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Posts posted by DefenseWinzChampionshipz



    Coaching is limited by the QB. Hackett and Marone are hamstrung by a QB who cant read defenses, locks on his WR and is slow in his reads?


    I agree with EJ locking onto a WR for too long but also disagree with Hackett being "hamstrung by his QB" cuz he doesn't use what EJ does best.


    EJ can run. Maybe EJ himself doesn't want to run to risk not getting injured or maybe it's the coaches telling him, we need you for the season so don't run. Idk. Also, the way EJ throws in playaction is a thing of beauty. We need to get a good run game going so it can open up more playaction calls.


    It all goes back to the OL I'm sorry. If the OL can give EJ time and open up holes for Spiller, we should have TD scoring drives instead of FGs and turnovers.


    Penalties is another issue but only Marrone can fix that cuz those are mental errors and have nothing to do with physical attributes.

  2. There are 3 official starters on the OL imo. Glenn at LT, Wood at C and Henderson at RT (what a steal in the draft he was). The guard positions are where we are struggling.


    I don't think those positions are fixable unless we bring in a new body like "yesterday". I had high hopes for Hairston manning the RT position so Henderson could back him up and maybe learn the LG position to be the trio of Glenn, Henderson and Wood from left to right, but it's not the way it panned out.


    Marrone is the supposed OL specialist so I hope he figures out who the best 2 linemen for the Guard positions are soon cuz the season is pretty much around the corner.


    Looks like Pears is who he's comfortable with at RG so I guess my vote goes for CW at LG cuz Cyrus is not who I want holding that position at all. Cyrus looks slow and I just don't see the potential in him especially as a Guard.

  3. Ouch....





    Exactly! This is the 1st time you're apparently hearing of his tweets and your reaction was Ouch which is how a lot of fans felt and took it to another level and let Goodwin have it on twitter.


    I'm not one of those fans but I agree and actually LOVE how the fans retaliated on twitter. You don't just get to question fans loyalty cuz your offense got boo'ed. Did they boo Goodwin when he ran the kickoff and got hit hard? No. On the contrary I bet those people who were boo'ing were praying that he wasn't hurt. But he wants to question where people's loyalty is at.




    i vote lets leave it at that between us, and ill be glad to hash it out via PM if you think ive done you wrong.


    No its fine. The PM thing could of been done before. Now it would just be silly. I'm fine with you and your posts and voiced my opinion on a subject we couldn't agree on. At the end of the day we're Bills brothers. I come from an area where there are nothing but Jets and Giants fans around me so Bills fans are the closest thing to a family that I have. Family have disagreements and if I took it personal when you WEREN'T taking a personal shot then I apologize.



    I haven't seen you make personal attacks. I don't see why anyone else should resort to those means, especially when it is unprovoked.


    Talking about me and bringing me up as an example without saying my name and acting like I'm not reading him talk about what I've said to other posters is disrespectful. Idk how you do things in Chicago, but where I'm from, you don't talk gossip about a person, you tell HIM directly how you feel.


    The only thing I could of done differently is have the exact same conversation with NoSaint in private message so that way "bandwagon" people as Goodwin said wouldn't be able to add their 2 cents. But I wouldn't change anything I said.




    if you think im coming at you on a personal level, my apologies.... i didnt think you meant him a literal murderer, but that you think its a HUGE escalation on goodwins part simply doesnt make sense to me. you said that he insulted millions of people personally, and then when i said i didnt get you taking it personal you went off on me about how you dont care because of all kinds of stuff in your life. when i asked if sammy wouldve played, if our playcalling wouldve been like that, or if that was even our actual starting o line, and you called me a know it all... ill leave it be, as i dont like getting personal with people. if i offended, sorry.


    its a preseason game. its a glorified practice session. when it comes down to it, they are booing an undefeated team that may or may not play like we saw saturday. goodwin was frustrated that it looks like they will have to win over the crowd instead of having to lose them. i kind of agree with that sentiment. its a 2nd year coach, a second year qb, a second year gm, a second year CEO, and we dont have any owner.... so the guys getting booed generally havent had much time to lose the benefit of the doubt of atleast getting to the regular season before the crowds outright turn hostile over a bad practice game. on the field saturday there were very few that have long term responsibility over the 14 years.


