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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. Guys, look at Bledsoe's passes. To the ground, or behind his players. With NO pressure around him. The sooner we get Bledsoe out of there, the sooner we can rebuild. I said it all last year and I'm saying it again this year...lets TRY and put another QB back there and see what happens. I bet that we move the ball better then we are moving it now.
  2. Hey, Moulds looked pretty good in at QB! Keep him in there
  3. I just want to see what Matthews can do. If he cant move the ball, then fine...we know...but I HATE not knowing and letting Bledsoe crap it up.
  4. That call was total BS, HE WAS HOLDING IN THE ENDZONE!
  5. Thats our wacky offense for ya! That Mularkey, always full of great ideas.
  6. You know what though? This O-line is opening up some holes.
  7. Yup, and whats even better is he gets to be lined up against Mr. Washington!
  8. Good job Angelo. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  9. Good QBs can win games, Drew has done NOTHING to prove he is worth it.
  10. Look at reality. This team hasnt had an above .500 year in the last 4 years. THAT my friends, is a terrible team.
  11. VERY lucky, if the Raiders were a playoff team, they would have sent us home packing already.
  12. You are asking for the impossible from Bledsoe and company.
  13. They are letting us hang around like we did with the Jags last week. We might still have a shot as long as they keep screwing up.
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