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  1. In every limb? I think I would check gramma's throwing arm first.
  2. To be fair, it's not an "extra timeout." It's one of our three allotted time outs. When I thought the Bills had three timeouts, I was in favor of challenging the call. When I found out that the Bills had ony two timeouts, I wasn't so sure.
  3. "Caaaaaaaaary. Caaaaaaaary." (Blanchard) I was at that game. My beer kept freezing, and I had to scoop-drink it. Steve Christie actually kickjed three feild goals. He said it was like kicking a brick.
  4. Hmmmmm . . . I remember listening to the game on the radio at home, but I don't think it was televised. Maybe I'm imagining things. Even on the radio, I heard the THUD as the ball bounced off Fred's hand.
  5. That was a good win. To me, though, they still seem like a team that is waiting to lose. From the "knock-out" heaving incompletion to Evans on second and ten to the bootleg that everyone saw coming, I just hope they learned from their mistakes. This team will be pretty good once they learn how to win. In the meantime, I'm going to have to increase my blood pressure medication.
  6. Here's my nomination for next week--LSI Cadets for the incredibly insightful implication that JP should have heard "crowd noise" and determined from that "crowd noise" that Rhodes was going to flatten him. I was watching the game in South Carolina; why didn't JP hear me tell him to watch out? Some people just don't listen. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=784616
  7. To be fair, after Miami got a first down, Gumbel pointed out how "Miami is digging themselves out of a hole after a pretty good punt by Brian Moorman." I imagine a "good" punt goes out of bounds with a single blade of grass between the nose of the ball and the line of the end zone.
  8. Miami No Doubt. No Doubt. No Doubt. Anyone who says otherwisee was not born before 1967. I was born in 1965; the Dolphins stole my childhood. I hate everyone and everything associated with the Dolphins--their city, their fans, humidity, etc. I eat as much tuna as possible and wish they made gill-netting legal again. I root against "what's-his-name" when I find myself watching celebrity golf. My favorite football highlight was Garo Yepremian's botched field goal, pass attempt, and tackle against the Washington Redskins. (Ya want proof that it's my favorite highlight? Mike Bass is the Redskins player.) I despise how the 1972 team gathers to root against the final unbeaten team each season. Absolutely, positively, no class. That's just a partial list of the 1970's reasons to hate them; I have twenty five more years of hatred, but I'll spare everyone the details. I will take a 2-14 season with two wins over the Dolphins over a 7-9 season with two losses to the Dolphins. I hate Dallas more, though.
  9. The guy played against the Bills, what, maybe four times in his career, and the entire first half of the reel is him slicing through, around, or over our D. The Bills really are highlight fodder for other teams, eh? Regardless, ya gotta love Rodney Peete (?) signalling the TD as Barry crosses the twenty with four defenders directly in front of him.
  10. I was yelling for a naked bootleg. What happened to that play? Are linebackers too fast, now?
  11. I can understand. Somewhere in the TBD archives (11/03 or thereabouts) there is a post in which I state that I was boycotting the Bills until Greg Williams was gone. That was my last post until the other day. I didn't abandon the Bills, mind you--beginning in 2004, I watched practically every game faithfully--; I just chose not to post. Funny. No one seemed to miss me.
  12. Yep. He bounced on his head like a pogo stick. It still gives me shivers. I seem to recall that they ruled it a catch becasue he had control when the top of his helmet first bounced off the ground.
  13. Vincent should have been cut this weekend. He's slow and tackles like a traffic cone during a driver's ed. exam. I suspect that he's on the team only because he is a perfect NFLPA patsy for the owners.
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