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Posts posted by coloradobillsfan

  1. i used to slap my webcam in front of the tv at home and fire up windows media encoder and watch sabres games at work by opening 'mms://ip.address:port' in media player. i have comcast hi-speed (i think 45KB/sec upload bandwidth) and i had it up to about 10 frames per second, which was surprisingly watchable. something like this wouldn't work for multiple viewers, but if you have mucho upload bandwidth it is possible - just make sure you stay well under the nfl's radar

  2. don't forget we have mountains too! trail ridge road in rocky mountain national park is an awesome way to experience the tundra and scenery of the high country close to your car. the paved road to the summit of mt evans takes you even higher to over 14,200 feet above sea level and a spectacular 360 degree view.

    the night life is great in denver but hope you can find some time to check out what really makes colorado a special place. have fun!

  3. Speaking of which, does anyone here remember the circumstances as to why the Sabres once played a playoff game (against the Bruins I think) on a weekday afternoon.  I was just back in Buffalo this past week, and a friend and I were remincing about the old Sabres, we both remembered it, but couldn't remember why they were playing at such an odd time.  I remember, at school, they rolled in a television, and let us watch.  It was likely aronund 1977 or 1978.  I think Bowman was behind the bench.  Maybe it was snow, or maybe there was a conflict with the Bruins and Celtics being in the playoffs...I think the Sabres got whupped!


    A memory is a terrible thing to lose!



    I remember this as well. I was at the old Baker Elementary school (Orchard Park) and our teachers rolled the tv out into 'the commons' to let us watch. I think I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, which would make it sometime ~1979. Yeah, I think the Sabres did lose that game but it was still more exciting than the Electric Company :angry:

  4. My pet peeve concerns people on multi-lane roads that fart along in the left (passing) lane, holding up traffic, and forcing others to pass them in the right lane. It's a national epidemic.




    our state passed a law against this and i hope it catches on in other states too. i hate people that think the left lane is their own comfort-cruise lane. i'm convinced one of these times when i'm forced to pass them on the right i'm going to be directly in their blind spot when they decide to merge back... then i suppose the accident will be my fault because i'm not supposed to pass on the right... :doh:

  5. take a swing by Golden while you're out here. as mentioned, the Coors tour is pretty good, and Buffalo Bill's Grave and Museum on Lookout Mountain is a simple 15 min drive (take 19th street towards the mountains). excellent viewpoint up there of golden and denver metro. the two '14er' roads aren't open yet (mt evans, pikes peak) but Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain IS open so if you're looking for alpine adventure without travelling far from your car that is an excellent option to consider. have fun, feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

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