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Posts posted by Oxrock

  1. The economic situation weren't even remotely similar. 2007 sparked a GLOBAL crisis. Nobody had the correct answer for what to do.




    Keep taking shots brah!


    Looks like your the one who has trouble growing up.

    Keep talkin' like you are in a !@#$in' sit-com.

    You're not Frank. This is real life. You and you lib friends here like to pretend you are on "Friends" or something. Come on. GTFU.

  2. No, softened steel would not "hold up" a building, however unless that softened steel was on every structural support beam on every floor of the building it would not permit a controled inward collapse at freefall velocity. The building would have twisted where it was structurally damaged, the outer walls would have buckled, and the weight of the structure above the damaged area would have fallen outward, away from the building, or "tipped". It's the whole reason we have demolition engineering to begin with, rather than just detonating cylinders full of accelerants on the upper floors of buildings we're trying to bring down. Buildings don't come down like that on their own.

    !@#$. You're a 9/11 truther?


  3. The empire strikes back:



    This is what I got when I clicked your link:


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  4. Who cares about political party? It's about the reasons and uses behind the deficit spending.


    And if you want to get technical, the 2009 budget is set by Bush. Quite misleading. Same with 2001 being Clinton's.

    Not true about 2009. The Democrat congress held off their budget until Obama was inaugurated.

  5. I don't think that sounds so much like a B word slapping as much as it does a deflection of the question. The fact of the matter is that the administration screwed up. Plain and simple. Then afterwards they tried to cover it up. I have a hard time that Clinton didn't know the correct story of what was going on at the time the American people were fed the story of the protest.

    Nut? Meet blind squirrel!


    I thought FJ's as in FJ-40 was the old "Jeep style" Land Cruiser (before the Land Cruiser went to the "yuppie wagon" body style in the early 1980's)... And now, the FJ-Cruiser made by Toyota? Also, it is Toledo... What's w/the spelling? Joke? I see you spelled it right once... Is "Toleito" a company name? Anyway... Doesn't FJ (as in FJ Cruiser) stand for Fake Jeep or Faux Jeep? ;-) Not knocking the FJ-40 Land Cruiser... That was one beast ride... They command a good buck if you can find one not a rust bucket! Heck, even CJ's during that era came off the line already rusting!


    The CJ was produced from the 1950's to 1986. YJ Wrangler (square headlights) was produced from 1987 to 1994... The TJ Wrangler from 1996 (no 1995 Jeep Wrangler? I think there was a 1995 & 1/2 TJ?) to 2006... And the new JK Wrangler from 2007 to Present.


    FWIW... The nomenclature holds true with Toyota (as explained above) and Suzuki. The Suzuki Samurai was an SJ.


    Anyway... Chrysler refinanced their loan and paid the US back... What does this have to do with GM? Jeeze... You just can't please everybody... Damn if they do, damn if the don't.

    No. Chrysler took more money from the Fed and paid back the loan with those dollars.

  7. That dog don't hunt. What are they forever indebted? It isn't like they still owe the US gov't money.


    Chrysler paid everything back and with interest to the US government... Almost 3-4 years ago. Sure, America was there when they needed them... They paid us back and refinanced elsewhere.


    Honestly... It would be great if they would produce them here and ship them to Europe or China for those expanding markets. I guess it is cheaper to produce them within the market than shipping them halfway around the world. I really don't have heartburn. NOW, just imagine if this is like a Beth steel thing in Lackawanna when they were building Burns Harbor in the early 1960's? I would get heartburn, if they modernize elsewhere, then close the old plants here and throw the imported product back @ us... YET, I do not think that would float w/Jeep... The whole brand is built around "patriotism." It would be really hard to change that brand image without major consequences.


    Now that should be the lie of the year right there!


    Back in November of 2009, when GM announced that it would repay its government loans, it didn’t take much investigation to realize that The General was simply shuffling government money from one pocket to the other and that true “payback” was still a ways off. … And now that our government finds itself “contemplating a runaway deficit and getting rid of its 8 percent of Chrysler’s equity,” would you believe that a similar federal money-shuffle is under way? Believe it.


    Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: http://www.sfexamine...k#ixzz2IRA9LZG9



    let me repeat so maybe you understand this time....


    Obama came in, and EXPANDED the Patriot Act!!! BEYOND anything Booooosh imagined, but obviously, not what you imagined Booosh was doing....

    But now, since it's Obama doing it, you, and all your ilk, are fine with it... I get it.... He has a D after his name for A22hole...


    And for the record, I NEVER defended this crap over at the other board. And in fact voiced my opposition BECAUSE I felt it would open the door for a future POTUS (Obama it appears already) to expand on or never get rid of. Government never gets rid of a temporary law, or tax that grants them more power...


    Now, it's too bad that all the crap over at the other board is archived, but there are enough refugees here to verify all this. Believe me, I would love to pull up how you hated Boooosh because of the Patriot crap, only now to find your ok with it....

    As I recall, I defended this crap on the other board, and actually argued my support against your non-support. Meh, we right wingers are all the same.
  9. http://www.ksl.com/?...48&sid=23259483


    The changes in a nutshell

    • Several related disorders, ranging from severe autism, to childhood disintegrative disorder and Asperger's will all be made part of a single diagnosis: Autism spectrum disorder.
    • The diagnosis is a spectrum, incorporating many symptoms, but placing people in an area of the spectrum based on the severity of their symptoms.
    • Experts say the new criteria, to be released more specifically in 2013, are both more strict and more flexible, allowing for accuracy and consistency in treatment.

  10. And you're still frothing at the mouth like you were on "the other board".


    If you recall correctly, Bush was wiretapping American citizens without a warrant. I believe I was told by you and others that I have nothing to fear unless I have been consorting with known terrorists.


    My answer was that if I have been consorting with known terrorists the government should have no problem getting a warrant.


    This concerns wiretapping people that are not American citizens outside of the US. See the difference?


    Not to mention you were frothing at the mouth back then about how we were taking away the presidents tools to fight terrorism. Now a dem holds the office, and is using a system that is not outright illegal as wiretapping American citizens without a warrant, and it's an affront to everything that is American right?


    Crawl back in a hole with this crap...

    It's an extension of same law. Get a clue.
  11. Ox, were you on that other board with Frank? You seem to give him a lot of credit here for being a halfway reasonable guy. Not knowing him anywhere else but here, he has to be one of our least distinguished posters. His Trayvon Martin thread ended up being epic, but I'd venture to guess he wishes he never started it. My guess is that after doing his homework he isn't allowed to be on the computer for much extra time. Hey, other people on the party line get pissed when someone interferes with their phone calls.

    Yep. He was going to college and playing in a band back then.
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