    The situation at hand has nothing to do with personal shots. You SAY you get why the fans boo'ed but that's exactly where the problem lies. You DONT get it. You SAY you get why Goodwin tweeted what he did and THAT'S where the problem lies. I DONT get how you could think that it's not extreme on his part.


    It's a simple disagreement. But then you want to chime in and bring up my example of shoving a person and call my opinion extreme. So I call you a know it all. Where's the problem?





    You could have debated with him or disagreed with his points without stooping to this level. Especially with someone as respected as NoSaint.


    Oh please. Respect gets respect back. His previous posts have no significance when it comes to me and his conversation. But if you think I'm worried to take shots at a "well respected" poster when he takes shots at me, you're mistaken my friend.


    TBD isn't my life. I'm not and actually CAN'T be on here posting all day like some of the posters. But when someone calls me out, I call them out. Respected or not. 10,000 plus posts from one person means nothing to me.



    that you are allowed to (obviously within reason) do whatever you want to him, and him having a pretty harmless reply is WAY OUT OF LINE can certainly have those underlying issues. we see it often around here. people think the ticket they bought, or the t-shirt, or simply tuning in on sunday gives them a right to say what they want, that the team owes them explanations of any decisions - heck, read the cordy glenn threads and tell me that some people dont have weird issues with feeling they own the players.


    i wasnt saying everyone that was displeased with the entertainment value of the game is in that boat. theres certainly a segment of the fan base that is though, and id bet they were exceptionally loud in their opinions on saturday as far as subsets of the fan base go. as ive said several times, it was a dumb tweet on his part, but theres a lot of "omg how dare he say anything - go back to texas" which seems over the top. someone earlier compared the booing to a shove, and his reaction to shooting people in the face - for instance.


    1-504-252-0026. That's the number for Podesta Psychiatry on Canal Street in New Orleans, LA. Please call cuz you need help.


    You wanna talk about over the top. YOU'RE over the top. You're a very "literal" person aren't you? I guess when someone tells you, hey you're breaking my heart, you must tell them, that's impossible, I didn't cut you open, take your heart out and break your heart, are you crazy?


    So I guess examples being given for equal retaliation, where a shove deserves a shove back and not for the person who was shoved to retaliate with shooting, to you that must mean, Goodwin is a murderer. Smh. It talks about how out of line he was dude. Can you wake up already?


    Is this the 1st time he's heard boo's from a home crowd? If personally it's his 1st experience, it's still a common thing for the home crowd to boo their own team if the team is not performing good.


    It boils down to this dude. The crowd was upset, they boo'ed (normal fan reaction). Goodwin was upset, questioned thousands of fan's loyalty (over the top). The issue with YOU is you don't think what he did was over the top and that's fine. You're entitled to your own opinion. But don't sit there and say someone else's opinion is extreme cuz I can easily look at you and Kelly the Dog and say, how can you NOT boo that offense you guys are nuts.





    My point was you were framing game 3 as real serious business, and we don't know what was going on with some of the decisions. I don't know the starting OL and I'm not sure if marrone has any certainty in the decision yet. I don't know what their theory on playcalling was. I don't know that Sammy couldn't play or if it was deemed an unneeded risk.


    You seem to know all of this. You also seem to know last night was a strong reflection of what to expect. No wonder you were so mad. I still have no idea why your taking goodwins tweet as such a cut to the core of your character.


    Nope. Not me bruh. Not once did I say, oh the season is doomed or, oh this is what the season is going to look like based on the last game. Check my posts if you like. I'm not THAT guy. As far as being "mad" about Goodwin's tweet, dude I'm living my life man. I got a daughter, gf, two dogs, a job and rent to pay. You think I'm losing sleep over Goodwin's tweet?


