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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. Ok ..reword the question...how many Christian Rightest have committed sodomy..don't ask a Catholic...its too fun, we live for that.
  2. Honestly what percentage of this nation is made up of sodomist??? I think its over 50%
  3. I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think a reasonable American would be considering equal rights with their roommate or mother...as liberal as I am..please don't make me have a union with my mom. no matter what the laws of this land are...people will always try to cheat the system
  4. Yes the standards change...some every day...I want my gay friends to be recognized as a couple in society with equal rights as any hetersexual in a union...it does not have to be through marriage, but if it is recognized by marriage I have no problem. Please explain the millions of Americans that have little respect for the institute of marriage by getting divorced....hey I even friends that consider themselves part of the Christian Right...some divorced once some divorced twice. How can that be explained. In today's society, obviously marriage is not revered as in decades past
  5. Are you serious...how do you think that Rosie O'Donnell had her kids...two were adopted...one by vitro
  6. I simply feel that homosexuals are part of the fabric of our society...and yes I have very close gay friends that are living together, in a committed relationship. They have been together 15 years....they deserve rights afforded any other civil union. Its a standard of our society not to marry your sister, its also a standard not to have many wives or marry a pig, so no, it won't spiral out of control. Why does it bother you so much that a gay couple can get life insurance together. I wonder how many gays or lesbians are part of GWB's administration
  7. I understand that.....if I have a strong belief in my faith...that is all that matters...I feel God made us to be free thinkers....no I don't believe in every published Catholic belief or opinion, but no person will decide if my way of professing my faith is right or wrong
  8. IU'm sorry you opinion has to be right.........our opinions could not hold any water
  9. Sorry but please share your beliefs with us,...tell us what a wondeful christian you are on a daily basis. I was raised to believe that my beliefs are something that you do not speak out about in public
  10. If I say no...are you going to hold me personally accountable???
  11. Attending mass, recieving communion, active in church activities, and having a personal relationship with God that I will not share with peopel on here
  12. I know every educator on this board can share the same sort of stories..I know I can
  13. My students all have learning disabilities...they attend regular classes...biology, history...algebra....we help them with their areas of weakness...reading, writing...organization...study skills...but you meet these parents...you can tell they don't give a stevestojan about their child's education
  14. Yes public schools have their problems....but i have students that come to school to escape their drunk mothers or abusive father. Nobody feels that the basic family unit bears any blame. My son was thought to be respectful to adults...got through high school and now is on scholarship in college...his mother and I along with his educators got him where he is...
  15. if it looks like an Arab...smells like an Arab...praises to Mecca like an Arab...its an Arab...you mean there are actually good Arabs in the world...I'd never get that impression on this board
  16. On this board you get slammed for being a public school teacher....i teach special education...none of my kids have to take any responsibility for their actions...its terrible..in my district parents get what they want....we are kinder, gentler....which i don't agree with...parents so enable their children...both good and bad
  17. Those mushroom clouds are real cool...or we make JSP in charge of defense department...he can attack and destroy Iran, SA, Syria, hell get Israel too
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