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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. The guy who will parrot every excuse under the sun from MSM sources as to why JOE Biden isn't really suffering from cognitive decline....is lecturing others on what they should trust or shouldn't trust...


    The iron law of woke projection never misses!




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  2. 56 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    The plan has been in place for years. The goal is so much chaos that you beg the government to take all of our freedoms in order to save us. And then at that point we will be helpless as they move to control every aspect of our lives.


    It's a coordinated effort, you see the same exact things in every western society. It's communism without force which was the original goal of Fabian society. The great reset as it's now called. And nobody seems to care at this point which is the whole point of a slow methodical process rather than accomplishing it with a war or other violent uprising.



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  3. 30 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

    Seems a little extreme, but assuming you are correct you should not look to Rs or Ds for the answer. They are both playing you.


    No doubt they are. Republicans are awful too. Democrats and the extent to which marxists have taken over with them is just far, far worse.


    I can't remember who said it, but it captures my feelings on both parties closely.


    Republicans absolutely do not have the answers to most of the problems facing the country, but democrats by far are the cause of most of them.

  4. 14 hours ago, Big Blitz said:


    I haven’t seen you post anything factual that matters.  Not one stat.  Not one fact.  

    Lots of Trump memes tho.  

    You just deflect, ***t post, deflect, ***t post and pretty much do that 24/7.  


    I'm actually going to defend Billsfuk.c here.


    It's not that it refuses or closes its eyes to reality. It's that it and others like it truly CAN'T deal in reality.


    It is a demoralized useful idiot. The process of ideological subversion was completed long ago. Once complete,  it's irreversible. 


    It's next door neighbors could be slaughtered by illegal immigrants tomorrow and it still would be convinced its the fault of Republicans.


    The only reason to engage with it is if you enjoy wasting your time.


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  5. Hey Daz.


    I've made it abundantly clear:


    I have zero desire to engage with commies and useful idiots.


    You most definitely qualify as a useful idiot at bare minimum.


    Therefore you are out of my "bubble" because I will not waste time with commie useful idiots.


    Imagine that.


    Oh and ***** off too.



  6. 12 minutes ago, SydneyBillsFan said:

    Until recently, I was honestly unaware that the US was the only country on the planet to select all of its judges based on political affiliations. I thought that only applied to SCOTUS judges.


    That this corrupt, lying, race card-playing, buffet face-stuffing spiv of a DA can remain on the case is an embarrassment. And judge McAfee should hang his head in shame. I thought the US was better than this.


    America - you have a problem.


    We do.


    It's commies.


    They've played the decades long waiting game to bring us to the nonsense we witness on a daily basis today. It will take decades to root out the rot in government and institutions. 



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