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Posts posted by unbillievable

  1. Why is everyone saying that he's a top 5 LT?

    According to Chiefs' fans (and PFF) the guy rated lower than Dion Dawkins.


    He was a RT in Baltimore that benefited from Lamar running around, then he was awful in KC to start the year, and finished the year average.

    We're not talking about a guy that deserves to be the top paid Oline in history, it's just his turn though.




    • Like (+1) 3
  2. 29 minutes ago, cage said:

    Not sure what's going on at the Chiefs board, but if that was a Bills player this thread would be on page 18 with the vitriol being hurled at him


    They've convinced themselves that Orlando has no leverage and will take whatever they offer, otherwise he's just average anyway and they can replace him by either shuffling their Oline, or signing a Free Agent (including Eric Fisher their previous LT).


    The best case contract was to pay him $19-20mil/ year for 5 years then a 6th (voidable) for 50mil to make it look like He's the highest paid to sooth Brown's ego.



  3. I learned from this trial that "Pledging" money to a charity doesn't obligate you from actually handing over any cash.


    This means I can pledge all I want to any organization, get the recognition (and t-shirt), then leave them hanging. 



    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. Growing up, my mom bought a lot of "collectables."

    Today, Her collection takes up 110% of my garage. She's hoping to pass on these "heirlooms" to the grand-kids


    Out of curiosity, I looked up how much they sell for on Ebay, as they have ZERO sentimental value.

    Just as I figured, I'm carefully storing mint condition, still-in-box, piles of worthless garbage.


    I imagine that a lot of Crypto holders are like my mom.

    • Agree 2
    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. I think Justin Fields will breakout and....


    ...who are we kidding.


    This is GB's division to lose. Vikings, like the Dolphins, can challenge, but only real threat is from the Packers.

    Vikings team offense can match Rogers, but their defense was horrible (30th) compared with Green Bay's (9th). The NFC is weak so they are probably a wildcard


    While I see GB running away with the Division, as a football fan, I'm rooting for the Vikings.


    Detroit is playing for the draft.



  6. 4 hours ago, KzooMike said:

    The point of conservative ideology is it doesn't change. It never changes. Extreme conservatives want to follow documents written hundreds or thousands of years ago to the letter then impose those beliefs on the rest of society. Extreme liberals want to advance faster than the latest I Phone and impose those concepts on the rest of society. I think most normal people do not believe in either of these concepts as they aren't extreme in views. Society/media is just pushing us into a situation where they want you to be in a category. It's easier to market to you if they do, it's easier to keep your attention, easier to sell you ***** you don't need. Most of us normal liberals and conservatives share tons of view points and can meet in the middle on many topics. It's just not sexy to say that, it doesn't sell. 


    The difference between the left and right...


    Both are stuck in traffic that isn't moving.

    The Liberal honks his horn, threatens, and yells at everyone around him to do something, anything!

    The Conservative decides to leave his car and walk, stranding everyone behind his parked car.



    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Poleshifter said:

    XRP is backed by gold. XLM is backed by silver.


    Gold and silver are the assets.


    Most people are not accustomed to crypto being backed by anything but hope.


    WHy not just buy the gold or silver?


    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, chongli said:


    I assumed the site owner (you) is a busy person, and I hesitated to bother you about such things. Also, others had reported the blocking of twitter links had been going on for a while, so I assumed it was a known issue and didn't want to contact a moderator.



    Yeah, I too was worried from that message that I had been banned due to trying to post a twitter link, lol.

    Twitter is now considered a virus.


    'bout time.

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Haha (+1) 2
  9. Someone explain how you lunge for the steering wheel from the back of a limo.


    Are we picturing a 250lb, 75 year old man, planking over the arm rest of a moving car?



    7 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    Serious question in all this silliness.  Is the ultimate goal to make Trump less palatable to Republican primary voters in 2024?


    They're gonna impeach him again!


    They have to do something, since he's living rent-free in their heads.

  10. 13 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Geez people…the abortion debate is incredibly complex and yet simple at the same time. Reading these posts while the vast majority just scream past each other doesn’t do this topic it’s due consideration. At the core of this debate is the question of why we put any guide rails on society at all. I put it to you all that the vast majority of of our laws are there to keep us from causing harm to others. There are a few exceptions (and they tend to cause the biggest debate…like drug use, suicide, etc). In the case of abortion it all just comes down to whether you consider the developing infant an ‘other person’ or not. I see absolutely no reason to go down any other rabbit holes or call each other names. 


    The human brain doesn't fully develop until the age of 26 years old.

    Scientifically, we can debate about killing the clump of cells at anytime within that time-frame using the same arguments.


    We already kill animals from chicken eggs to full grown horses, if cognitive ability is your measuring stick.

    Like Peta, where do you personally draw the line?



  11. Is there a state that is banning abortion?

    States are putting in restrictions, so the left is screaming "ban!"


    Reminds me of the Gun control debate.

    Democrats enact strict gun control and the right screams "ban", too.


    Maybe there should be an abortion amendment. Everyone keeps citing that most Americans support it. Although, Kamala, and the media, seem to believe it's already in the Constitution...

  12. Just now, muppy said:

    I think you assume a great deal. Like she can prove he is the father. Like you know what all women OR men believe for that matter.  Hey Im not trying to say all women are perfect or  live perfect lives. The rest is your opinion and Ima gonna leave u to it,


    Women don't have to prove the man is the father.  It's MAN that has to prove that he isn't.

    Family court is incredibly biased against Men.


    Men are overwhelmingly held financial responsible for children in western society. It's something that hasn't changed for decades, even after Women started going to work.


    It's hilarious that your "friend" would give you quote that sounds like something that was written in the 1920's.  Everything in that clipping is already happening.

    2 minutes ago, DrW said:


    What is the basis of this statement? This recent poll indicates otherwise.




    I guess it changed. The article I read was from 2020.

    53% of men for abortion vs 48% of Women.


    I wasn't sure, but it see-saws.

  13. Just now, muppy said:

    you are assuming that women will alwys have the means or opportunity  to go after a guy to prove his paternity.  He may be incarcerated, dead,  he may not even be aware he IS a father and she may not know Who is the father...what a mess.


    Im not going to speak n the draft.


    IF a woman can't figure out who the father of her baby is, she's got a lot more problems to worry about other than men. More than likely, she'll have multiple baby daddy's, so she should figure out how to game the system, quickly.


    Also, she doesn't even have to look for the guy, the court will go after him. All she has to do is file a police report and the cops will arrest the guy. They'll even take his pay check away every month for her. She can even name a random guy and put him on the birth certificate. It's actually him that has to ask for a paternity test to get out of child support.


    Our society is based on taking care of women. Everything in the western world is geared towards helping Women. The majority of Women are actually pro-life. It's the majority of MEN that are pro-choice.


    As far as abortion, it's an easy fix. Pass a federal law, like they've been promising for 50 years.







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