    Was what he said wrong? Of course (IMO). Did I tweet him? No (I don't have twitter nor do I have time for that). So basically I'm not mad. I was just discussing my opinion on how I thought what he said was wrong. I'm going to be at the home opener against the Dolphins. Am I going to boo him when he comes running out the tunnel pregame? No! Will I boo if the offense looks the way they did last game? Of course!


    I wasn't there, but I imagine from how it sounded, that only perhaps 10% of the crowd was actually booing. 10% of 60-70,000 is LOUD. And he only questioned the loyalty of people that were booing, so, say 10% of the fans. Ive been to hundreds of games. When the booing is deafening less than half the fans look to be booing (the rest are just as pissed, but not booing).


    There's probably over 10 million Bills fans worldwide if not more, so 10% of that is one million people. Basically he called out one million people's loyalty then.


    Look, point still goes back to the offense as a WHOLE being boo'ed. This silly kid takes it upon himself to talk trash to the fans as if he knew us personally. As if he hasn't been at the stadium where we screamed our asses off when he scored a TD (and not many may I add).


    I like the dude as a athlete and loved adding him to the team last year but he's replaceable (especially this year). He's fighting for the team's 4th or 5th WR spot.


    Also like other posters have said, on his twitter account he's in his college uniform and not the Bills uniform. Wasn't his dream to be in the NFL? Wasn't he happy when the Bills believed in him enough to draft him? So where's HIS loyalty?



    I see that you hate people that question others fandom. I hope the irony in this post isn't totally lost on you.



    It was a preseason game. If it mattered do we see guys like KW or Sammy? Would that have been our true starting o line? Is the playcalling the same? I'm not saying the performance is without any concern. They were ugly. They've shown little to believe in so far in preseason. But it's still booing a practice session. A ticketed scrimmage for a team that's still undefeated for 2014. At preseason games I expect some ups, some downs and a whole lot of indifference from the crowd as far as cheers after player intros. I don't expect fans to be loud on 3rd down in August, and I don't expect them to boo the team.


    Boos seem silly. His reply seems silly. Big deal?


    I'm going to drop the whole boo'ing topic for a second cuz you just shocked me with your response. So basically you're saying that that WASN'T the starting O linemen on the field? Isn't the 3rd game of preseason the so called "dress rehearsal"? Also, don't bring KW into this because he's on defense and the defense did their job the first couple of series until they got exhausted.


    Sammy would of played if he was cleared. The kid needs reps before week 1 and this game would of only helped him not hurt him. If you know the real starting lineup on the OL though please share cuz Marrone hasn't told us anything.



    Wait.... The home crowd booing the team before their first game is a shove and him calling that out in 140 characters is murder?




    He didn't JUST call the boo'ing out dude. He put our loyalty to question. You're probably one of those fans who sits down when our defense is on the field and it's 3rd down.


    The crowd wanted to see a good product on the field after countless days of waiting and countless hours of coming on TBD or Buffalobills.com or any other website to see how their Bills are doing, only to see THAT performance in the 1st half. They have EVERY right to boo.


    Now, as far as Goodwin goes, like I said earlier (some people I guess I have to explain every little detail before they might understand), he could of tweeted about the Boos in MANY different ways WITHOUT questioning fans' loyalty to the Bills. Right? Wrong? As a professional, do you think taking shots at the fans is a good idea? Bit extreme? No? If no, then there's no need to explain this to you.


    That's why the fans responded back to him on twitter and I'm glad they did. You learn at a very young age that sometimes it isn't good to say EVERYTHING that's on your mind. Goodwin is just a little kid who got growing up to do is all and this I feel, is a lesson he will learn. Fans aren't going to sit there and watch a performance like that and cheer buddy. Wait, maybe YOU would though.


    Good point. Saying people aren't "real fans" is always a sticky and contentious issue to begin with. Sometimes myself I feel that attitude is unjustified and other times, perhaps hypocritically I think it's totally justified. Like the "I'm so done with this team" nonsense.


    To me, this whole thing is a glorified "You suck! No, you suck! No, you suck!" argument.


