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Posts posted by B-Man



    ROGER KIMBALL: The case for reopening the country now.


    Public health experts are well and good in their place. Their place is not running the country





    You might think that the reason we don’t have an answer to these questions is because we don’t really know the insidious strength of the enemy, the new coronavirus that, with the help of the Chinese back in December and January, has made its way around the world, sickening hundreds of thousands, from Prime Minister Boris Johnson on down.


    I think that is only part of the answer. As becomes clearer by the day, there are two camps responding to this latest Chinese import. On one hand, there are those who have been subjected to what one wit called a 30-day free trial of socialism, replete with mind boggling government spending and hastily constructed regimens of social control. Very few of these guinea pigs will want to renew their subscriptions once the trial period is up


    Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Close your business. Stay inside. Shun your friends and neighbors. Report them if they disobey.



    These are the mantras of the busybodies and petty tyrant who fill the corridors of power at every level, from the federal government right down to your local police force, mayor’s office, school board, and neighborhood association.


    As I write, there are some 16 million people out of work. This happened over the course of a few weeks. Who know how many more jobs will be sacrificed on the altar of ‘flattening the curve’?





    Meanwhile, hospitals across the land, having turned themselves almost overnight into factories bent on dealing almost exclusively with victims of the virus, found their wards empty and their coffers hemorrhaging cash, as nearly all non-emergency procedures were postponed in order to deal with the floods of COVID-19 patients that, in many places, never arrived.


    Let me pause to acknowledge that COVID-19 is a dangerous virus, especially for the elderly and infirm. One of my best friends — now recovering, I am happy to say — had a nasty bout. But this observation by a former New York Times writer is to the point:


    ‘Nobody says COVID-19 is not real, that it can’t tax hospitals or kill people, esp. if they are over 75 or have co-morbidities. But right now the best CURRENT projection is for 61,000 US deaths. That was the 2017 flu season. Why have we shut the country?’


    ‘Why have we shut the country?’ That question is now being repeated with increasing urgency across America. I should also note that that 61,000 figure is probably too high, since the CDC is now recommending that everyone who dies who can plausibly be thought to have been exposed to the disease be declared a victim of it. Julie Kelly cites a typical case: ‘an 86-year-old female non-ambulatory stroke victim who developed a fever and cough days after being exposed to a sick family member later diagnosed with COVID-19. Even though the decedent wasn’t tested, the coroner nonetheless determined that the woman’s underlying cause of death was COVID-19’.


    There are signs that President Trump is tiring of his romance with Drs Fauci and Birx. That would be a good thing. Public health experts are well and good in their place. Their place is not running the country.


    The political philosopher James Burnham once observed that civilizations die more often from suicide, not invasion. He was thinking of the rot of progressive politics, which is the politics of fecklessness and surrender. Our response to the coronavirus has been a version of that spiritual inanition. We must reopen the country. We must start today.



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  2. 1 hour ago, billsfan89 said:


    How, genuinely asking? Wouldn't it be just as easy to hack electronic voting systems that have no paper trail?


    Mail in ballots have to be tied to an individual voter and leave a paper trail.


    It also takes place over many weeks which gives election officials an easier time noticing abnormal voting patterns. 



    And there is where the problem arises.


    You have NO PROOF whatsover that it was the actual qualified voter is the one who is casting the vote........unlike in person voting 


    A quick search shows that there has been constant abuses, 50 - 60 votes from the same 10 person dwelling, lost thousands of military absentee ballots, and more.


    Clearly you have never worked in a nursing home, where residents are "assisted" with their votes.




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    Since Billstime, ztime, stime has supposedly only been here a while, I will correct him this once.


    That kindergarten response of...............criticizing a site where an article comes from doesn't work with adults on here.


    All it tells me is that you were too afraid to read it completely, for fear of learning something against your biases.




    Here is another (because this information here is buried beneath childish posts)


    Pence to CNN: No Interviews With Our Health Officials Until You Cover Briefings


    TIP: it is always better to see WHO wrote the story rather than which site is is taken from...........in this case it is Kira Davis.


    Kira Davis is a freelance writer, blogger and mother of two. She is the president of Phantom Sway, a production company based in Los Angeles. Kira has interviewed President Obama and appeared on various media outlets including Fox News, the Dana Loesch Show, the Glenn Beck Show and the Dr.Phil Show. Kira is a dog person but she owns a cat anyway.




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  4. GettyImages-1216234787-scaled.jpg?auto=f


    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the architect behind Democrats’ decision to block $250 billion in additional funding to small businesses suffering because of coronavirus-related lockdowns, now says there’s “no data” to support an influx of emergency cash, even as banks are reaching their lending capacity due to unprecedented demand for aid.



    Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) moved to block Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) from passing the emergency bill by unanimous consent on Thursday morning. McConnell had hoped that the need for assistance would be evident enough that he would not have to call Congress back from recess to vote on the measure, but Democrats disagreed.


    McConnell was left incensed, noting that the $350 Paycheck Protection Program fund, which guarantees entrepreneurs with fewer than 500 employees low-interest loans that will be forgiven if they use the money to keep workers on the payroll, is “on track to be depleted by the end of this month.”



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  5. ‘Pick up your FERRETS!’ Active Dance Tutorial-HIP HOP’ is the video you need today that you didn’t know you needed (watch)


    We should all do this tutorial together.



    It’s not like a bunch of us aren’t stuck at home without a whole lot to do anyway … come on!






    This is either one of the most troubling or most epic things, ever.


    Maybe a little of both.


    Then again, it could be this editor has spent waaaaaay too much time inside.

    • Haha (+1) 2

    JOHN TAMNY: The New York Times’ Baseless Insinuations About Sanofi, Trump, and Hydroxychloroquine. 


    “The shame about the Times report is that it didn’t have to be.


    Peter Baker, Katie Rogers, David Enrich, and Maggie Haberman could have just responsibly penned an article revealing a debate about a drug’s efficacy.


    But since President Trump talked hydroxychloroquine up, they had to lace in their own biases and weak revelations in a vain attempt to make Trump look bad.”


    But Orange Man is Bad, even if Batker, Rogers, Enrich, and Haberman — shameless and awful, all of them — have to sacrifice the truth and whatever is left of their reputations to prove it.

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