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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Thanks Finding Qanon. Twisting itself into pretzels of useful idiocy. My God man, listen to yourself.
  2. Quack,MD is on my ignore list. Meanwhile, it responds to my posts where I refer to it as...Quack, MD. Go ahead everyone and feel free to refer to it as Quack, MD. Quack itself has given its blessing.
  3. Quack MD is the perfect poster child for Yuri Bezmenov's warnings about ideological subversion. You know that Quack has seen Trump's full comments by now. In plain english it's obvious that he was talking about an automotive industry bloodbath. Yet for Quack, MD where the process of ideological subversion has been complete for many years, it matters not. It knows that Trump was talking about a bloodbath among the American populace, even though it is clear he was not. It believes this because it is fully demoralized. This state is absolutely irreversible. Quack MD and those like it will live out the rest of their days under a green sky alternate reality.
  4. It very well may be already done. But four more years? Forget it. It's over.
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