Goodwyn...Graham steps up his game in camp...Goodwyn goes down...Graham is unseen.


    Bring on...


    Grag...They drafted him as a receiving TE, but he showed, in pre-season, he can block too. This week’s match up seems to lend to the fact we're gonna need both, without having to sub Chandler and Smith in and out. Let's see what the kids got in live action.


    Easley...He's big, showed up well in pre-season and can't be any less visible than Graham...right?

    your confusing players with play calling. If a guy is the second or third read and never gets targeted its the QB's fault hes "unseen" there are only one or two guys a game who will ever be big producers. Maybe next week its graham or chandler and not SJ and CJ. Theres only one ball. Easley doesn't even line up on offense. Maybe this is why hes "unseen"

  2. This. I loved todays ending as much as everyone else did, but it is just ONE game. Just like the win over the Patriots in 2011 was, and just like the win over Oakland in 2008 was. In fact I wasn't as impressed with Manuel as everyone else seems to be. He checked down a lot today and stares down his receivers at times . The drive to end the game was great though.

    wrong, he was great, he checked down because that was the defense and he also throw passes that trent wouldn't throw in even in his third season. he went to the right guy almost every time.
  3. just rewatched too heres my take on some players Mario- tried hard on every play but if it was a run WAS WAY OUT OF POSITION AND DIDNT DO ****. SJ- his TD was actually a great catch, his drop was a "tough" catch ( it really was) and most of you know im no SJ homer. CJ ran like total garbage in the second half...picking the wrong whole every time and going down like a parapalegic the moment he was touched. Leodis who was spectacular after watching the reviews, ya he held a guy or two but he also was like glue and often just played great, his punt return was as dumb as his fumble long ago vs new England. but he never was accused of being a genius. and finally EJ- who was better than his numbers showed. He looked downfield first, looked off DB's and made touch throws and no picks. His last throw was his biggest mistake going for 5 yards on third and lose-the -game if you give it back to Brady. I don't know why he went Kelly Holcomb on that last pass of his. All n all we had a good game if only CJ can learn to look for a hole before he goes into 5th gear. Is he a Fing moron or something??

  4. It may be a retread but this last game just highlights the fact that the Bills think too much of this kid. His presence on the field was in no way a threat. He got an end around took it for 5 yds and took a return for 19 yards. I'd be interested to know how many plays he was on the field for since he disappeared outside of these two plays. I for one have never cared for him as a receiver. He is not physical at the line and gets jammed easily. I would much rather see Easley or Goodwin get more reps as starters than TJ.

    hi I watch one game and two plays and draw a conclusion about someones entire future...Im mclem06. I guess CJ sucks balls too since he got 3.3 per carry in that game. Try waiting until he gets targeted more than 0 times a game and see what he can do...his speed is a fact, not your opinion.

  5. what I kept seeing was a HOF qb with a good line barely making great throws to a great WR who made even better catches, just as he got laid on hi a$$. We were good on D but Marcia was just better. I even heard Mario coming off the field a few times saying "MARCIA MARCIA MARCIA!" true story.

  6. well said.


    He should have caught it. Yes. Did it cost is the game? Yes. But he also had a very nice TD and there were plenty of other mistakes by other players that could have won the game for us as well.


    At the end of the day, you've gotta catch that ball, but I'm not going to lynch him because of it.

    the difference is that with all those other mistakes we were at a point where if we convert a 3rd down, we most likely win. We went to SJ and he cant make a 5 yard catch when It matters. He isn't clutch and this is another example. his early TD was great, but I want a guy who makes a bunch of great catches in a day, not 3 slants and a game losing drop at the end. Norwood wasn't the only reason we lost SB25 but clutch is clutch and a choke is a choke.
  7. I agree except for few plays that happen every game. The DT's were quiet. Kyle had a sack, Dareus made one nice crushing run stop.

    Today The Bills gave up 10 more yards running, than their 2012 average. I don't see the killer play this line should be playing at. Maybe next week.


    Kiko is the least of the D's problems. Leonard was serviceable but looked winded in the 4th. 3 and outs will do that.

    the yards per game last year were an average of games where we gave up 100 yards and games we gave up 300. so its not a big deal to surrender a lot to the pats, when in truth, it was a winded late game D that gave up the two big runs after about 3 3 and outs in a row from our crappy O.

  8. I thought Kiko was good but we surely did not stop the run. That was probably the most disappointing element of our defense's performance.

    we did for many plays, they had some negative plays too, then when it was the late 3rd or 4rth quarter, they broke 2 long ones. We had 4 three and outs on O, so of course we gave up some runs, its the fault of the offense. the pats had around150 yards total with those two long runs, its not bad at all.

  9. Funny I remember when SJ dropped one in green bay when he was a nobody and everyone ripped him...then for 3 years everyone sings his praises, I said he kinda sucks this preseason and has bad hands and get ridiculed as a troll etc. So which is it? is SJ great? does he suck? or is he average? I think the latter. thanks hipocrites for finally getting on board. SJ doesn't suck, the pass was a little more difficult than it looked but no one was even near him and it could have won the game.....SJ isn't clutch that's for sure.

  10. I think Chan might've been on to something about C.J. He hasn't looked good in his games last year as an "every down" back, and he looked pretty rough today. Maybe he was utilized best backing up Freddy and being the second punch to break the opposing defense.


