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Mark VI

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Posts posted by Mark VI

  1. I'm glad Tim Russert is helping the Bills stay in Buffalo. But as a newsman he is at best a pompous fount of conventional wisdom and at worst ethically compromised on a half dozen issues.


    If I hear one more sentimental encomium to "Big Russ" from "Little Russ" I am going to hurl.



    Now I like him even more ! :flirt:

  2. I'm not suggesting the Bills would select a RB in Round 1... but then again nothing surprises me anymore.


    I remember Rich and I saying DT Tommie Harris at the Bills Draft Party 2 years back, moments before we selected Lee Evans. I also remember picking my jaw off the ground as we selected McGahee 3 years ago.


    This is precisely why I never lock on to any certain player anymore. You're setting yourself up for the big comedown.


    Now I just check off several good players at each position and expect anything.

  3. Not endorsing the idea but behind McGahee we have tiny Shaud Williams and Lionel Gates, who can't block and showed up for mini camp having lost weight when he needed to bulk up.


    We look very thin at a critical position. If Willis goes down, we need someone who could step in. I'm aware of our needs in the lines but don't act shocked if a RB is selected on Day 1.

  4. College football is all about tradition. Nike should be allowed to place their stupid swoosh logo on the shoulder and little else... Not reinvent the wheel for marketing purposes. Then again, if the schools sold out to Nike, they have no one to blame but themselves.


    Sales will probably suck and then Plan C ( saving face ) will be implemented.


    When will someone finally understand that the longtime loyal fans have a say in this ? :ph34r:

  5. Ngata has to be the man in Buffalo.  If someone like Da'Brick or even A.J. Hawk fall to number 8, I STILL believe that the Bills need to take Ngata.  Sure I'd love to see a playmaker like Hawk or even Huff taken, but it would be foolish to have Hawk backing up Spikes for three years, while our defensive line remains the worst in the league. 


    By the way:  This opinion is coming from a person who was NEVER ga ga over this mammoth tackle... but at the same time I look forward to him putting on the Bills uniform.



    Hawk would immediately put Posey out of the lineup and perhaps on waivers. Ferguson would be a very wise choice.


    Best athlete available in Round 1. Never reach for a need where $$ is critical. Ferguson and Hawk are rated far above Ngata overall.

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