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Florida Gator 14

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Posts posted by Florida Gator 14

  1. To me, personally, I believe it's been extremely obvious for weeks that Floyd was not going to be our pick. I understand the guys on this board wanted him, but was that realisticly going to happen, especially with the way Nix and Whaley dismissed the question about him at the luncheon? C'mon guys. And this Gilmore is going to be a good pick

  2. I'm not singling you out here, just your comment because it's a fairly common meme around here, this idea that Fitz is somehow a place holder until the real Bills QB is found. And apparently quite a few people feel just about anyone who's ever thrown a ball in college will do. I don't know if they secretly believe Chan has a QB Developer Machine in his basement that you put a guy in, then come back in two years and, voila!, there's your next Hall of Famer.


    People suggest the Bills should invest a couple of years in one of these guys. But that's exactly what they're doing right now with Fitzbeardy. Last season was his first full one as the announced starter. And he had to do it without off-season training camp for himself and the rest of the team. The 2012 season will actually be his first with a full off-season as the designated starter since he came into the league. So maybe we can see what he does this year before chipping in on a Greyhound ticket.


    It's cool, I don't think you're singling me out and I definitely see what you're saying. But my point is just that I would love to see a young guy brought in to do something similar to that of Aaron Rodgers, and that is sit and learn the game from front to back, and potentially be a great QB in a couple of seasons. I don't think that just anyone who has thrown a ball will do, I just truly believe that the ceiling for Osweiler is much higher than Fitz's. I also think Osweiler would do well in Chan's offense, because he did similar things successfully in his time at ASU. And I am not trying to run Fitz out of town, because that's absolutely not the case. But he is 29, which is not old by QB standards, but if he starts until he is 32 and then you bring in a 24 year old Osweiler in 2014 or so, I think it's the perfect recipe for the Bills offensively. Maybe I'm wrong, but I have definitely become a believer in Osweiler through his game tape, interviews, and everything else.



    The main jersey is pretty similar to the historical Bills jerseys, so I am hoping the bring back the red jersey to have something different.


    Maybe it's because I'm only twenty years old, but I don't remember the Bills ever having red jerseys. I think the Steelers' ones are pretty cool, though.

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