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Posts posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. They are far from controlling their own destiny - they still need a lot of help...


    From one of the threads over on Sabre Space (I am not verifying the exact accuracy of this post, but looking at it quickly it looks to be about right, so take it FWIW):


    ya, you're very right, wrong choice of words, they persevered thru certain death is closer to the truth

  2. whoa, the Sabres might actually control their own destiny into the playoffs. The Bruins and the Flyers both have 91 pts and had to lose and they both did! Sabres have 2 more games against the Habs and Bruins, and have to win both... :lol: :lol:

  3. Says who? You don't get rid of natural 40-goal scorers under 25 years old. Period. And don't give me the four #1 picks argument--it's likely that only 1 or 2 would ever pan out, and doubtful that either would be as good as TV has the potential to be (with a real #1 center).


    Briere's a nice player, but what will his game look like in a couple years. Same with Drury, although I can see him chugging along fine in his 30s. Soupy? No big loss IMO--Sekara's already showing signs that he can fill that role, maybe even better than Campbell.


    Older players tend to become...older players. Good young players tend to get better.


    What the Sabres need is a real #1 center, a physical D-man and a quality backup goalie to keep Miller from being worn down. Get rid of Max, Kotalek and use the #1 pick from San Jose as trade bait and the team could bounce back nicely next year.

    well, since the Sabres are out and the Flyers. Rangers, and Sharks are all playoff-bound with ex-Sabres contributing quite a bit, looks your argument doesn't hold much water. I still say I'd much rather have a Briere, Drury, and Campbell and 4 #1 picks in March and April 2008-2011 than a natural 40-goal scorer under 25!

  4. This, coming from a guy who's head is a cardboard box? :thumbsup:


    Keeping Drury, Briere and Soupy would have added at least $10 to the $46 million payroll. Even if you dump Max or Spacek to free up funds, you've still got Miller's contract coming up, which would offset the savings. This team can not carry a $56 million (top-5) payroll, no matter how much fans B word.

    what you're forgetting is that if they kept Drury and Briere, it's very likely they would never have been forced to pony up $10M for Vanek, so it's likely a wash. They might have lost Vanek in the process, but keeping Drury, Briere and Campbell would have resulted in a much better team for the same payroll.

  5. Drury...agreed to verbal 4 year $22 million. Sabres dallied around for 2 weeks as Drury went on a hot streak and risked injury as he led the Sabres to a 5-1 record by the time the front office came to him with a written contract. He said..no thanks..we'll talk later, as his stock continued to rise. The Sabres could have very well used that information of what Drury would sign for, and shopped around for prices on other potential free agents, or even shopped for a trade knowing they could commit a price on a contract to another club. Drury ends up signing for $7 mill per with NY.

    the way Drury explained it just after he signed with the NYR was that the team and him agreed during the 2007 season ($22M sounds about right) and was waiting for the Sabres to send him the final written version and the contract never came! CD interpreted that as they weren't serious, not that he wasn't willing to sign anymore for that figure. Maybe he was trying to spin it, but I'd be surprised if that was the case.

  6. this is pretty funny. The fans are wondering what the hold up is with getting LE extended when the man is under contract. There are so many different scenarios which could be playing out; waiting until the draft and seeing who/how much we pay a rookie WR, waiting till the season is underway and seeing how LE performs, waiting on the CBA outcome, ...you name it.


    The current Bills FO have also shown that they have no problem extending their star's contracts during the season (Peters, Schobel, etc.)


    You're in a hurry, but maybe the FO doesn't think we need to git 'r done so quickly. :thumbsup:

  7. All Trent had to do in the Dallas game was to NOT LOSE IT. The defense had the game won. JP would have won that game with NO PROBLEM. Against the Giants Trent Lost that game as well with his interceptions. "(how'd those other QB's do in those games?)" - THEY WON!!!!!! thats how they did. I do support the TEAM - SO FAR JP is PART of that team. WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT THE TEAM, THE ENTIRE TEAM - Not just a player. Especially one who hasn't shown all that much YET. :nana:

    IMO, the defensive coaching staff lost that game for the team by not taking away the sidelines in the final seconds, regardless of who was under center.

  8. Scott Burnside writes about Briere and Drury both coming on strong late in the season...


    If Drury was seen as the quiet leader in the Joe Sakic mold (Drury won a Cup with Sakic in Colorado), Briere was the yin to that yang -- emotional and explosively talented, the kind of player who could light it up at any given moment. In his past two seasons in Buffalo, Briere racked up 57 goals and 96 assists in 129 games. He added 34 points in 34 postseason games, numbers that garnered him a whopper eight-year, $52 million contract over the summer.
  9. The entire season of posts is gone ???

