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Posts posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. Sorry, but I am calling BS on this 'news'. I went to PFW and cannot find an article talking about this. The source close to Brandon is probably Soprano4657 (or whatever his devil number was). All of the above sounds like idle speculation.

    no, the article is legit, it was published the same week Brandon made his remarks, here's the link on the Bills page.


    “Russ was simply giving the party-line answer,” said a source close to Brandon. “He’s just covering his bases in the event they don’t get a reasonable offer.” The general feeling is that a third- or fourth-round draft pick — either in next week’s draft if they get the deal done soon, or ...


    The way this is worded leaves me to believe that the 3rd or 4th pick is not necessarily what the source said and more like conjecture on the part of the reporter, because they would have credited whomever he/she heard that from.


    This is should be a d'oh. Of course they will entertain serious offers and trade him if they can get what they think he's worth AND can get a reasonable backup QB as well. If they don't, he's here for 2008 and then he walks. This was always the case and not big news.


    Now let's argue over keeping him as a backup at his current salary, him knowing the offense (as much that carries over from last year) and getting nothing as he becomes an UFA next season, or is he worth a 3rd, 4th or less, and then trying to find a veteran backup to replace him?

  2. This is exactly what they're setting up--see point 6 of my ealier thread on my quick read of the Agt. (I'm a corporate lawyer by day, sadly.) The Agt. spends a lot of time talking about whether and when Walsh will be presumed to have been acting at the Pats' request (such circumstances arguably do not include taping another team's walkthrough) and puts the burden of proof on him "by a preponderance of the evidence" in other non-listed situations to show he was acting at their request. Sounds to me like (a) the tape may well in fact exist if they're spending this much ink in the Agt. on it (but we'll see) and (b) the Pats and the NFL are setting up the argument that Walsh was a lone gunman on this one (which to me will be completely non-believable no matter how much they spin it--for ex., if he did tape it on his own, you mean to tell me he never, ever showed it to anyone else there? I mean, wouldn't that be the point of doing this, to impress your bosses with how devious you can be? Or was he just filming it for his personal collection? If he did show it to anyone else there, shouldn't they have brought this up during the investigation into all of this in the fall? I mean, the Pats can't have it both ways in such a case. At a bare minimum they would have lied to the Commish's office about this then.)

    It's possible that Walsh did act on his own just to improve his own standing in the organization. Based on what I've read about him, he's overstated his responsibility at times and definitely could've seen this as an opportunity to win points with the staff.


    So they turn him down and he's miffed. He sits on the tapes and comes forward to have his revenge when reporters start calling. The problem with this scenario is why didn't the Cheatriots say that?


    Yeah, he did this terrible thing, tried to get us to use it and we refused because we're so honest.


    Maybe they were afraid that there would be too risky, like cheating is rife in the organization and that would be to much exposure on the details of what really goes on.


    Stay tuned, it's gonna get real interesting

  3. Why couldn't the Bills have worked out something with NC after franchising him in Febraury 2006? I'm very sure a deal wouldn't have been in the neighborhood of what he got when FA began in March 2007 because we all know the price jumps when every team has a shot at a guy.

    Bills FO: hey, how about $55M? that's our final offer!


    Nate's Agent: nice try, now lets get real, we want $70M


    Bills FO: nfw, we're losing our shirts here. Ok, we really like your client on our defense, our new final offer is $62M


    Nate's agent: you're on drugs, we can get $74M in free agency, we're giving you the hometown discount, it's $69M or we're walking


    Bill's FO: sorry, this franchise is hemorrhaging money, we can't go above $62.3M, and that's our final, final offer


    Nate's agent: hey Nate, they're offering $62.3M, I'm real confident we can get you much more in FA, but it's your call


    Nate: show me the money, I'm sooo outa here...

  4. it says that buffalo hasn't had a decent DT since Donahoe let Pat Williams walk out of town, and we had a chance to get a year removed pro bowl player for almost peanuts. i would have thought that was obvious.

    Promo was responding to a blanket statement by BillsVet that if we signed Sheppard after letting Clements go, that the FO is biased against players that we (probably meaning TD) drafted, which is hilarious.


    There's no argument that Stroud was a good deal and in all likelihood will anchor the interior of our DL for a few years.

  5. It's not so much that he wants "megabucks" it's that he just signed a new deal with the Eagles who were stingy with him and gave the "we don't spend big money on corners" line. The Eagles then turned around and dropped 10 million on Asante Samuel. He is pissed that a guy from another team was worth more to the Eagles than a Pro Bowl CB on their own roster who has helped them win already.


