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Posts posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. Point of note: weren't the CDS's unregulated to begin with? How do you further deregulate something that is unregulated?


    And I know that lender regulations that existed weren't even followed - RESPA violations by lenders were the rule, not the exception (still are, in fact - even though the regulations are tighter, they're still not enforced).

    you're absolutely right, CDSs were unregulated when they were created and the banks fought hard (and won) to keep them that way.


    Question: did you happen to read Fool's Gold by Gillian Tett? It's a pretty good history on the meltdown.

  2. from your link


    UPDATE: A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.


    Pentagon Lt. Col. Chris Hughes told the outlet: “The ambassador and RSO (Regional Security Officer) have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB (American Embassy) Cairo.”



    Tom Donilon is a buffoon with NO business or qualifications to be the NSA (I wrote NSC earlier in a typo). Therefore reports that Marine Security Guards were not allowed to carry loaded weapons in a somewhat hostile country on the anniversary of 9/11 is that much nore troubling. Before you try to flame me, I know MSG's work for the State Dept and that it is the ambassador's discretion, but seriously...WTF?


    BTW, you know all those top secret leaks that came out of the White House? Bet the farm it was Dolilon.

    well, he certainly has little or no national security experience on his resume, so no argument from me. My point was a single source with zero detail and confirmation (yet) wasn't worth getting excited about and the report about missing intelligence briefings was debunked.

  4. Explain this Barry. No warning to their our people on the ground in Libya? What a sham he is. He has got to go. And how come it's the UK press that breaks this story?



    I'm not saying this is false information, but there's no other source that I can find about the 48 hour warning; every site references the Independent, and that consists of a single sentence with no details. Maybe wait and see if there's any confirmation or further info...


    You really can't blame Obama for not knowing about this...he hadn't attended any intelligence briefings in over a week.

    6 months now, and counting...


    umm no

  5. Just because someone like Millbank explains that "this is just the way things are done by Clinton and Obama" doesn't necessarily make it the right thing to do.


    The Middle East is on fire. Four Americans were killed on the anniversary of 9/11 because no one in DC was prepared for the attacks. Maybe, y'know, he should have some meetings with people. Face to face. Hear what is happening as it's happening as opposed to, y'know, reading a piece of paper. Seems to me you might want to cover your bases on the anniversary of 9/11.


    Unless you're somehow under the impression that having four Americans murdered in a coordinated terrorist plot is, y'know, not that big a deal and something we can review on a Blackberry. In which case, you're absolutely correct.

    let's say that "chatter" on the intelligence front indicated that militants were planning something to avenge the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi. The NSA, CIA, and National Security Advisor can't get the attention of the president to take action in a written brief? Pretty big leap of faith.


    More likely they didn't know or didn't read the signs. Blame our national security team for having their head up their ass, but saying that face-to-face meetings would have made a difference is pure conjecture on your part.

  6. Apparently Obama has no need for regular intel briefings.





    Holy smokes.

    except that there's no longer daily in-person briefings


    In reality, Obama didn’t “attend” these meetings, because there were no meetings to attend: The oral briefings had been mostly replaced by daily exchanges in which Obama reads the materials and poses written questions and comments to intelligence officials. This is how it was done in the Clinton administration, before Bush decided he would prefer to read less.


    verified by the Press Secretary

  7. They stashed him, circumventing the rules. But we really can't complain, because we very likely did the exact same thing with Zebrie Sanders.

    ya, for sure, but how is that circumventing the rules? every time a rookie gets a serious injury and the team IRs him at the cutdown?

  8. Rookie speedster Jeff Demps goes to IR and can't be recalled


    Bill Belichick clarified Demps' standing on the roster, noting that he is not eligible for the new short-term injured reserve category that will allow one player per team to return during the season. The Patriots would have had to keep Demps on the 53-man roster through Tuesday for him to be eligible for that category.
  9. There's no mention of Brooks now, wouldn't exclude it may have been there. Bills Daily is generally a bit careless about details. For example it's reported that Tarvaris Jackson threw two interceptions, which is not correct, it was one interception.

    BillsDaily home page


    Ron Brooks, Erik Pears, Mark Anderson and Kyle Williams did not play but will all be available for the season opener against the Jets.
  10. This is where is gets strange. The last sentence of that blog is:


    That clears up some of it for me, but raises even more questions.