    Haha how very convenient for certain members who spent the season calling anyone who wasn't a die hard Losman fan every name in the book .


    Not only do they boot anyone with a contrary opinion they then erase all evidence of how clueless they were and how right all those they had removed from

    the forum were.


    Well I guess that allows them to keep pretending.




    I bet you are because it was you that had all those members booted.

    I see in your posts that your idolitry of Losman is still in full swing .

    I don't spend as much time on here as some others, but who is this lamer? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but at least don't sound like you're about to go postal. Have a decaf dude...

  10. The five-yard facemask penalty is up for elimination. If it's taken out of the rule book all facemasks will be an automatic 15-yard penalty.

    This is the rule change I have the most problem with and he glosses over it.


    Why should someone who accidently grabs a facemask and lets go (or at least doesn't use it as handle) get the same infraction as the guy who uses it to pull the ball carrier to the ground ? I'm guessing the intention is to send a message; if you so much as touch the facemask during a tackle, it's gonna cost you.


    IMO, leave this as is and let the official decide if it's minor or major.

  11. Any thread concerning JP and Trent is going to be stupid. It may start our innocent enough, but it WILL unfortunately become stupid.


    Anyway, Hamburg is closer to Orchard Park than Buffalo, you stupid head. B-)


    (see what I mean?)

    lolz, I was saying just because JP didn't buy a typical suburban house near the stadium when he was a rookie, doesn't mean he didn't plant his roots in the area from day 1. :thumbsup:

  12. I just don't get his point. The NHL draft is much more of a crapshoot than the NFL, but let's throw out critical analysis of individual team's draft strategies and selections in favor of a weighted scale that supports what appears to be a flawed theory?


    Because Columbus and Florida have sucked at the draft and Detroit has done a better job with lower picks, that means using the draft to build a contender is the absolute wrong way to go? Did he look at teams 3-6 on his list and see the top two teams in the EC (Montreal and Pittsburgh) and two other teams within two-three points of making the playoffs for the first time in years (Wash. and Chicago?)


    A lot of Detroit's success has been in finding great players through the draft. Datsyuk - 6th round pick, Zetterberg - 7th round pick, Holmstrom 10th round pick, etc. The foundation for a great team is built through good draft picks and development, then you use trades and FA to complete the puzzle.

    ya, I think he's saying using 1st and 2nd rounders has not proven to be an effective strategy, not the draft itself

  13. As far as spending time in Buffalo, not true. Look around, he was just like Trent in going back t Cali, spending time with Evans elsewhere, like Wisconsin and practicing in the offseason. There is lot of news articles with those details. Hey, that's okay neither was born in Buffalo, I expect them to go see the world, spend time with friends and family from their homes. But people want to get on Trent, and he and his family bought here day one. I just don't remember JP doing that.


    JP Losman lives in Buffalo, NY all year round.


    Trent Edwards and his sister live in Hamburg, NY and apparently only during the regular season.


    JP takes a vacation, but lives there all the time. Trent leaves after the season is over, and returns when the off-season conditioning starts. Keep repeating the above, cuz apparently you have trouble understanding the concepts.


    JP is very visible in the community, he talks up the city to anyone that will listen, invests his time and money there, and while he didn't buy a 4br, 2 car garage, suburban house near the stadium right after he signed, it's of no consequence. He bought property downtown from the outset, and then a much larger house in the city a couple years later.


    Trent is a good guy, I have nothing against him, but he never says or does much (from a civic standpoint) for the region. He works hard at his job, and then goes back to one of the most affluent communities in the USA.


    I don't think it's a big deal either way, but to bash JP and celebrate TE is just plain stupid!

  14. Lori, I agree with Bill's opinion of JP. And yeah, I pretty much have never given him a chance. But the biggest thing that I recently don't like about the whole situation is the way it played out the last year. I find a lot of what he has done to be a farce to be honest with you. He was on the Bills for 3 previous seasons, and yet never bought a house here. Never really got involved in the community. Now he goes into last year knowing that he has to win over the team and the city for the big money, and he signs on to a few clean the street programs, and buys a house. Reletivily small investment in Buffalo if it pays off with the megamillion contract. His game at least mentally IMHO never improved and his focus to win over the hearts was disengenious (sp???) if you ask me. I know a lot of folks don't like me stating this opinion, but this is how I feel things went down. Now we have a kid who pretty much has about the same level of skills (different set but playing at the same level), and folks are upset that he isn't in town. Well he and his family already moved here, when he was drafted. they own houses here. They bought into the community from day one, but the "Losman crusaders" get upset that he wanted a couple months away from everything to clear his head. To me that is as much a turnoff for JP as the whole him trying to buy his way into the hearts and minds of the people by signing up to be at a few rallys on cleanup.