    Hard to argue with that really. i think if we bring him in we can get away with a lesser renegotiation than the Eagles can at this point.

    ummm, he signed in 2004 for $26M through 2011. I wasn't a math whiz, but that's 4 years before Asante Samuels donned an Eagles jersey and things have changed a bit since then. Yes, he's pissed and maybe he has a right to be, I'm not debating that. Please explain to me why Lito Sheppard would be willing to sign for less in Buffalo than he would get in Philly?

  6. Here is my vote for switching to a 3-4 and drafting Rivers (if available at 11) in the 1st and best wideout in the 2nd. If Rivers is gone attempt to trade down with KC or Philly and take your wideout in the 1st and use the extra pick aquired in the trade to move up and get Connors in the early 2nd.


    What will this do to our defense? By swithcing to a 3-4 it will allow Stroud to stay fresh because he can platoon with McCargo and Spencer at nose. Crowell and Mitchell can fly around as outside lb's and Connor and Poz can stuff the middle. That D certainly wont be run on.


    When KC made that trade yesterday I immediatley thought of them as another trading partner. Now maybe KC nad Philly both want the 11 pick which only helkps the Bills.

    maybe you're right, but there's no chance in hell the Bills are going to switch to a 3-4 this season or soon


    by the way, that Spell Check thing works.

  7. The Bills aren't big on handing out large contracts to CB's.


    If they swing a trade for Sheppard, what does that say about the fiasco surrounding NC two years ago?


    Essentially, if Buffalo makes this trade, it means they prefer players from other systems over their own drafted players.


    Remember, minus Marv, this is the same front office that potentially would make this deal that said no to NC.

    yes, but...


    we aren't talking $80M for Sheppard and it's all based on perceived value vs market rates. Would the Bills pay (something like) $50M for a 5 yr deal? We simply don't know...


    BTW, here's the specifics of his current deal from an eagles fan:


    Sheppard signed an 8 year, $26,314,000 deal during the 2004 season that included an 8.7 mil signing bonus prorated over 6 years. As part of his rookie deal, he received a 3.4 mil signing bonus prorated over 5 years. His cap numbers are as follows:

    2004: $2,610,750 (480.75K base salary+680K proration+1.45 mil proration)

    2005: $2,661,000 (531K basae salary+680K proration+1.45 mil proration; $8,610,000 dead money if cut)

    2006: $2,742,250 (612,250 base+680K pro.+1.45 mil proration; $6,480,000 dead money if cut)

    2007: $2,450,000 (1 mil base salary+1.45 mil proration; $4,350,000 dead money if cut)

    2008: $3,450,000 (2 mil base salary+1.45 mil proration; $2,900,000 dead money if cut)

    2009: $4,450,000 (3 mil base salary+1.45 mil proration; $1,450,000 dead money if cut)

    2010: $3,700,000 (base salary)

    2011: $4,250,000 (base salary)

  8. Bills/Lito Sheppard...Peter King of SI.com and Sirius NFL Radio said he's "sure" the Bills are one of the teams that's interested in acquiring Eagles CB Lito Sheppard this weekend.


    Wouldn't that be sweet if we could just swap 1st round picks and give them like a fourth for Sheppard?



    Absolutely, but the issue is his contract, he wants megabucks. Can we or would we afford it? Ask the FO.

  9. here are some good laughs from the Cheatriots' Fans In Denial


    read the comments, that's the real entertainment...


    Good points everyone-but lets say that Walsh does indeed have a tape of the Rams walk through done on the eve of the SB....who is to say that he didn't do that on his own? Unless I hear Belichicks or Krafts voice saying something to the effect of "Yes Matt, that's right. I want to jeopardize this entire organization and send out a known employee of the Pats to video tape the opposing teams walk through of the game."


    Unless I hear some thing like that, where either BB or Kraft admit to telling Walsh to do this, then I'm not caring a bit if he's got a tape of a bus up in flames filled with old ladies all of which are my adopted grandmothers. Unless I hear it from BB's or Kraft's mouth, then it's hearsay.


    This is actually what I think will happen. Walsh shows a tape of something like the Rams walk through, and the Kraftonites scream he was acting on his own; that they didn't see it or use it. Unless Walsh gets someone else to testify that they used it, the whole thing might be watered down in court.

  10. Does "Document" include video tapes?


    Seems like it has to, since the bulk of what he is likely to have would consist of video or audio tapes. I find it hard to believe there is hard copy evidence like some document authorizing or discussing video taping. Emails are a possibility, pretty freaking dumb if there are.


    Just a guess, but a document might be some sworn affidavit by Walsh that he was acting on BB's orders to video tape or that he knew and thereby approved. Not real strong evidence, that's why he must have some tapes.

