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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. I'll be there. I emailed my friend who works for UB athletics and asked him about ticket sales. His response:


    [uCONN is only outselling us on paper. We’ve sold over 7,000 tickets, but many people did the end-around and went directly to Ticketmaster. So I would say the Buffalo contingent is closer to 13,000-15,000 tickets.
  2. A Syracuse TV station said the Holtz would be announced today as the new SU HC. Has anyone heard it yet?




    Just this article where SH denies it.




    Holtz said Sunday he has had no formal meetings with Syracuse and called an NFL Network report that he was to be introduced as the new coach Monday "inaccurate." Holtz, however, didn't rule out replacing the fired Greg Robinson.


    "I would like to have the opportunity to talk to (Syracuse AD) Daryl Gross," Holtz said. "But at this point, no, I'm not going through an interview process. I've made that very clear."

  3. I haven't decided yet, but I might take a week off, for my own mental state. Maybe I'll do something FUN with my Sunday instead of lining up to get kicked in the balls yet again. I will be back--it's too much a part of me--but I could use a break.


    I don't really enjoy feeling like a sucker and that's what if feels like lately trying to root for a team that does not seem to care at all. Losing with dignity is something I can handle but what this season has turned into is something else. There is currently zero entertainment value. Zero heart. The Buffalo Bills are making football feel like a dental appointment instead of something fun. Right now this organization does not deserve its fans and the fans definitely deserve something better.


    This sums up my feelings perfectly. I wish I could take a break but I know I can't. My appointment for the weekly kick to the nuts is set in stone.

  4. With as bad as this organization has performed for the past decade or so, we as Bills fans should be thrilled anyone in the national media even puts forth the effort to take a cheap shot at the Bills.

  5. no-where did I say they were stupid. Evil would be more apt, except i don't think they are willfully evil. they are simply ignorant and don't give a rat's ass about anything outside their own teeny-tiny little world.


    which, by the way, they can have. typically they lead the country in high school pregnancy, dropouts, family poverty and more. they are the first to scream for help when it's THEM and the first to scream AGAINST help for anyone else.


    seriously i just had to yuck it up a bit over hurricane ike. the people in houston were simply VILE over the katrina refugees. so was it just not divine intervention that houston got clobbered? maybe they'll be a little more understanding if it ever happens again.




    It's refreshing to see someone on PPP who forms their opinions only after carefully considering both sides of issues. You'd only be a partisan hack if you simply resorted to makng broad generalizations about people you don't agree with. Bravo!






  6. Sometimes the incredible tangents on this board drive me up a wall. Let's mention that UB - not so long ago worst team in Division 1-A, couldn't win a road game, couldn't win a home game, talked about going back to Division III - UB won their Division last night and clinched a bowl game.


    UB is going bowling!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?????????????


    Hats off to Turner Gill for trusting in his senior QB to audiblize and run a pro-style offense. If Willy gets drafted late - good on him. If he doesn't, he'll get a shot as a FA. But the story is - UB is going to a bowl game! Will wonders cease?



    Well said. I'm very proud of my alma mater today. Go UB!

  7. The amazing thing is the guy had wired the signs, had a yellow warning sign, had video cameras rolling and it looked like the kids parents may have been in the background encouraging the swap out of a Mccain banner to an Obama one.


    last night I was driving by one of the local pumpkin patches, place was closed for the evening. I noticed a SUV parked nearby with headlights pointed onto the patch. Out in the field was 2 kids maybe 6 and 8 and their parents grabbing up pumpkins. On the back of the SUV was a bumper sticker for McCain and one of those my student is an honor student stickers.


    looks like parents are setting great examples for their children.


    It may very well be that they were stealing the pumpkins. However, I do know that two pumpkin patches that I have been to in the Raleigh area with my kids over the years both had boxes where you could pay by the honor system if you showed up after hours.

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