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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. I got my Master's while serving in the Navy..i guess that goes against me.
  2. I accept your viewpoint..i just think the courts would not in this country..freedom of speech i a well guarded right
  4. god the sandwich rocked..but it was not the same without the bones
  5. you said that school should be closed..they bestowed my degree upon me....what was you point saying they should close that college or university
  6. is it against the laws of this country to burn a flag?
  7. good point, but what do the pictures of our soldiers mistreating prisonors do for us citizens...forget placing blame on that one....i have kids that do not stand for pledge of alliance in my class...court says they don't have to...are they Americans???
  8. I'm sure congressmen in the halls of congress are using profanities about GWB behind closed doors...a !@#$ Bush sign is harmless..who does it hurt..i here students say !@#$ you every in the hall of my schools
  9. I actually enjoy some of your posts....my posts on the other hand are not widely liked..scary to think an American university gave me a B.S. in political science
  10. I think we can protect our shores...we can fight and lobby for democracy in the Middle East...but that is a fight we'll not have much luck with
  11. we may be able to defeat some but more will be produced.....its more of a mind set then going in and purging the middle east of terrorist...but i have heard conservatives say "nuc" them all.
  12. I was stationed at Pentagon...which line was accident on?
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