    ummm, I don't have all the facts and addresses, but JP has spent pretty much his entire post-college life in the city of Buffalo, with a few vacations in between. He has been living downtown and very visible in the city since he was a rookie. I think he bought a condo near Goodell before he bought the house on Oakland, not sure. He has been pro-Buffalo all the way, but it took a while to execute his plan. Putting aside his skill set and performance on the field for a second, to even suggest that he staged this beautify Buffalo thing as return on investment is pretty low. I'm surprised even you crawl down there.... :thumbsup:



    JP believes more in the city of Buffalo than a good chunk of the homers who've lived there their whole lives.


    and again, I'll claim ignorance, but the other kid doesn't live in Buffalo IFAIK! He bought a house in the southtowns, but lives off season in Cali.

  15. In all fairness, Pete (and I appreciate your sentiments), Bills fans are no smarter, or classier, than any other NFL fans. It is the pack mentallity that the NFL thrives on. The internet just makes it all the more visable. I am a big fan of Losman too, but the longer he played, the more inclined I was/am to think he might not be the answer. Still, I never wanted to see a Bills player succeed more than JP. However, there have been a lot of good guys to don the Bills uniform over the years. Drew Bledsoe, by most all accounts, was a hell of a good guy. When he couldn't win enough games, and his flaws as a player became more prominent, all of his good will and image meant nothing. It has been that way forever. Knowing people involved with the franchise for about 20 years, I can tell you, most Bills staffers like Rob Johnson a lot more than they liked Doug Flutie. But, Flutie won more games....that is, in the end, what it is always about.


    Wefollow the Bills, because we want the team to win titles (but hell, we will even settle for a few games). I for one, firmly believe, should JP end up in Buffalo for the 2008 season, he will get a chance to start again, at some point. It might be for injury, or for poor performance, but there are so few guys who start every game any more. I don't buy the fact that JP hasn't gotten a fair shake to win the starting job. He has/had to perform better than he did, no matter what the circumstances, for the Bills (or any NFL team for that matter) to committ to him. He just never really performed well in those "gotta take the reins" situations. It has nothing to do with Trent Edwards being better than Losman (he may or may not be, we shall see), but everything to do with JP having to be better, period.


    this is a great post! :thumbsup::beer::blink:

  16. he doesn't really say how you build a winner, but Strachan makes a pretty strong case against building an NHL contender through high draft picks.


    Fortunes won't change on picks alone


    Listen to the average fan and he knows the answer: "You've got to build through the draft," he will say. "You need to start with good young kids and you only get them with high draft picks."


    Nice theory. Totally wrong.



  17. not sure if he'd be a good fit for the Bills, but he has an incredible story old article, but good


    While Jehuu Caulcrick's talents are amazing, his story borders on the fantastic. The 19-year-old senior at Clymer Central High (Clymer, N.Y.) was born in Liberia. When his mother came to the United States in search of a new life, a Civil War broke out in the western African nation. Caulcrick spent years on the run with his grandparents and moved from one refugee camp to another so often that his mother, Bonita, lost contact with him.


    During the conflict, Caulcrick's father, a government employee, was killed. Ultimately, Caulcrick's mother returned to Liberia and went door-to-door in search of her two children. Once reunited, the trio secured passports and visas, moved to the United States and started life all over again.


    graduating class of 26, how do they have enough bodies for a team? :lol:

  18. Height: 6-03/4 | Weight: 211 | 40-Time: 4.68



    Timed speed is well below average...Is not very explosive and lacks a burst...Not a deep threat and won't stretch the field vertically...



    ..His lack of speed is a huge concern but he definitely has some physical tools to work with and he also does all the little things...


    then runs 40 in 4.49 and 4.55 in the pro day, whoa!

  19. to bad he just says ludicrus instead of really going into the bads of what might happen if it did happen..to some ppl 1 word answers arent enough..I know myself I like to question everything and I like better answers than 1 word answers..of course some things in life only need 1 word to answer or maybe 2 words added together to make one word..lol :thumbsup:

    umm, the quote isn't the whole article, he goes into some detail about why it's ludicrous and what could happen, you shoulda clicked the link!

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