  11. The situation at CB is pretty bleak. Thomas was our nickel back the last two years, he is now gone. We lost Nate. We signed Webster to replace him and he is now gone as well. McGee has been up and down. Greer certainly was a pleasant surprise but one surprise year doesn't a legit starter make. Looking over the defense, CB is clearly the weakest position on the field. We like our starting safeties and we have Wendling developing. We also have Wilson who remains an interesting if risky option for depth at safety. Between McCargo and Stroud, our top DT's are looking pretty good. We have Poz, Kawika and Angelo at LB which is as good a starting set of LB's as we have had in awhile. The DE's, Denney, Schobel and Kelsay better show us that last year was an anomaly, we have certainly paid them as if we didn't need to replace them. That leaves CB.


    All this talk about how important it is to have a top CB is largely academic. The fact is, if you want to improve this defense, the top position to address right now is CB. The only position that I think would merit a first round pick is if a guy drops who can rush the passer. That could be a LB, a DT or a DE. I have never been happy with Denney, Schobel and Kelsay but they had put up numbers just good enough to warrant keeping them around. If a guy is there at 11 who can really get after the passer, I could definitely see them going that way. Otherwise, I think it will be a CB or a WR. Not because or inspite of the defense we play or the offense we play but because that is where we suck: CB, WR and rushing the passer.

    Really good post. <_<


    I still think that improving our comatose offense has to be the top priority mostly because FA resulted in heavy investments on the D side that solved a lot of big problems. That said, your arguments are irrefutable about CB and I hope we pick up 1 or more in the draft (maybe the 1st day) or some vet acquisition. Pass rushing certainly could use improvement and depth, but not at the expense of scoring.

  12. On the contrary, it could also mean these NFL beat writers have nothing to write about except spy gate, causing more damage to the league....

    You have to admit, assuming Walsh has something besides innuendo, this is big, big news for an NFL beat reporter. Whatever damage the NFL incurs is probably limited to the Cheatriots. I might be missing something, but unless the NFL does a massive coverup (unlikely since Walsh gets copies and is able to share them), there's limited collateral damage.


    Let's say they cheated enough to give them a sizable advantage towards one or more of their Super Bowl victories. The league might say turn around and say the loser is now the victor by default. Not a good thing, but doesn't exactly inflict huge damages in the league's reputation, again limited to the Cheatriots. More likely there will be huge fines and BB is suspended, etc.


    UNLESS somehow it turns out that this is a widespread practice. Now that's a different story and whatever happens is probably justifiable.

  13. In 2001, the Bills traded down from 14 to 21 (7 spots), and picked up a 2nd round pick.

    Why does anybody think that trading down 8 spots from #11 and picking up a mere 3rd round pick in a draft that is said to be weak is a good thing?

    Who knows what round pick we will get from KC, Clayton certainly doesn't. Let's wait until it actually happens before any good or bad judgments are passed out.

  14. is this hard evidence or more WMDs?


    A videotape taken inside a secret Syrian facility last summer convinced both the Israeli government and the Bush administration that it was modeled after a North Korean reactor that produced plutonium for nuclear weapons, according to senior U.S. officials who said it would be shared with lawmakers tomorrow.


    but there will also be testimony that there was no uranium or weapons facility found, and no indication as to how they would have dealt with the fuel system.


    David Albright, president of Institute for Science and International Security and a former U.N. weapons inspector, said the absence of such evidence warrants skepticism that the reactor was part of an active weapons program. "The United States and Israel have not identified any Syrian plutonium separation facilities or nuclear weaponization facilities. The lack of any such facilities gives little confidence that the reactor is part of an active nuclear weapons program. The apparent lack of fuel, either imported or indigenously produced, also is curious and lowers confidence that Syria has a nuclear weapons program," Albright said.
  15. John -- I just don't think you can blindly look at the team's biggest need and just force yourself to address that position with a high pick. You have to consider who the best player is available, regardless of position. When Whitner was taken at #8, he was not the best player available at that point. It wasn't even close. He's a nice player and looks good in red, white and blue -- but he wasn't the best player available when the Bills' selection came around.

    I know that the draftniks and many people on this board won't agree, but I never bought into that choose the best player available stuff. For the most part, it looks like the current Bill's administration doesn't either. You have to fill your needs first IMO because after you get done choosing your value player, the need is still there and why compromise that need by taking a player with less talent? Maybe we can still get a legit #2 receiver in rounds 2 or later, but there's too much risk that the perceived best athlete doesn't pan out and the holes aren't filled with lesser talent. Do your homework, take the guy that best fills your need, and hope that you chose right, then pick that best available player later on when it's not as critical.

