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  1. How about that awesome "thug life" hat we all received this year? Or that amazing Brian Moorman Punt photo from years ago... such a joke. I have learned that the guys to complain to about these decisions are the managers on the service side of the ticket office. They make all of the decisions on what is sent out, if anyone actually wants to reach out to them. Not sure of the names, but you can find them on their front office page.
  2. To be fair, they traded price when he was franchised... now drafting a running back there is another story, but I dont fault them for trading the guy. I also do not put much value in your argument of who we drafted, and when, because they were under different regimes. This all comes down to stability, which they have none. I do not put all the blame on Ralph. The man lives in Michigan, and is 90+... I personally feel he is just happy to get up in the morning. Lets not kid ourselves, the team is run by Jeff Littman (operates out of Michigan) and Russ Brandon (operates out of Buffalo). Until those two guys are gone, nothing will change. Sadly, a regime change like that will not change until Ralph passes. Seriously, the main reason why they struggled to sign a big time coach 3 years ago was due to too many hands being in the cookie jar. They have a reputation around the league of being a poorly run organization from top to bottom. I did not love Mularkey, but the man quit... we remember that, right? He straight up left because of all the nonsense. Dump those two and things might change.
  3. Sad, but true. Does anyone know how that works though? Same rules apply one would assume... Just wasn't sure bc it was on cable. Embarrassing that its another year with so many games not sold out.
  4. Talked to my sales rep recently in the ticket office and she said that Miami is still a few thousand away from selling out, and unless a sponsor or something buys the extra seats it won't sell out. I was surprised to hear this because its a night game and would assume it would be the first to sell out, but what do I know. Anyway, does anyone know if the game will be televised if they don't sell it out? Not sure how that works because of the NFL network and all. Also, it's pretty scary because they did not sell out a few games last year and are on pace to have like 4 more non sell outs this year...
  5. Perfect storm this year with weekend game, 3rd preseason game and the Steelers coming to town. The Bills have been selling $15 tickets to all of their sponsors and basically anyone who calls up and says they're taking a kid to the game. All you have to do is pay for 1 adult ticket and you can get like 40 kids tickets. Steeler fans most be going nuts, granted preseason and all... but to attend a game for $15? Seriously?
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