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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. Yes they read all this conservative crap on here......
  2. BARBARA...not Barbra...must be from a red state...you know those red states high on the education scale..Mississippi, Arkansas....
  3. SPEECH pathology...good phonetic attempt..the "S" sound plus peach
  4. Thats wild...we have been wiping our cat's butts with Bush lawn signs....you'd think it would do well but leaves lots of dingleberries.
  5. Like us democrats say..screw others as long as we pad our pockets
  6. Once again people making idiotic comments without reading all the information. You know what ..if Babs has five or six mansions...good for her....
  7. Coming out...hell been out..always enjoyed sodomy
  8. Hey George Michael wanna be...if we ever prosecuted all the sailors performing sodomy in the Navy...We'd be defenseless at sea..that goes for whole military.
  9. Well done Babs... I always liked her mouth....if you know what i mean (DSL)
  10. Thank god we have you as our moral conscience.....but who does not love sodomy!!!!! its so devilish....
  11. Wow aren't you the Einstein of the Christian freaks,,,,,,
  12. well we performed our ceremony in SF......the guy thought I was a lover of thunderstorms
  13. Miller-Urey proved through their lab test how life could have been formed from elements in early life of earth...add a little light...bang!!!!! you have living organisms
  14. Would that be after I get the underbody treatment and wax? I want my underbody clean first...
  15. There was saran wrap in the window of the car that asked me.....missing a few teeth too..
  16. yes, they used to role down their window and yell "hey you ....are you associated with the Christian Right? Now with my Kerry/Edwards sticker I'm left alone.
  17. Thank god we have our Catholic Blue U. S. of A. still.
  18. Well I think when I add a rainbow sticker on the Expedition and a pro-choice sticker..I'll be covered...
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