    It seems to me that he was released before the season began for both injury and salary cap reasons. I supposed the team could argue that it was neither, because he wasn't on the sidelines injured, or they were not up against the cap. But in reality, that's exactly what happened. And it seems to me it would be very strange wording in a contract to make it guaranteed IF he got hurt.


    It's possible, because of that angle, that they didn't want to risk the 4 million. It seems a bit strange. Does anyone remember a contract signed like that? I'm not saying he did, but perhaps Tim got it wrong and it should have said the 3 mil was guaranteed if he wasn't released because of injury or cap reasons. Interesting...


    Seems like TG has misinterrepted the contract from the get go.. Here's his ESPN column in 2011


    Merriman has some interesting language for 2012 also tied to last year's Achilles injury. His base salary will be $4 million regardless.


    The minute he's cleared to practice -- even if it's a month from now -- $3 million of his 2012 salary becomes fully guaranteed whether he's on the roster or not.


    Of course, he would need to remain with the team to pick up his $1 million roster bonus and $250,000 workout bonus for 2012.


    That means only $2.25 million of his contract ($1 million of his 2012 base salary, $1 million roster bonus and $225,000 workout bonus) is not tied to the injury he's currently recovering from -- not any future injuries.

  11. Let's see: The last three years average:


    Percy Harvin:

    15 games

    73 receptions

    875 yards

    6 touchdowns

    -also had 4 return TDs and 2 rushing TDs


    Stevie Johnson:

    12 games

    53 receptions

    696 yards

    5.6 Touchdowns


    Like someone else said, might wanna look up the stats before you make factly statements


    here's a factly statement:


    Receiving: Stevie Johnson - 76 rec, 1004 yds, 7 tds

    Receiving: Percy Harvin - 87 rec, 967 yds, 6 tds

  12. A quick tip. If you really want to see a D&C article or any paper's site and you have used up all the free articles, go to google news and search the article's title. For some reason, when you get a link through google news it won't stop you from reading the article. I use it all the time to read stuff on the New York times and it seems to work for the D&C as well.

    great tip poo! On my ipad (safari), I clicked a D&C link off TBD, and I got the expected message, hope you've enjoyed your complimentary access, blah, blah, blah. Then googled the article, and it says I have 1 more free view. Repeating the process a couple more times with different articles gives me the same, 1 more free view. I'll take it!

  13. I don't know if Graham reported it, but I heard some of the John Murphy Show yesterday and he said he asked Buddy if they had an interest in Evans, and Buddy just had one word - No.


    Ok, now I can't find it. Maybe it was a tweet. Basically, it was reported that somebody asked Nix if he had any interest in bringing back Evans and he gave a one word response: "No." Sorry for the misleading link info.

    looks like bbb has it right, but you were correct about Nix...

  14. Tim Graham reported Nix has already said "no" to the prospect of bringing Evans back. Check the "press coverage" blog on the Buff News site.


    End of story.

    umm, maybe it's me, but I can't find any mention of Nix and Lee Evans on the Press Coverage blog. TG posts about FredEx, starts a poll (and talks about the results), but nothing about Nix. Where does the GM say no?

  15. from CBS Sports


    2. Will the Bills be able to rush the passer without blitzing?

    Dave Wannstedt is the new defensive coordinator and he likes to get after opposing quarterbacks without blitzing, if at all possible. Mario Williams is playing on the left side and will see slide protection all the time. Right tackles can't handle him. Mark Anderson is on the right side and looked very explosive at practice. He will be single blocked by the left tackle and should be a 12-sack player this year opposite Williams. The real impressive part of the front four is the inside rushers. Marcel Dareus and Kyle Williams can both beat guards on their way to the QB. As Williams pointed out, "One of us is getting a single block inside and we have to win and I think we can."




    5. Can the defense match up with the spread offenses they face?

    The Bills' nickel defense means linebackers Kirk Morrison and Kelvin Sheppard leave and safety Bryan Scott enters at linebacker with either cornerback Terrence McGee or Leodis McKelvin. Some opponents will look at this adjustment as a dime defense with six defensive backs on the field and look to run the ball occasionally. The Bills' offense checked to the run a few times in practice against this personnel group and had some real success.

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