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Posts posted by Oxrock



    Good assumption though most of the board probably has a good reason to dismiss this:




    I think perhaps it's easier for nature to take its course. The incentive of looking better, living longer and possibly shagging with more attractive mates should be enough for people to get off their ass. If not, then lets nature take its course.




    Food consumption is 75% of the job. Carbs should be strictly from vegetables.

    Green veggies. Avoid starchy ones.
  2. Off topic, but if the Johnson voters and the Ron Paul sit outs had gone ahead and voted for Romney, we'd be discussing who would be in his cabinet. Instead, we're going to relive the Swiftboating of the most vile person to use the wearing of a Navy uniform for political gain.



    John "he served in Vietnam" Kerry for SecDef!

  3. Yeah, 32,000 people from across the country signing a petition on a pandering and completely meaningless web site, so some White House intern can type up a reply that essentially says "We feel your pain, but...no."


    And that somehow amounts to the state petitioning for secession? :lol:

    Hah! It's true! They really can! No, wait... Tom is right. !@#$. Tom is right.





    Not so much about a state seceding. But to the opposite end, a potential 1 party system is terrifying...


    Per Texas Sen-elect Cruz...




  4. I think maybe the biggest losers of these elections were the Super PACs. Apparently, money doesn't always win. 80% of Super PAC money went to Republicans. Karl Rove was clueless on election night on Fox. He couldn't believe all of his money had no effect!


    Kudos to the American people for not being swayed by millions of dollars in TV ads.

    Wait.... Obama and his super PAC's out raised (became the first billion dollar candidate in history), outspent, and out advertised with negative ad buys in swing states (you didn't seem them in NY, but we sure did in Florida). Were do you get this Money doesn't always win?
  5. Jesus, call the Wambulance!


    You guys get ridiculous with this nonsense. Yes there is a liberal bias in the media. It comes from the fact that most journalists are liberals. We get it! But its an unintentional bias. The MSM attempts to be neutral in their coverage of the news. They do a fair but not perfect job of it. And we are notified of every slip-up they make by you poor downtrodden conservatives crying like babies every time some big mean liberal journalist doesn't phrase something in the way you believe tHshey should.


    But there is only one news organization that intentionally inserts bias into their coverage of events, FOX. Where'd that get you guys? How do those polls look now? How many of those swing states went to Romney? How much cheering were they doing and for who?



  6. Clever (not really). As I've stated several times before, the time table for expatriation is 15 years, when I'm roughly 51 years old.


    And yes, Ron Paul won a huge victory Tuesday night, as it was demonstrated that the current Republican model and strategy has failed. The incumbent was eminently beatable, yet voter turnout was underwhelming. Conservatives have rejected the Republican Party. If Republicans wish to win any more elections they will need to appeal to the growing demographic of American's who are socially liberal, but desire smaller, less intrusive government and fiscal conservatism. That's Ron Paul's base.


    If you even deny this you either have your head in the sand, you're not watching, or you're so far left that you can't even see it. I watched ABC coverage. Every single person on their team is a hard left Democrat. And I don't think I even need to mention NBC. They let their true colors show. They were orgasmic Tuesday night and Wednesday.

    Not just the news. It's in the programming as well.
  8. Republican party, this is what you need to do:


    1. Grow a collective set of nuts - Stop being the Conservative version of the John Kerry. Distinguish yourselves on the most imprtant issues and take them head on. Particularly on economic issues. Our economic model is unsustainable, impossible to defend, and easy to explain. Stop dancing around the issue and dive in and hammer it in common sense terms. Talk to people straight, and assume they're not retarded. A lot are, but you'll win more with logic than gimmicks and talking points. And read Milton Friedman.


    2. Stop alienating women - Don't get sucked in to these stupid birth control debates (thank you Rick Santorum). And damn it, STOP TALKING ABOUT RAPE!!! What are you trying to accomplish here? How about acknowledging that although abortion is morally abhorrent, regulation of abortion is not an essential function of the federal government. That doesn't mean go pro-choice, it means talk about abortion reduction through methods other than prohibition. You'll pick up 2 voters for every 1 you lose and ironically, you'll do a lot more to reduce the number of babies snuffed out in the womb.


    3. Stop demonizing Hispanics. They're actually a lot more conservative than you think. An effective immigration policy involves securing the border and making legal immigration significantly more streamlined. Cracking down on immigrants who are working is pointless. And cracking down on their employers isn't much better. If we could get them documented so they pay taxes and so we can process them w/n our criminal justice system, we eliminate most of the problems associated with illegal immigration. And stop worrying about them taking jobs. People who work help the economy. You sound like liberals talking about outsourcing.


    4. Explain to blacks why free market principles are in their best interest. And talk straight; don't be patronizing or handle them with kid gloves. You'd be amazed what you can say to a black guy if you just cut through the BS and talik to him like a man. He'll respect you for it. Don't think it will work? How's your current strategy working?


    5. Put your bible away. You can be as religious as you want to be, and you don't have to be shy about it, but make it damn clear that you understand the value of separation of church and state. You can acknowledge that our country was largely built on judeo-christian values, but make it clear you don't want to impose your will on others. Honestly, the most important values you derive from your religion are universal. You'd be surprised how many people have an irrational fear of a conservative theocracy.


    6. Stop talking about gays. The family unit has survived across the globe and across virtually all cultures from the dawn of civilization. It's not going to collapse b/c gays get to have federally sanctioned monogamous relationships. You don't have to like it. Hell, you don't even have to support it. Just let it go.


    Follow this recipe, find some politicians who are halfway cool to communicate it, and not only will the party rise from the ashes, you might actually do some wonderful things to help the country.

    I've been preaching this for years. Especially about abortion. Educate. Not legislate.
  9. :lol: This is fun!


    You hardliners are all sour grapes, just like I expected. It Romney had won, I would have posted a congratulations to him. I would wish him well. I know you won't believe that because you in your infantile world view expect that everyone else is like you, petty, divisive, unbending.


    I'm only holding up this inane sentiment for what it is, a piece of 3rd grade "I'm rubber--you're glue" garbage. It takes on a special comedy value for me though, now that you're on the other side.



    Quoting TYTT and calling him a hardliner is like calling Obama a moderate.
  10. Clean sweep on the ballots this time around. 3 states approve it--one state rejects a ballot initiative not to ban it.


    The Rep spin is that the wins were only possible in Dem-dominated states and there, only by slim margins. But the truth of the issue is that the tide is and will continue to turn. The Republicans, in their regrouping from this ass-kicking presidential loss, might want to rethink how to appeal to the social moderates like me who are fiscally conservative.


    I voted for Mitt but with my nose held on issues like this and immigration. The young guns like Rubio and Ryan should go home and rethink their positions for 2016 if they want to have a chance. The Right can either go more liberal on money (spread the wealth) or social issues. One way or another, they can't just retrench and hope for the big turnout. This electorate did not like Obama and he still trounced Romney.

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