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Posts posted by DefenseWinzChampionshipz



    :thumbsup: Seriously. Carolina just got obliterated by the Patriots. Does anyone remember Carolina beating the Patriots last year? I do. I guess the Patriots just got a lot better, and the Panthers just got a lot worse, because we all know Preseason is an excellent indicator of what the major players in the season will look like.


    I mean look at the major players from last year:

    Houston - 3-1 (2-14 Reg)

    Cleveland - 3-1 (4-12 Reg)

    NY Jets - 3-1 (8-8 Reg)

    Washington - 4-0 (3-13 Reg)

    Detroit - 3-1 (7-9 Reg)


    And look at all the bad teams:

    Green Bay - 1-3 (8-7-1 Reg)

    San Diego - 1-3 (9-7 Reg)

    Kansas City - 2-2 (11-5 Reg)

    Denver - 2-2 (13-3 Reg)

    Philadelphia 2-2 (10-6 Reg)


    Ok but preseason isn't about the Wins and Losses. Coaches and players will all say they wanna win of course, but all it really is about is evaluation. Evaluation of the players in certain scenarios.


    Through evaluation, the 1st string offense hasn't scored a TD against a 1st string defense in 4 games. Now, is the playbook fully being put to use? No. So we have to take that into consideration. But on the flipside of that, neither is the opposing team. So pretty much the blueprint is the same for every NFL team. If our offense is playing "vanilla", then their defense too is playing vanilla. Their vanilla is working and ours isn't. Plain and simple.


    The players (according to Marrone's post game conferwnce) didn't "execute" today. He didn't say the coaches called a bad game, nor did he include himself in the offenses' poor performance. He pretty much said the players sucked.


    We hear the same thing every year from players. Today was just one of those days blah blah this and we need to learn and continue to grow blah blah that. The gameplan Hackett brings to the table isn't great I'll admit, but I bet that if Hackett was New England's OC, they wouldn't look as bad as we did. It all comes down to the players and execution of the play that's being called and I for once this whole preseason have to agree with Marrone on him holding the players accountable for not executing.

  2. I don't agree with this at all. I mean, we're all frustrated but for me personally, football is the only sport I like watching and having the Sunday ticket gives me a chance to watch every Bills game since I can't watch it on regular TV here in NYC.


    Plus, if I wanted, I can watch Dolphins and Patriot games to see what our division rivals are doing and I can root for whoever THEY'RE facing.


    But like I said. I don't agree with your decision but that doesn't mean it's a wrong decision. To each his own. I can't do what you did.


    I watched every bad EJ play in slow-mo to see where the breakdown occurred. Almost every time he's on the verge of being sacked or has a rusher in his face. Miraculously in the second half he is nearly prefect on two TD drives. So if he's so incapable how does he pull that off? Maybe he had more time? How accurate did McCown look when he was pressured?


    In slo mo were you also able to see that EJ doesn't know how to step in, out and around the pocket when he's being "pressured"? Peyton Manning's pocket breaks down all the time. Peyton isn't as quick as EJ. He steps up when need be, steps left when need be and so on and so forth. On top of that he's an accurate passer.


    EJ needs to use the pocket better when it breaks down and start using his God Given ability and run with the ball (cautiously of course). Russell Wilson and Kaepernick do it all day long. Keep the chains moving.



    Yeah, thats the mentality they want to see from the fans when they have to decide to resign here or not *sarcasm*. Bills fans have become some of the worst in football to their players. All teams deal with parts of the fan base that just moan, boo and complain constantly...but now thats become such a big part of this fan base.


    Look I get it, 14 years of sucking will do that. But those 14 years have nothing to do with Goodwin, EJ, etc. Look at EJ...people want to win so bad, that they just hate him because he wasn't the guy they wanted or believe in. They don't even want to give him a chance...and don't reply with crap about todays game because the hate has been going on by the same people since his draft night.


    Bills now demand every new player to be their savior, and if they aren't or aren't their yet, they just bash and hate them regardless if they still have potential or not. Why would anyone of them want to resign when their contracts up if they do become a good player? Fans didn't support them during the growing process, now all of a sudden want to jump on their band wagon once they develop.


    This fan base has gotten out of control with its demands of players the last few years...I understand on one hand, but its still ridiculous.




    Maybe the foolish fans should stop demanding first and second year players be perfect or the next HOF player and give them time to learn not to suck.


    Every year there are new players added to the team. Every single year. So basically what you're saying is, if we don't make it to the playoffs for 300 years straight, if we lived to be over 300 years old, you want us as fans to be patient because the players who are on the team, are not the same players as the year before and the year before that and the year before that.


    Think bro think. Did EJ get BOO'ed in a preseason game this bad last year? No. He earned those BOOs today and not just him. Chandler slipping which led to EJ throwing an INT, the O-line allowing the D to penetrate, EJ looking scared and fumbling then lying saying he was down when clearly he wasn't, did I mention O-line not blocking?


    All I can say about you is, may God Bless your soul and Bless all of us with the same patience you have. But don't be shocked when you hear people Boo the players cuz they're not as patient as you are.

  5. Maaaaaaaan these dudes need to man up. Point blank. We're fans. You're supposed to be professionals.


    Players can't be shocked at the boos coming from the fans after waiting 7 months to see their team finally come back home and play a good game, only to be let down by that performance.


