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Posts posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. Anthony Bialy is not someone I usually admire or agree with, but he's right on the money with this article. The Bills absolutely need a WR and TE foremost, everything else can wait until after that. We can trade down to get more picks, but choose the best WR that's available, then get a fast, preferably tall TE that can catch the damn ball!

  2. Not much credibility in any of it. Too many people with too many axes to grind are publishing their books right now (like that jackass from the Times, whose name escapes me at the moment, whose entire thesis of his writing seems to be "See, I was right!"). It'll be a good 20 years at least before we start to get any writing that resembles the truth about Iraq.

    I hear what you're saying, but most of what I've read and seen is very consistent. On one side you have the Dept of State, the CIA, some former Justice Dept (i.e. Jack Goldsmith), and most of the journalists and authors. On the other you have the neocons like Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. The latter wanted a regime change and railroaded it through, pushing aside moderates and 'voices of reason'.


    For what it's worth, Frontline does a pretty good job bringing in experts that were on the ground and in the meetings. It's not like State, the CIA and journalists or authors are saying different things happened.


    There's a few people like Feith and Yoo are trying to justify their actions and contest the moderates/journalists/authors views, but they're the minority and they end up looking pretty stupid in the process.

  3. now go read the book by Feith and the truth is probably in the middle.

    While you can fault the CIA for missing things leading up to 9/11, most of what they said or argued against later turned out to be true, like doubting the existence of the WMDs. Whereas most of what Feith's organization was responsible for were failures (i.e. singular, unreliable sources like the yellowcake story or Atta supposedly meeting the Iraq intelligence officer in Prague). Also from what I've read, most of his organization were political analysts, not trained in intelligence, and that hardly any of the principal players took him seriously, basically that he was full of poopy.


    sooo, not much credibility in Mr. Feith's version.

  4. you have to check out this Frontline series on Iraq


    There's lots of in-depth interviews from senior CIA, military, Dept of State, and well respected journalists and authors on the web page.


    The mistakes and personalities outlined in this documentary really puts things in perspective. Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Bremer are the bad guys, with Tenet taking the fall for the boss.


    Bremer did some incredibly stupid things, like the De-Bathification law, which basically removed all the people and functions of the Iraqi government, and the disbanding of the Iraqi army, which put 200K armed and trained angry men without jobs into the streets.


    Of course this is biased against the Bush administration. If you watched some of the other Frontline documentaries like these, the series creators repeated quite a bit of the expert opinions and commentary.

  5. so, what you're saying is that if we cut JP loose, and sign a veteran like Trent Dilfer, nobody will ever suggest starting the backup qb? :D


    what's the difference if the backup is JP Losman or some journeyman? The result is always the same, the fans and media will call for a change if TE begins to wither.


    The only issue is if the coaching staff starts playing musical qbs.


    Get over it....

  6. wow, what an about face! Stover changes his tune


    It is not, and has never been, my intention to "oust" Gene Upshaw. Gene has done a remarkable job in leading the players for over 2 decades. My goal is to be prudent and have a process intact to allow the Executive Committee the ability and confidence to offer various options to the Board of Reps as a whole. The inevitability of the end of Gene's tenure is approaching this generation of players, which may create some uncomfortable issues to deal with. This suggested process was originally supposed to aid in dealing with those issues by taking some of the pride, emotion and ego out of all parties involved, and empowers the Executive Committee to follow guidelines with benchmarks and aid in producing a majority backed consensus.


    someone must've offered to break his neck...

  7. ESPN gets copy of email from Raven's Stover

    Upshaw confirmed that hints of a movement ultimately to change the union leadership were in play at the March meetings in Maui. An effort by one coalition of players to get Philadelphia Eagles safety Brian Dawkins elected as the new NFL Players Association president fell short when Tennessee Titans center Kevin Mawae was voted as its new active-players leader, according to player sources. Mawae is believed to be a supporter of Upshaw.


