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Posts posted by DefenseWinzChampionshipz

  1. Best case:


    Patriots lose Brady to injury and Jets lose two starting OLinemen to injury and the Bills and Dolphins go head to head to see who wins the division.


    Worst case:


    The Bills of the preseason ARE the real Bills.


    Most likely case:


    The Bills will have some games that make us say, Yo, if we play like this, we actually got a shot at making the playoffs and some games that make us say, Wow, just wow. How can you play this horrible?


    Oh and referees "obviously" will go against us a couple of games.

  2. I would just like to remind everyone that despite being the worst #1 pick ever, WAY over-drafted and overrated, unable to see a hole if it was right in front of him, unable to run up the middle, not a smart football player, hating Buffalo, with the worst quarterbacking, a crappy line, and heinous coaching, CJ SPILLER HAS A CAREER 5.1 YPC AVERAGE, which is second only to Jamaal Charles amongst active backs.


    Spiller hates Buffalo?

  3. I was a little tuned out this weekend and saw that Moeaki was IR'd. Anyone know if he got the designation to return IR or the done for the season version.


    I didn't even know he was IR'd. I been playing Madden for 3 days straight and I have him as my starter on Madden so I thought he was fine (I like to think my Madden Bills are the real ones).


    Oh how I wish the real Bills played the way my Madden guys do. Watkins is BEAST in Madden.


    If anyone else has the new Madden, take it from me, put Watkins as your #2 WR. He has a speed advantage over EVERY #2 CB.

  4. If the interior of the line holds up, the evolution of EJ Manuel! I've heard radio analysts, sports writers say the want to see some fire, emotion from EJ. Well Eli Manning shows NO emotion or fire when he plays yet he has 2 Super Bowls!! I understand they need controversy to keep listeners and readers, but this guy is a WINNER! Go EJ and Go Bills!!!


    Difference between Eli and EJ aside from the 2 SB rings is, Eli has some wild and erratic throws but at least takes many shots downfield. Almost seems fearless. EJ plays too cautious and very scared imo.


    The rules are very QB friendly these days. More times than not, you would get either a catch or a pass interference on the defense rather than throwing an INT. If EJ can just let the ball fly once in a while, we might have a shot.

  5. Orton is a poor mans Drew Brees. He's smart and accurate. He doesn't have a cannon but he does have a bit of zip on the ball which I prefer to EJs floaters. And while Orton may not be able throw 80 yards what's wrong with a 18 yard deep out/in to Sammy? Get Sammy that ball and Sammy will make up the remaining 62 yards.


    All I took from this is that we will be starting from our own 20 yard line.


    Nah I get it though. I'm not ready to bench EJ but having Orton as the backup is so much better than Tuel so to me it's a decent pickup. Could be worse. We could have Tuel as our backup.

  6. Ok so explain to me this. Throughout the WHOLE preseason, Cohen makes tackle for loss after tackle for loss, sack, fumble return etc. You (well really I mean I) see him everytime he's on the field because of his red shirt under his jersey and on every single play you see him fighting to get to the ball carrier.


    What I want to know is, how does this man not get a job as a Buffalo Bill? What else could he have done?

  7. Nice read. Nice to read an uplifting story abut the Bills every once in a while. LOL


    Not very "uplifting" if you're a person of religion. Pretty much makes you realize how much it's like the story of Moses and the children of Israel worshipping the golden calf.


    I'm not here to talk about religion so I apologize but when I read this, I got a different "feeling" than you did is all I wanted to say.

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