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Everything posted by Coastie

  1. I expect this game to be a knockdown, slobberknocker so this song is the mood I expect to be in on the 'morrow
  2. I saw he got a box from the Bills in last week's hype thread. Never saw what was in it... was it this awesome jacket perhaps?
  3. I have that sitting on the DVR to watch tomorrow as a warmup 🏈 I don't know but that good boy seems to be pretty judgemental of your drink selection.
  4. Lets ride Bills! Amazing Kyle, see you again in 2 weeks.
  5. Different time, different game, Anderson was 6th in yards when he retired, Rivers 5th. Very comparable.
  6. I would equate him to Kenny Anderson, great QB in his time that has been mostly forgotten. Gets HoF votes but not much chance of getting in. "Anderson was ranked 6th all-time for passing yards in a career at the time of his retirement."
  7. That has to enter my repertoire. I gave an actual snort out loud when I read it. I read it again and found it even funnier the second time.
  8. For me everything is context and intent. First time I heard it I knew it wasn't meant to imply followers of the Bills are engaging in extortion and murder. It is taking a hyperbolic and distorted view of what the Mafia has become in popular culture and mashing it up with fandom. And thus was born Bills Mafia, a rabid segment of the fanbase. Would not have been my first choice but I accept it was created with no ill will or bad intent and accept what it has become.
  9. I think the concept is the guests are normally sports writers from major sports cities. Riali usually rips them for being homers with many of their takes. Not the best show, I wish Riali had a better vehicle.
  10. I know right? It the winds caused their two missed FGs, what our kicker just missed his because he is incompetent?
  11. I have liked him ever since he was on PTI. I watch PTI less since he left and will catch around the horn if there is a sports story I have some interest in.
  12. I hadn't considered it until I saw this thread but in the guard one of the hand to hand strikes we learnt was the brachial stun. Our instructor always showed us the video that included on this link. Never had it done to me at full power but even at 50% it would cause wobbly legs and you had to have someone there to steady you. Sure looked more like concussion to me, especially after he was declared out for that reason. Its possible someone out there is reporting some wishful thinking that it was an inadvertent Brachial stun. https://martialartskills.com/brachial-stun/
  13. Aaron Jones URFA if I recall. Hate to pay a RB in this new NFL but I would so love to see him with Josh for a few years.
  14. I want the ball. I want to slam it downfield for 7 and make them see our taillights the entire game.
  15. I like teh Packers but would prefer they are not who we see in Tampa. Rodgers, Adams and Jones are a potent offense
  16. OMG, that was a 2 point conversio you save for the time it matters... like the playoffs
  17. His biggest weakness at Louisville and from what I have seen in the NFL is at times his ball will float. he overthrows receivers when he is uncomfortable and I hope we see that and we can get at least one of those.
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