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Posts posted by yall

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Didn't Orwell call that "newspeak"


    it's a fine example of it.


    They call them militants when they are terrorist that are also terrorizing the Palestinians.





    More just like altering history to control the narrative.


    Orwellian newspeak was an attempt to make language less expressive and people easier to control.


    It was double plus good, just like the New York Times... ;)

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Justice said:

    Allow me to begin by saying Hamas is evil. They’re barbaric and despicable. What they’ve done is inexcusable. Occupied or not you don’t do these things to innocent people or any people for that matter. 

    Having said that I can’t but help but to think this was all planned by both Hamas and Israel. They’re together in this. 

    Are we just gonna pretend like Netanyahu wasn’t funding Hamas? And we’re gonna act like it’s ok that Netanyahu lied about being warned about an incoming attack? And that 1,000 to 2,000 terrorist militants freely got passed one of the most secured borders in the world with little to no opposition for up to 6 hours in some areas? So much so that Hamas knew they had time to rape and pillage? We’re supposed to believe the iron dome system suddenly failed to the extent that it did on the 6th? On the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war? We’re supposed to believe all that? That’s a whole lot of leeway to be giving someone. 

    And now there’s this…


    ‘Israeli intelligence the night before the Hamas attack picked up signs of irregular activity among Hamas operatives in Gaza but top IDF and Shin Bet leaders decided not to put military forces on the borders of the enclave on high alert’


    ‘Now’s not the time for us to figure out why and how our intelligence let us down’, huh? It absolutely is the time. Don’t shoot first and ask questions later! It’ll be too late by then. All these issues above need to be investigated. But hey… Hamas has a charter! It’s amazing to me how some of you guys just sweep all of these things under the rug nonchalantly. 


    We as a society are lost. It’s been a minute since I been here and since then we’ve been arguing over what’s a boy and what’s a girl, how many genders there are, what books we can and can’t read, whether we should get vaccinated or not, if the news is fake or not, school shootings and the 2nd amendment, inflation and the causes… all these issues and you’re worried about Israel? Lol. Unreal. 

    Israel will be just fine. It’s time we take care of our own issues. I hope they wipe out Hamas. I really do. All they have to do is stop paying them.

    At the bare minimum this is a land grab. At the worst this is the opening stages of WW3. All this can easily be avoided if we just minded our own business. We have enough problems of our own. 

    You probably should have just stopped after the first paragraph.

    • Agree 2
  3. 32 minutes ago, sherpa said:



    The situation is this:

    The US Air Force has bases in Incirlik Turkey, which is being bolstered this week,  and more than one in Saudi Arabia.

    I have no idea if the Saudis would endorse operations against Iran from their soil.


    Having USS Ford in the eastern Med as reported would cover southern Lebanon, which is Hezbollah and if this spread, Syria.

    Be aware that Hezbollah has real missiles, and lots of them. Not the unguided trash that Hamas launches from Gaza.

    That eastern Med position is too far to reasonably strike Iran, as you'd have to tank in unfriendly airspace on the way in and out.


    The US Navy currently has no carrier task force in the Indian Ocean. 

    That's why I suggested watching USS Reagan which in its' home port of Yokosuka, Japan.

    If they alter her schedule and send her to the Indian Ocean, that would be a clear indication of being on station if some anti Iran scenario unfolded.

    The problem is that doing that would take her away from the South China Sea, and significantly impact any defense of Taiwan.


    The other option, which would take a long time, would be to deploy another Pacific Fleet carrier to the South China Sea, so you would have one in the IO and one there.


    Either way, neither would be humanitarian.

    Carriers don't do that.  

    Currently the hot tale is that Hamas intends to depleted the iron dome at which point Hezbollah will start with their arsenal.


    Depending on how that plays out, that could be the point at which we become involved and assist with taking out sites in Lebanon.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Tiberius said:



    She entered the sex industry in October 2014, becoming the most viewed performer on Pornhub in two months. Her career choice was met with much controversy in the Arab world and beyond, especially after the release of a video in which she is engaged in a threesome while wearing a hijab; her family publicly disowned her when they learned of her involvement in the industry after the video garnered her near-instant popularity around the world. In 2015, Khalifa was voted the "Number 1 Porn Star" on Pornhub.[2] In January 2017, xHamster reported that she was the most-searched-for adult actress of 2016.[3] In 2018, she became the most-searched-for actress on Pornhub.[4]

    She's cheerleading for murderers who would also gleefully kill her for what she's done. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Kemp said:

    We already know that zero dollars have been given to Iran, but Trumpers gonna Trump.

    That's probably a naive view as many have noted.


    Even though that 6 billion is effectively in escrow for payments to 3rd parties for humanitarian aid, Iran in all probability will just reallocate funds that would have been set aside for aid to terror related activities.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Agreed.  So will destroying Iran fix it?  I'm seriously asking cuz it didn't work out so well in Iraq and Afghanistan...

    I'd rather the Iranians fix their own mess. I'd certainly not like to start lobbing cruise missiles at Tehran. 


    I'm sure China and Russia would love for us to stick our wang into this hornets nest. Would be an opportune time to take Taiwan...

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  7. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    You mean the land grab they did and continue to do? That's not suppose to anger people? 

    I don't think the continued settlements are defensible.


    With that being said the Palestinians and their nation state sponsors like Iran don't want a two state solution which at this point in history is the only viable option. Their stated goal is the destruction of Israel. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Are you surprised? It's not as if this sentiment didn't exist prior to 1947. It's codified in religious texts. If these people really cared about the oppressed why aren't they out protesting the Chinese treatment of Muslims?


    They hate Jews. It's that simple.

    • Agree 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    NYC, like clockwork. 


    Pro Terrorist counter protest.  cant make it up.




    put on by the democratic socialist of America.  isn't that the squad backed PAC?



    I'm sure there will be a press release in which they all distance themselves from the NYC Chapter of the DSA (hahahaha right....).

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. Just now, Tommy Callahan said:

    So effed up.  This is exactly why Hamas is a terrorist org.  


    Stinks of Iran support with that 6 billion we just gave them


    The Israeli response will be severe.  

    Frankly, I think Israel is showing incredible restraint right now. If I were in charge I'd be tempted to just level Gaza and be done with it.

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