    Dawkins had the backing of former NFLPA president Troy Vincent, who was no longer eligible for the position because he was not an active player. Several player sources have said Vincent is regarded as a political force within the ranks of the players and desires to replace Upshaw one day.

    Upshaw has a good point; it will hard to gain enough support to get rid of him if the owners are ballistic about how much money they are paying the players.

  8. Scouts, Inc draft analysis from ESPN.com


    The top two positions Buffalo must address in the draft are cornerback and wide receiver. A big wideout who would be a threat in the red zone would definitely help their scoring. The Bills were 30th in scoring last season, averaging 15.8 points. If TE Courtney Anderson comes through with a big year, that would help, but it's tough to depend on him because he's been extremely inconsistent throughout his career. As much as a wide receiver is a need, cornerback might be an even more pressing one as the Bills only have one proven corner on the roster.
  9. 1.Malcolm Kelly WR Oklahoma(very fluent big reciever and has very good hands,just a pure talent)6'4 224

    2.Martellus Bennet TE Texas A&M (good all around TE,good fit for Buffalo)

    3.Charles Godfrey CB Iowa(big physical corner who is good in run support and is very agressive,which i like)6'0 207

    4.Jason Jones DE Eastern Michigan(will hopefully bring a good pass rush to our Dline rotation)6'5 273

    4.Tyrell Johnson S Arkansas State(good safety,just from small school and will blossom in time but will be a special team ace right away)6'0 207

    5.Keilen Dykes DT West Virginia(versatile and has good size to anchor the line,will be a good backup to Stroud and eventually blossom himself)6'4 306

    6.Larry Grant LB Ohio State(versatility to play any LB position and has size and toughness to contribute on special teams, was often overshadowed in college)6'3 226

    7.Duvaughn Flagler WR Gardner Webb(good WR,has excellent size and ball skills,strong,good leaping ability had a 39' verticle at pro day,and is good tackle breaker, good return man)6'2 215

    7.Matterral Richardson CB Arkansas(big physical corner who lacks speed but will be a solid reserve and 5th cornerback for a few years but may blossom)5'11 195

    7.Brennen Carvalho C Portland State(has great intangibles,just a little undersized,but with good leverage and feet, could compete right away for starting position with Melvin Fowler)6'1 318


    ok thats it my most likely final mock until the real show and i would love to see this be the draft that it turns out to be, my sleeper pick to watch is Duvaughn Flagler, watch his highlight video and you will know why!

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Stroud for Pro Bowl 2008


    I'm definitely along with most of this. I'm not sold on Kelly's health, but I totally trust the Bill's med staff if they pick him. WR, TE, CB in that order!


    wow that Duvaughn Flagler is a hella athlete. he can accelerate (seemingly as fast as that chicken and waffles guy) and a great end zone target


    Gardner Webb who? yeah, the defenses he must have faced aren't exactly bowl material, but what a talent.

  10. From their "The Way We Hear It" page:




    Patriots aren't alone in wanting 'Spygate' controversy to be over with


    “So, I assume you guys want to talk about the ‘force out’ rule?” That was Patriots coach Bill Belichick’s opening line to the throng of reporters who gathered to talk to him at the league’s meeting in Florida this week, a joke used to make light of the “Spygate” situation that was obviously the most pressing issue on the media members’ minds. But as one team source told us, Belichick’s opening quip and generally upbeat mood was indicative of his belief that not only does he have nothing to hide regarding the allegations that the Patriots taped a walk-through before their Super Bowl XXXVI victory over the Rams, but that he’s getting the sense that most league types are similarly sick of the issue. The source also told us that he highly doubts former cameraman Matt Walsh will speak out on the matter. Walsh has insinuated that he knows something shady about the Patriots’ practices, although we hear that, at this point, Walsh is regretting being a bit loose-lipped in a smattering of interviews with a couple of media outlets a few months ago. Now, Walsh, who works as an assistant golf pro in Hawaii and has a wife and baby, wants this saga to be over with so he can get on with his life. According to a source, reports that he’s grandstanding for attention are utterly erroneous.



    jeez, ya think?

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