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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. I didn't get stevestojan from this !@#$ing team. !@#$ them! I'm not renewing my season tickets for this stevestojantty team! As a matter of fact, I think it's time to take a break from this !@#$ing wall, too. Too many assclowns here.
  2. Could he be another..............well, you know.
  3. Sad news out of Moscow, Idaho.
  4. Hmm.....maybe I should try this too. After all, I'm younger than this guy.
  5. Yeah, we (the out of towners) could use a good postgame show to watch and/or listen to. Nice avatar, by the way. I'll have to see if I can find that photo of you guys from my pictures at last year's tailgate.
  6. Hahaha!!! Man, you guys won't leave the poor guy alone, will you?
  7. Don't they? Hahahaha!!!! Four more beers! Four more beers!
  8. Both of you have valid points. Bledsoe did do a better job of hanging in the pocket and being more decisive in the Jacksonville game BUT, to Promo's defense, Bledsoe did NOT see nearly as much blitzing and outside rushing in the Jacksonville game as he did against Oakland. I think that once he started seeing that, combined with the OL's ineffectiveness, he started falling back into old habits (holding onto the ball, taking sacks instead of throwing the ball away, etc.).
  9. I went to work................and stayed there. Congrats! Is this your first marriage?
  10. Paul Lynde was funny on Hollywood Squares, even when he was telling other people's jokes (were written for him). What a smarta** he was; gotta like that.
  11. Nobody in particular. They all looked pretty bad. Sure, Drew took some pretty bad sacks at times, but he also did not have great pass protection, especially in the interior of the line. On only a handful of plays were they able to create a pocket for him to throw from.
  12. That bear could use a few extra clips. Make sure he gets the job done.
  13. Hahaha!!! Good one, Chris. Maybe you're right. I guess it was one of those moments a guy has to go through; where your body lets you know just how old you are.
  14. Oh, by the way, I'd be interested in one, even though I don't usually wear hats.
  15. Weren't you wearing one when I last saw you, Ann?
  16. They can't rely on "old times" stragegy, not in the age of reduced scholarships, which are levelling the playing field and making college football more competitive. As I said, I do believe that they'll get it together eventually, but they don't want to do that after they're out of a national title chase. Who wants to play their best football of the year in the Outback Bowl?
  17. Ahhh, the heck with the Puritans. Bring on the "Underage Girls 2005 Calendar"! They're HOT!!!!!
  18. As I said, they're both ugly. I guess they're both better looking than Chelsea Clinton, but that doesn't make them hot. Not by a long shot.
  19. That makes you no worse......or better...........than the rest of us!
  20. Picking potatoes, Kelly? What's up with that? If you need a few bucks, man, maybe we can start up a collection.
  21. I'll be drinking and watching the Steelers with my wife. The drinking helps make them watchable.
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