    Did Marrone buy into the hype a little too much? He barely used Fred when the guy was tearing it up. Basically a reverse Chan.

    cj looks like hes always about to fall over, when he gets hit he goes backwards, he drags no one forward for extra yards, he fumbles a lot. I think he kind of sucks if hes not used in space or as a screen/ 3rd down back.

  11. Leodis played a great game today. This defensive backfield could be stellar once Gilmore comes back. For all of the Leodis haters on this board, you were all wrong.


    And for those that anointed Kiko the next great player, he was invisible all day today. He got chewed up by the Pats line. The run defense was horrendous.

    wow we stopped the run all day. we had some lapses when a tired D who got no rest due to constant 3 and outs let a few long runs go, but the D was great. maybe you forgot last year where every run was a huge gain... Kiko I saw in on a lot of plays. your post is completely wrong aside from mckelvin being good , he was. maybe watch the game again.

  12. Bad teams lose a lot of close ones. Until we start winning these regardless of the opponent reputation,the playoff drought will continue. That being said its too early to know what kind of team is wearing Bills laundry right now..

    so if I get angry with a close game where we lose by a fg and have no time left to a playoff team, the bills will play better? also buy a new camera its not 1980 anymore.
  13. I'm a little confused. If SJ gets very few YAC and only runs short routes - then how in the world did he get over 1000 yds?

    well its real simple....its called 12 ypc, so if he runs a 7 yard route and gets dragged down after whole nother 5 yards, that's 12 yards. Are you stil confused billsfan? 12 ypc is far from the kind of yac that gets you a decent ypc say something over 14-19 ypc....the type of number a gamebreaker would have,

  14. So every single screen pass to CJ that he took for 40 yards means Fitz threw every yard of those too right?


    Apparently yards after catch mean nothing.

    sj had very few yac last season, and he doesn't catch screens like CJ does so the comparison is off, and some of fitz long balls were actually overthrown past SJ, had he been faster he may have caught a few. maybe an INT or two could be blamed on a bad route by SJ too, who knows, but you cant say SJ earned all those yards and then say Fitz doesn't deserve credit because they were 10 yarders. SJ only runs short routes anyways so whats fitz supposed to have done?

  15. umm ya we should replace D coordinators or HC's first and then see....oh wait we did that. who would vote yes and remove a pro bowler and first round prototype DT??? it wasn't there fault the d sucked. It was also horrible linebackers....did the OP not read my post on the history of LB's this last decade??? what a joke they have been. 4 years of kieth elisson, poz the only high round pick, constant retreads like kawika, Barnett, Morrison, torbor. oh and Kelsey and spencer Johnson actually played the position for 1 of those years.


    Hallelujah! Amen!


    After seeing the Bills get shredded on the ground against the Skins in the 3rd preseason game, minus their star running QB [RGIII], you have to start questioning if the Bills have the right players at DT.

    don't think either one played in that game



    Fans bashing Stevie is hilarious. I loved everything about Fitz except his ability to throw. For SJ to get over 1,000 yards with a guy who struggled to throw past 10 yards (and not go TO all over Fitz) is amazing. SJ gets open on every play & it's a shame fans put the team frustrations on the few really good players we have.

    whos bashing? Sj only runs 7 yard slants anyway.... simply stating facts, like how you state fitz sucked but that SJ's yards were some kind of gift from above. LOL how some fans try to play both sides. Fitz threw every yard of SJ's glorious 1000, lets see now, how EJ decides other WR's are better and throws to them instead. Will you cry for SJ when he becomes another has been?


    Agree. The big cat and the enlightener get a little emotional whenever SJ is brought up in a thread. Just some major league hating all around.


    SJ is money....and so is his attitude. Love the pats can't guard me talk.

    "money" would be a guy who wins games, neither SJ or Fitz were money. I call it like it is, I know sj has moves, its nice and all to watch. He is slow and cant be relied upon in the clutch, maybe this year woods Easley or even Goodwin will emerge as a true go to guy.

  17. Agree on all parts Dan. He know's he's not the faster player out there or even the best (in some cases) but he's really a breathe of fresh air. I don't care if he runs his mouth if his play backs it up and thus far, he's been doing a good job of doing that.

    which part is the breath of fresh air?? the drops...the penalties...the hammstring...the lack of deep route ability? this is all stale to me. I like SJ, he was all we had to look forward to 3 years ago when this team had almost no one with talent. But that was 3 years ago. SJ may be the 3rd best wr on the roster now, maybe. He needs to do more than squeak out 1000 yards and drop a game winner for me to be impressed. Now that we have actual speed and skill at wr, he will descend to his destiny, a competent #2.

  18. Zero second-level blocking.


    But hey, at least we didn't overpay for a guard! We win the Salary Bowl, congratulations are in order.

    but I don't see our rbs getting even close to breaking past the dline. I also agree spiller wont be getting 6.0 if hes our primary back. Personally id like to see him taken out on short yardage all together. especially goalline, this is freds domain. Most of you have balmed this on levitre but with 4 returning starters and two sides to run to I don't see him as the reason. the plays just look lame. Hand off, run up middle. repeat. Wow!

  19. Somebody needs to make the case for why Hogan should be kept over the game-breaking potential of Easley and Rogers. If your answer is "possession receiver" the Bills already have that in Stevie, Woods, and Chandler. I just don't see it.

    oh I caught you here eball, you ripped me and my post on SJ being average, then you call him a possession receiver, just letting you know.

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