    I definitely heard the fans "cheer" the defense. So what does that say? The BOOS were for the offense and offense alone. The defense is allowed to stink it up a little after getting NO help from the O.


    I'm a BOO'er myself. But the next drive the O comes on the field I start cheering again. It's the nature of a fan. I don't "look" for a reason to BOO Mr. BOObie. Boobie just mad he didn't play today that's all.


    I like how the fans retaliated on twitter though. No need to be sweet to these guys man. Earn your paycheck.


    Oh, and BOOS don't come after 1 drive of sucking. It's 4 or 5 drives with NO score and 3 preseason games before THAT without a TD either. THAT'S when the BOOS are heard.

  6. You got to feel good about this game. Starting o had no injuries, and ........................


    Well Goodwin got hurt.


    But if I HAD to come away with any positives from this game, it would be 4 things.


    #1 Spiller is good to GO!

    #2 Spikes really IS a run stuffer.

    #3 Cohen is a BEAST!

    #4 I absolutely love EJ's playaction. (Looks very pretty)


    People were saying the O-Line was going to be a strength this year, but doesn't appear to be the case. The announcers mentioned that they all look like left tackles. Perhaps there are too many left tackles and not enough guards and right tackles.


    How can the O-Line be a strength when the leader of our team keeps shifting players around? You had 21 days in pads at TC, you should know who your best 5 linemen are and stick with them in every practice and preseason.



    yeah i remember before 2009, when we fired avp from his oc job, there were many who thought "that would solve everything", and it was a step in the right direction for the season.


    it's over man... it's over.


    it's not just like these guys got into a shoving match in an isolated incident.


    they've been fighting for weeks.

    marrone has been imploring them not to.

    they continue to fight.

    marrone runs them into the ground and blows up at them.

    hughes talks back at him.


    we have a lame duck coach, an offensive coordinator who can't get the ball to our best weapons, a qb who can't read the field, and a division with tom brady.


    let's start talking about 2015.


    we'll be playing the nfc east

    cowboys and giants at home, eagles and skins on the road


    and the afc south

    texans and colts at home, titans and jags on the road


    finishing last in our division should also net us games against the browns and the raiders


    assuming we have a new qb under center, and a good coach, that looks like a schedule that could legitimately yield a wild card.


    Two questions. How old are you and how long have you been a Bills fan. I ask because I felt the way you feel but like 10 years ago. The Bills losing hurts me still but not like the way it seems to be affecting you.


    You gotta relax bro. These guys go home and live "regular" lives (spending time with family, playing PS4, going to the movies, Facebook, Twitter etc.) after a game. Don't let them losing take you out the game (of life). Just relax.

  8. I know the Bills can't wear Jerseys of former players for the game obviously, but, what if they came out in warmups with EJ wearing a Kelly 12, Sammy wearing a Reed 83, CJ wearing a Thurman 34, Mario wearing a Bruce 78, The Beard wearing a Lofton 80, Wood wearing a Hull 67, Chandler wearing a Metz 88, Spikes wearing a Conlan 58 and so on, just to Honor the early 90 teams and an honor to the Ralph legacy?


    I know it sounds kinda stupid but with Reed getting in the Hall and most of the above mentioned, in the Hall, it would be a cool sight.


    Also, would they be wearing the black high tops with the throwbacks. That is a pretty cool look, IMO.


    Sammy hasn't earned that right as a Bill to be the WR to wear the Reed jersey if that were to ever happen. Neither has Mike Williams. Woods would be my vote to be the one to wear it and honestly, Woods is kind of playing like Reed at the moment with the way he's breaking tackles and what not.

  9. They interviewed Brandon during the last game and I think he said about 5000 left at that time.

    I just looked on ticketmaster and there appears to be quite a few left.


    Just cuz it's on ticketmaster doesn't mean it hasn't sold out. Those are people who ALREADY have a ticket and are selling an already purchased ticket.

  10. I agree with Marrone not wanting to give a timetable on injuries and also agree with him handing over ALL injury related questions to be handled by "Scott".


    I also agree with the OP that his press conferences are very hard to watch these days. They're not Jauron kind of horrible but it's up there on that level. At least Chan had the whole southern accent thing which made me chuckle at times and I loved Chan's anger but I always felt concerned he might have a heart attack or something. It was more like when your dad gets angry.


    I'd like to see a younger guy with Chan's anger to show SOME type of emotion. Then again, if we can just win games I could give 2 tards how he acts. I guess that's what it's come down to. We lose so much that we nitpick how coaches talk (which I just did) smh.

  11. I like Whaley more than I do Russ honestly but don't feel that Whaley is ready to take over a position like Russ has at this point.


    I think the two make a great team but I have to question the hiring of Marrone and let's say I agree with the hiring of Marrone (which I don't) I can't have a blind eye towards the fact that the coaching staff Marrone brought with him was horrid.


    This year with the addition of Pepper Johnson and I believe a quarterbacks coach was clearly a Russ and Whaley move, but I feel that it's still not enough. We need a head coach who will not have ANYTHING positive to say after the 1st team offense and defense's performance on Saturday. No positives came out of that game for the 1st string offense and defense except for gaining yards (offense) but no TD and stopping the run (defense) but gave up an easy slant route TD to the Steelers.

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