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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. On 3/26/2024 at 2:09 PM, 4th&long said:

    No worries. I don’t and won’t vote. I didn’t even start paying attention to politics till trump became president. I’m not going to argue who is a better candidate. It’s not like you have many choices who to vote for. Comparing trump and Biden is like comparing a wet fart to a turd.


     My brother is an extreme right winger and he started talking to me about it back when trump was elected.


    Do you vote in local elections?

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    I'm not at all excited by the prospects of  Trump 2.0 but I can't imagine any scenario where another 4 years of Trump could be more damaging than another 4 years of Biden.

    I'm baffled exactly what Joe's done that is worthy of support.  This adminitration has excelled at destroying our society and culture.  


    Four more years of Biden and we are done with the country as we once knew it.


    Trump wins and you will see widespread violence from the left that will make the summer of 2020 riots look like child's play, and that's before they take Trump out.



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  3. This story, which was used as the impetus to not only bulk censor the Hunter laptop story everywhere on the internet and social media, but to then LOCK the account of the NY Post on Twitter and elsewhere, is STILL up on the Politico website with no updates or corrections.


    It should tell all non useful idiots everything they need to know about what sources they should completely dismiss before then considering what ones MIGHT be worthy of placing trust in.


    Newsflash useful idiots, even the WaPo, NYT and CBS news have acknowledged that Hunter's laptop always was authentic, even if they did so buried in paragraph twenty six.



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. Just now, Big Blitz said:

    Does Axios have a Twitter account? 

    Do I follow it?


    Do I follow Joe Rogan and Jessie Kelly?  

    Do I follow Julie Kelly?  

    Do I follow The NY Times?


    Do I follow Bill Maher and Jake Tapper?  

    All on Twitter. 


    Can I then think, question, and research?  

    Why, yes.  Yes I do follow them and I can think and research.  




    This elitist pompous b.s. from libs and lib fake news organizations like Axios can all go F off this is why no one trusts or believes anything they say.   They are total hacks and liars reporting on almost nothing that actually matters to Americans and America cares about.  Only what they think is good for Democrats.  


    Axios is the absolute worst.  But, I need to know what the Maoists are spinning these days so I follow them.  

    I’m a Muske-teer after all.   

    I at least understand where rights come from.  

    Axios didn’t run a story on how MSNBC anchors do not - and they didn’t offer any of there usual “why this matters” to go with it.  


    I still remember when the King went on a rant about The Federalist, and finished it by linking to Axios.





    • Haha (+1) 2
  5. 58 minutes ago, Doc said:

    "Forced-birthers"?  WTF?


     Control language and control thoughts. A pillar of cultural Marxism.  From riots called "mostly peaceful protests" to illegal aliens called "undocumented americans" and everything in between.  


    Never, ever use the language or accept new definitions that the commie demands.




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