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Posts posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. I know it's Pro Football Talk, but in this rare instance, it make sense:


    "Coaches who think they’ll possibly be in line for one of the many looming coaching vacancies are commencing the process of lining up potential coaching staffs while preparing for the final game of the regular season. And that necessarily creates distractions for assistant coaches who are currently working for playoff teams, since they’ll be among the most desirable candidates for jobs.

    For example, in Denver we’re told that offensive coordinator Mike McCoy and defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio are each getting their ducks in a row, in the event that they are asked to interview for jobs during the upcoming bye week (if, of course, the Broncos earn a bye).

    In Cincinnati, the same thing is happening with offensive coordinator Jay Gruden and defensive coordinator Mike Zimmer. The earliest they’ll be available to interview, however, would be after wild-card weekend.

    This creates a current land rush for potential assistant coaches to be hired by the potential head coaches, and it likewise creates a dilemma for the potential assistant coaches, who will be pulled in different directions and forced to prioritize (assuming they’re even being completely honest) about where they will go if a certain assistant gets hired as a head coach in a certain city.

    The end result is that it all becomes a mess — and the mess is bigger than usual this year, since there’s a belief that 10 or more jobs could come open."


    .....so as we can see, any coaching/GM changes that the Bills are going to make won't be done in a vacuum. I'm not arguing for or against firing Gailey/Nix, but it looks like things will be more chaotic than they have been in years. At least the offseason is going to be interesting!


    Interesting post. Something to keep in mind in the next couple weeks. As far as the off season being interesting? At least we can finally watch something that is interesting for once.

  2. Not know how to stretch the field? Or does not have a qb that can therefore doesn't attempt to....


    I imagine if the packers were running his offense it would look a whole lot different than it does now.


    Undoubtedly would be better to have a QB who can stretch the field. Still, I am referring to Gailey's ability to stretch the field. In his so called "spread" of an offense he does a very poo job of using 53 1/3 yards of the field. He often condenses play with formation and scheme and allows for the defense to not have to cover the entire width of the field. This limits the potential of the offense...


    In case anyone is interested in an example, on Sunday watch any screen the Bills run. They often waste yards, catching the Ball 5 yards behind the LOS. This is hidden yardage the Bills are often giving up in their offense scheme and rarely noticed by on lookers, but imagine the true potential if we can really get our play makers into true 'space'.


    ** meant to say poor. but poo also does an adequate job of addressing his offensive scheme.

  3. Kelce emerged as a top target for the Bearcats this season. He is of good stature (6'6 260lbs) and athletic ability. Good speed and movement to get open and a top receiving TE in this years draft. I wouldn't mind the Bills taking Kelce if he falls to us in the middle rounds. He helped his stock tonight with 150+ receiving yards against Duke. He had 5 total receptions, including a game-winning 83 yard TD.



  4. Why don't we just use our 2nd round pick on Glennon when his name is Tyler Bray. Almost exactly the same skill set and physical attributes.....seriously, I will be really upset if the Bills pick Glennon in the 1st (especially if they are drafting 5-9 range).


    I say if Geno Smith is gone, then take the best defensive player available not named Manti Te'O.



  5. Levitre is probably going to command a big payday on the open market. It might be better to sign Byrd and franchise levitre


    The numbers to tag Levitre are ridiculous. He is a good player but giving him starting tackle money (9 mil) through a franchise tag is heavily overpaying him. Byrd's number for a tag is about 6 million, much more realistic for his ability.

  6. With Mario and Anderson hopefully filling our 3 down needs next season at DE, I'd like to take a shot at a project kid like Thomas. If you look at his physical ability, it appears limited. Not the fastest off the edge or the most physically gifted. However, he knows how to rush the passer and contains/compresses the football well. A good size for a 3-4 outside backer, hard work in the weight room can add 20 lean lbs to his frame making him a viable option as a pass rushing, 3rd down DE.


    Thomas' Pros:


    -hand placement


    -weight control


    -reliability in containing the edge/compression


    -shed ability/technically sound


    Thomas' Cons:


    -Not ideal speed off the edge


    -Currently undersized for DE (6'4 240)


    -A project transforming to 4-3 DE


    There are many needs for this Bills in this off season. I think picks like Thomas can add needed depth to a defense that has shown some good spurts but is unreliable. Given the right opportunity and coaching,With a good head on his shoulders, Thomas could be a defensive force the Bills can transform into a reliable and sound role player.

  7. I agree te'o along ND has been hyped all year long by ESPN, people comparing him to Ray lewis are on complete drugs they are no where near the same talent. He is one of the worst Linebackers I have ever seen try to shed blocks and this is at a COLLEGE LEVEL. He isn't even the best defender in his team and should be thankful for the D-line in front him. Espn does a good job hyping players come draft time can't wait...


    Thank you. I cannot stand the hype. Just wish people would do their own research and not buy into 'expert' opinions!

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