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Posts posted by bigK14094

  1. 19 hours ago, Rigotz said:

    An unlikely, but nightmare scenario would be KC trading future picks for another stud WR, then using their picks and $11M for more O-Line and D-Line.

    But, they could get Sammy Watkins back again..:)

    16 hours ago, CSBill said:

    I still think Watson will end up in New England. Bill B knows Jones is not going to get it done for him. He won’t sit on his hands hoping something good happens. Yes, D. Watson to NE could very well happen. 

    Jones will get another year....imho.  Maybe even 2.  He did pretty well as a rookie.  

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  2. A successful vet makes sense to me.  Somebody who can contribute to the weekly conversation.  Someone who can win a couple while Josh might be out.  Barkley might still be around, he knows he is a backup.  Fitz would work but would want more money than bills want to pay.  On the other hand, it might make a last chance for Fitz to get a ring, and he might take a "ring chance" discount.  That would work, and he has the teammate skills and knowledge.  I  think Fitz would be great in the role.  Of course ,we know Fitz won't get us to the SB, but, he might be a link in the chain for a few weeks.

  3. 5 hours ago, The 9 Isles said:

    Bill introduced to eliminate tax subsidy for pro sports stadiums


    “Super-rich sports team owners like Dan Snyder do not need federal support to build their stadiums, and taxpayers should not be forced to fund them,” Beyer said in a statement. “Billionaire owners who need cash can borrow from the market like any other business.”


    more complications. 

    About half the revenue the NFL  generates goes to players......so tarring the billionaire owners is a half  truth....need to say  "billionaire owners and multimillionaire players"

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  4. 20 minutes ago, PetermansRedemption said:

    Still blows my mind that because Star opted out the Bills are stuck with the contract for an extra year. Should have been a team option to cut a year off the contract if the player opted out. 

    That is the kind of thing a union negotiates...get  used to it in the NFL.  Management and players are on opposite sides of the table.

  5. 1.  Early 60's  (yeh, I'm 76)

    2-3  Early memories...ok!...attended a game at the rockpile...my Dad got the company tickets...I saw Mr Wilson with dark hair. (63 I  think)  I was there the day Jack Kemp was on the bench in favor of Tom Flores but  came in in relief.  His first pass was about 60 yards for a TD to Duby.  He walked off cool as can  be, never raised an arm or jumped up and down.  Other early memory was from Ft Polk La, I was there during the Vietnam buildup in 68, I was watching the Bills on a b/w Tv in the corner of the USO club as all the big city boys got the color TV's for their games.  Dan Daraugh was the QB, the Bills were bad.....but got to draft OJ with the pick the next year.  I was at the big comeback game against the Oilers  with Frank Reich leading the way.  Some folks left, but not me.  I had 4 tickets, took my wife and aunt, and had one I could not give away. (really)  I saw Jim Kelly the day he visited Mr Wilson's box, he was playing for Houston or NJ in the other startup pro league at that time.  I knew then he was coming to Buffalo.  The papers didn't cover his visit as I recall.

    4.Fav's   today JA    yesteryear: I guess Cookie Gilchrist who ran through people.  Jim Brown like, but he only played for the Bills for maybe 3 years.  the Bills have no modern day equivalent.  

    5 I am bigK because....I am big!

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  6. 14 hours ago, Victory Formation said:

    I mean, if you can’t get production out of two 1st round picks and a 2nd round pick at DE, I don’t know what to tell you. Fans are predicting that we take yet another EDGE. 

    Seems to me like Buffalo has had a hard time developing their front seven talent, outside of Milano and Oliver perhaps.


    Whose fault is it? McD? Frazier? Washington? How is this “Cesaire” guy getting a new gig?

    The coaching, imho, is to "system" oriented, and doesn't focus on individual skills/moves.  "do your job", don't freelance...that is the matra...and they believe it.  Results have been good system wide, but, perhaps supresses individual skill development.  Just thinkin

  7. 17 hours ago, 2020 Our Year For Sure said:

    Our run game was so good back then people were clutching their pearls over Beanedermott tearing it up and modernizing the offense. We were probably the best running team in the league.

    Roman was a big part of that success.  However, Kromer is good goods as a coach, and glad to see him back in Buffalo.

  8. 7 hours ago, st pete gogolak said:

    It's going to happen.  The Flores lawsuit guarantees it.

    Maybe there will be a quota system for management position.  And, maybe a players quota as well.  That knife would cut in reverse for folks of color. (see Bakke vs Univ of California)

  9. 53 minutes ago, eball said:


    And by the way, if ANY of you go see his stupid movie I'll personally come to your house and whoop your ass.

    A friend said the movie was good if you like sports stories.  He also recommended King Richard...the Williams girls story  (that is  tennis for you football only geeks)

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  10. Although they are a business (the NFL), they don't control the firing in each teams organizations.  So, the NFL doesn't have the leverage to force a hire.  And, any "forced" or incentivized hiring would/could bring other lawsuits.  The is going to be i nteresting to watch, I know for sure that the courts are not smart enough to figure it out.  And, its a long way to go to force a team sale......owners who want to sell are not frequent.  Boncs on the block now, and more than one for sale might depress the price.  Not looking for forced selling to happen any time soon or ever.

    Just now, bigK14094 said:

    Although they are a business (the NFL), they don't control the firing in each teams organizations.  So, the NFL doesn't have the leverage to force a hire.  And, any "forced" or incentivized hiring would/could bring other lawsuits.  The is going to be i nteresting to watch, I know for sure that the courts are not smart enough to figure it out.  And, its a long way to go to force a team sale......owners who want to sell are not frequent.  Boncs on the block now, and more than one for sale might depress the price.  Not looking for forced selling to happen any time soon or ever.

    And, if there is a quota in management, perhaps there should be a quota in the player ranks.  Then the NFL can get reverse discrimination lawsuits.  (see Bakke vs the Univ of Calfornia)

  11. Flores needs to understand, that as soon as Schoen went to the Giants as GM, that Daboll was likely going to be his choice as long as he could  get the ownership group to agree.  That , in fact, might have been part of the dialog before Schoen even agreed to go there.  Above all else, hiring authority hires people they are comfortable with to do the job they are filling.  No super interview was going to break that chain of events imho.  Its not racial, although some would say it is, its the Giants trying to bring some of the Bills DNA by taking a big bite.  (four guys so far at my count)   Flores got released in Miami for whatever reason, he had a contract, I am sure it will be paid out.  Outside of the contract, its employment at will on the part of the ownership of any franchise. (the money talks)   If Flores thinks there should be a quota on management positions  in football, one could argue there should also be a quota on the distribution of races in the player ranks.   That might or might not produce the best quality of football as an entertainment product and could impact the revenue of the league in undertermined ways.  Personally, I am a fan for the football game itself and would hate to see quality play suffer if less qualified players were kept on roster for non football reasons.                                               


  12. 3 hours ago, jimmy10 said:

    Three years if he’s lucky. My Giants fan buddies think that organization is so f’d up, he’ll be lucky to last two. 

    Yeh, but with a good agent he can collect his 5-6 mil for 5 y ears.w total on the Giants contract.  Take a year or two off, or the rest of his life for that matter.

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