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Posts posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. http://www.nypost.co...w7pDf7AZ3RO9qnM


    "There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after all. The massive cache of almost 400,000 Iraq war documents released by the WikiLeaks Web site revealed that small amounts of chemical weapons were found in Iraq and continued to surface for years after the 2003 US invasion, Wired magazine reported. The documents showed that US troops continued to find chemical weapons and labs for years after the invasion, including remnants of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons arsenal -- most of which had been destroyed following the Gulf War.

    In August 2004, American troops were able to buy containers from locals of what they thought was liquid sulfur mustard, a blister agent, the documents revealed. The chemicals were triple-sealed and taken to a secure site.

    Also in 2004, troops discovered a chemical lab in a house in Fallujah during a battle with insurgents. A chemical cache was also found in the city. "


    hehe, not surprised you picked this article. Okay, there were some and it's also not surprising that locals had remnants.


    I'm really curious how many mulligans you're willing to give General Powell, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi, etc. for basing their initial support on the intelligence given to them at the time?

  2. wow... I thought this was a thread about PBOs use of a tele, but find a bunch of crap posted about other POTUS use of it...


    gee, I thought this thread was about who will win (and maybe some opinions about why), but find a bunch of crap about teleprompters...

  3. Umm, I beg to differ. pro hace vice says that, if there's an MA licensed attorney on the docket, another attorney (that she-devil ) can appear before the federal court in MA, regardless if that person is licensed in MA or not.


    The real issue is probably whether she's allowed to use her law school address to practice law. That being the cases she is doing real work on, which given the detail in jacobson's post, wasn't a lot.


    I don't mean to infer that Edubya didn't do much work for Travelers, etc. More about it wasn't a lot of cases she'd worked on, in the years he pulled data for.


    Based on the personal opinion from the GC of the Boston bar, it might appear that the answer is - what she is using her office for is probably ok for now, as long as she doesn't take a caseload.

  4. "Umm...I don't know much about polling...because I'm too damn lazy to click on informational links posted to me...but duuuude...you sound brainwashed too!"

    I'll admit, when I see a link posted as being Breitbart.com, hughhewitt.com, and the like, I don't bother looking at them, just like I'm sure you do the same when it's HuffPost or MSNBC. If you want to convince people (in this case those commie brainwashed libs), maybe try a less biased source. Just sayin'...

  5. No way these guys will be back for this sunday. The other day they had mentioned that they haven't even been fitted for the new nike uniforms. I can see a deal getting done right away, but them not getting on the field right away.


    in Mort's vid on ESPN, the last thing he says is one of the officials involved in the negotiations told him that fitting the new Nike uniforms would be "kinda silly" as a reason why they wouldn't be ready this weekend...

  6. For the rather obvious reason that the function is to suppress the GOP turnout


    the dems might lose some also (as you suggest) but a lower turnout certainly favors the incumbent


    You are looking at it one sided, you have to see this.....................your posts show that you are both too intelligent not to







    maybe, but seems like it would work against the incumbent. I think you'd agree that rather than liking Romney as a candidate, many registered republicans and probably more than a few indies will vote for him because they hate Obama and will do just about anything to get him out of the WH. So, if I desperately want to oust the sitting president, I'm gonna make sure my vote counts. But maybe that's not the case...

  7. If the media is so obviously in the President's corner (and I'm not disagreeing entirely), and if they are cooking the books so to speak, why would they propagate an illusion of Obama gaining? Wouldn't it be more effective to make it look as if it's a dead heat to assure that every supporter votes?

    this is the part I don't get. If all the pollsters (except Rasmussen) and media are in the tank for Obama, wouldn't that suppress voter turnout for the President, since he's already winning by such a large margin in the polls?

  8. Yes, I understand that. But the blog post implies that she's violating MA law by practicing without a license.


    the general counsel for the Boston Board of Bar Overseers doesn't see it that way


    Rule 5.5 of the Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct states that an attorney cannot, without a license to practice in Massachusetts, “establish an office or other systematic and continuous presence in this jurisdiction for the practice of law.” It also states an attorney cannot, without a license, “hold out to the public or otherwise represent that the lawyer is admitted to practice law in this jurisdiction.”


    Michael Fredrickson, general counsel for the BBO, says he does not believe a law professor would be considered to have “a continuous presence” or “an office practicing law.”

    “If they actually practice here – as some part-time law professors at some of the smaller schools do – they might,” Fredrickson says. “But being a professor at one of the large schools, their office is a professor’s office, and the fact that they tend to dabble in the practice of law doesn’t run afoul of our rule. I don’t think Elizabeth Warren would fall within that, such that she would have to register here.”

  9. Not that I want to stick up for this idiot, but practicing law before a federal court is not the same thing as practicing law before a state court. I only skimmed the latter half of the article, but nothing I saw suggested she was practicing law in a Massachussets state court.

    Except the whole "She's practicing law in Massachusetts without a license" tone of the post. That does kind-of suggest that maybe she was.

    one more time, the cases listed in the article are federal, so she can participate as pro hac vice.

  10. Why does anyone have a problem with Romney amending his taxes to fulfill his promise of not paying less than 13%? If only everyone would follow through with what they say.

    because it butts heads with the earlier statement that if he paid more taxes than he was legally supposed to, he shouldn't be running for office, and feeds the impression that he has no core

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