  16. I love how this thread suddenly became an attack on the head coach. Man, people will do anything to unleash their hatred. Buffalo's offense was anemic last year, there is no question. There is also no question that the Bills lacked a legitimate number two or three wide receiver to allow us to have any semblence of a passing attack. If you fix that, you can actually throw the ball and score points. Fairchild was the problem. First, he didn't trust JP enough to open up the playbook, and then when Trent came in, he was a rookie and they certainly weren't going to just open up the barn door and let the horses out. Now, with Schonert as OC, and with some stability at the QB position, I think they will open it up more. Jauron has said that he was very disappointed in the way Fairchild handled the offense last year and that things were going to change. I believe he is being honest and if the Bills get some more weapons on the O, particularly a legit receiver to line up opposite Evans, things are going to be much better.


    I agree with the two WR thing as well. Buffalo should take Devin Thomas or James Hardy in the first and see who's left in the second. If Malcolm Kelly falls to #42, it's a no brainer for Buffalo to take him there. If he does not, I say take Jerome Simpson in the Fourth. Either way, Buffalo should get two quality receivers in this years draft to help the offense. Getting a TE in the second, say Davis or Bennett wouldn't be a bad move either.

    You make some good points, but I don't remember ever hearing Jauron say he was disappointed in Fairchild's play calling, except maybe very indirectly. Quite the opposite; he seemed to defend him at every opportunity. I don't hate Jauron, but his loyalty is blind to a fault. No matter, he's gone and we have a chance at fielding a reasonable offensive game plan.


    I like the idea of drafting two WRs this year, but not in the first 3 rounds. We can pick up a Jordy Nelson-like player in Round 4 or later, drafting some combination of TE, CB, Center, or DL after we choose our #2 receiver, but before we pick another. There's too many needs on this team to spend 2 high draft picks on WRs.

  17. Anthony Bialy is usually full of drivel, but his article on Trevor Scott is interesting.


    A more egocentric young man may have thrown a tantrum if requested to start over at an entirely new spot, but he took on the conversion and did what coaches thought was necessary to benefit the team. It was a selfless move that worked out well for him, anyway: He totaled an impressive 19 sacks over the two seasons he spent as a defender, enough to get him noticed as a borderline draft candidate.



    At 6-foot-5 and 258 pounds, he’d need to add mass to get to and much less stay in the NFL as a defensive end, although Scott happens to possess decent size for a tight end were he to be switched back. Hmmm, would a team that needs all the help at that spot obtain take a flier on him?


    Regardless of where teams see him aligning, one thing in Scott's favor are reports that he ran a 40-yard dash in 4.54 seconds at the Bulls’ pro day, decent speed that would theoretically render it difficult for pass blockers to hold him back or pass defenders to stick with him.


    DE? maybe. Revert back to TE, sure.


    Character, speed, pass rusher, big receiver... what's not to like? Another Jason Peters maybe.


    Any thoughts?

  18. Evans has 1 year left on his contract. He publicly stated he wants Losman as the QB. He has more value to a team like Dallas or Philly with vertical passing games. Like Clements, if Evans knows a team will break the bank for him next year, he most likely will not sign with the Bills. I would only trade Evans for another WR like Boldin, but what if Jerry Jones or someone else offers something close to what KC got for Jared Allen? It all depends on how the contract negotiation is currently going with Evans. I would think both sides will know how serious each other is about re-signing in Buffalo before Saturday.

    Evans has 2 years left, and the last year he can void if he chooses. He said that last year when he was frustrated with an anemic offense, mostly because he felt that JP would get him the long ball and he thought that JP had lost his job to injury. He's since stated that (in so many words..) that he's fine with Trent as the QB. Maybe he's being a good soldier, who knows.


    Saturday and progress on Lee Evan's contract extension are not connected, they're just getting started in the negotiation process. Lee would certainly want to see what a Turk Schonert offense looks like, how Trent handles the the QB job in his 2nd year, what help they give him, how much money they sign a #2 receiver for, all that.


    Plus, Lee Evans has never demonstrated that he's a show me the money kinda guy. I'd be real surprised if anything happens before late fall.

  19. I'm tired of all of the street free-agents that the Bills bring in at WR because it seems none of them usually stick!

    Say what?


    Lee Evans - 1st Round

    Josh Reed - 2nd Round

    Roscoe Parrish - 2nd Round

    Sam Aikens (signed with Cheatriots) - 4th Round


    Peerless Price originally a 2nd rounder and resigned as a FA, he'd been good in the past, Marv took a chance, overpaying in the process. Yeah, ok, he didn't deliver.

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