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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Did I ever say I wanted Darnold over Allen? I love Allen and would rather have him. I'm just stating a fact that Darnold won the game, plain and simple.
  2. That's irrelevant, Darnold won the game, plain and simple. How long did their drive take? Not very
  3. I'm not blaming Allen at all. Darnold was just better when it counted today. Of course when you have time to smoke a cigar in the pocket of course it's gonna be easier. I blame this loss entirely on the coaching staff.
  4. Brutal.....absolutely brutal!!!! This team is still nowhere near good.
  5. Jeezus, both team doctor's gonna be working overtime this week
  6. You won't ever hear crap from me for blaming officials. They are singlehandedly ruining the game. Even worse in college.
  7. The call on White was weak and the one on Foster was borderline seeing how the Pats do it 10 times a game
  8. Here comes the implosion thanks to Crossman and the refs, and a bad decision by Josh
  9. Just give me some notice as to what color you'll want so I'll know what to drink ahead of time.
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