    I also think, ultimately, that he is a young guy, pissed off at his team's performance, pissed off that he is in pain and hurt again, and pissed off at the first home game, in friggin preseason, the fans were booing, and he lashed out.


    That very well COULD be what went through Goodwin's thought process but we'll never really know. I just think as a professional he could of handled it a different way.



    Well, just reading this or any other message board you know for a fact that statement is just not true in any form. ;)


    Lol definitely not. I used to own a pizzeria and believe me, I didn't hesitate on yelling back at certain customers if they were absurdly rude. So I know the customer isn't always right but like I said, having a one on one conversation with a particular fan that's calling "him" out personally, I'm fine with. But to call out ALL the fans on twitter at that, not cool.

  12. If I was Goodwin or anyone else on the 1st string offense (and of course this is only the way "I" would have handled it), if I had twitter and decided to let my emotions out to the fans about their boo'ing, I would have tweeted something like, "Damn, it sucked that our own fans boo'ed us in a preseason game. I can't really blame them, but if only they knew that we didn't even use an 8th of the real playbook".


    I think that would have made fans understand a bit better that one, he's upset and two, that it's just preseason playcalling. At the end of the day, he's a "professional" and he's at "work" and if I know a little bit about business, the customer (us) is supposed to always be right.


    So he is exercising his rights to say whatever the hell he wants in preseason while bozos who are booing preseason are exercising their rights to say whatever the hell they want. It's hypocritical. You can disagree with what he says as a guy because you think he is wrong to call out fans. But you're calling him out beforehand.


    I don't agree with what he said at all. But it's an opinion he gave about the fan's support. The same way the fans were giving their opinions about the team's play. Why shouldn't he call you guys out if you are calling him out?


    If it's justifiable then sure he can call us as fans out. If I shove you, I deserve a shove back or at worst a fist to the face if I start cursing at you on top of it. But if I shove you and you pull out a gun and shoot me, we're not exercising the same type of behavior. Yours would be considered extreme and very punishable. Goodwin took it to the extreme. Of course this is as they say, my opinion.



    The penalties are unacceptable. Somehow this OL is worse than it has been for a few years....


    The RBs and WRs didn't really deserve the boos, but the OL and QB sure did - they were dreadful


    The OL actually isn't worse. IMO it's better. We have 3 secure spots instead if just 2 last year. The "locks" IMO are Glenn at LT, Henderson at RT and Wood at C... The LG and RG positions need consistency and hopefully Marrone will plug two guys in there and stick with them instead of switching them everyday.

  15. How can anyone argue that the fans can say anything that they want, in this case booing, but that the players like Goodwin cannot say anything they want (as long as it's not hurting anyone or other obvious verboten kinds of things). I could really care less that Goodwin called out the fans. We, as a whole, called out them (I would never boo a preseason game but I understand it). He will eventually love the fans here. We played like crap, we were pissed, he was pissed. End of story for me.


    Just like preseason, you're taking Goodwin's comments too lightly or as they say in preseason, very "vanilla". He basically said that the ones who were boo'ing aren't fans and the ones that didn't BOO are the "real fans".


    He said the stadium wasn't loud (as if there was a reason to be) and called the BOO'ers "bandwagon fans".


    There are plays in the middle of the game when you think something happened that didn't. There is ZERO excuse for EJ fumbling on that play. He cannot let that happen. But it easily could have been that he 100% THOUGHT his knee hit the ground before the ball squirted out. In super slo mo it was clearly a fumble. But we are talking about 1-2 tenths of a second in real time.


    Well he himself moved in slo mo on that play in real time. So really for him, it was more like 4 to 8 tenths of a second.

  17. So now we're dissecting one specific play in a preseason game? There were MANY things that hurt us this past game, not just that play. Penalties and O-Line lead the list.


    But if we're going to discuss this specific play, then let's talk about how untrustworthy EJ is after the play is ruled a TD, I believed him when he made it look like he was down for sure. I expect that from a player on D or even a WR. But not EJ. I thought he was an honest dude. Thank God all turnovers are automatically reviewed now cuz he would of had Marrone's (not knowing what's going on in a games) ass waste a challenge.

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