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Posts posted by Oxrock

  1. Joe Scarborough is a conservative. He just happens to work on MSNBC and he has to appeal to his audience.

    No. Not really. I live in his old district. Here's my "note" from 2010:


    Joe Scarborough is a petty, jealous, man full of hate, misogyny, and jealousy. He wishes people would have begged him to run for higher office or bought his books by the millions. Instead he quits on the people of Northwest Florida "to spend more time with the family" then immediately embarks on a television, radio, and print career. I wonder how much time all that takes from his family. Sheesh, Joe, I used to vote for you.




    While I probably won't vote for Sarah Palin in the primary, if she should win the primary, people will point to this attack by a petty, petty man who sold what little creditability he had left to MSNBC and the Democrat arm of cable tv news undermining a chance to stop the madness that is the far left of the democrat party lead by Barak Obama.

  2. Happy New Year! The Winter Solstice has always been the beginning of a new year to me. Tomorrow will have more sunshine (daylight) hours than today. What more reason do we need to celebrate!?!?


    My days of SAD are about to wane. Winter blues are not just "feeling the blues", but part of Seasonal Adjustment Disorder. Living in Florida helps. But just the arrival of December 21st helps even more.




    HAPPY NEW SEASON! New year to me!



  3. I was with section today and told him I would venture into PPP land as well.


    The whole left right center nonsense doesn't click for me. Politics have never been my thing, I use my own moral compass to make my decisions.


    Can't say much but I can tackle the last paragraph FWIW,


    ------------------------------------no one needs a 30 shot clip.......i do need a handgun so i can protect my house when things go bump in the night



    Unless you're up against someone who has one. 9 shots may not be enough. Should be, but what if he's running and dodging and weaving? What if there's two intruders? Do you want to be the nut left behind? Dropping your clip in the heat of the moment and trying to jam the next one in? Trying to find the next one? Home defense man!


    Really, don't even get a handgun or semi-automatic rifle. Get a shotgun for home defense.



    Hell no! I am not paranoid. I did notice the cops are a little more edgy now. I live in a collar county... Cook is to the north, sticks to the south... Gun shots occasionally back behind my house, where people have more property. First time ever, I see the sheriff's car (not village police) is riding down the street... I wave... He stops and asks if I heard shots. I said: "Sure, pop, pop, pop...pop, About 20 minutes ago when I was in my kitichen... Came from back there (as I pointed southeast)." He says: "Thanks and drives off." I figured, the shots were people just having some "gun fun" on their property... Oh, well... Guess the cops are all busines now... People must be calling.


    You guys are way to paranoid... I have been there 20 years and never called the cops... Heck, I don't even lock the doors @ times... I probably should... Yikes.


    Funny thing, IMO... Probably one is more apt to get into trouble far out into the sticks... Without other houses around. Not that I need others... But the bad guys probably figure.. Let's take a house that has guns.. Wait for them to leave and steal them. Heck, why wouldn't they? Guns are fun! Everybody wants a gun, especially a stolen one that traced to somebody else! Right? Look, the mother in CT couldn't stop her OWN guns from ending her life! Yeah! (sarcastic)...

    I like your non-paranoia.

    Gotta tell ya though. I was a little paranoid myself when I lived in North Chicago (off Green Bay Rd, right down the street from Green Bay Elementary). Crime and home invasions seemed to be on the rise back then (93 - 97).



    No. Not at all. I am just not paranoid that my fellow humans are coming for my empire like the rest of you nut jobs are worried about. I have no problem with using a weapon of any kind for self reliance. But, dude from down the street coming for my SkiDoo and flat screen is not even on my radar.

    You are afraid of something to do with lawful gun ownership though. Irrational fear at that.
  6. It's funny you should ask that. I went to the gun range a couple of months ago for the very first time. Shot off a few rounds, I'm horribly inaccurate btw, and was approached by the manager asking me if I wanted a concealed weapons permit. When I asked him what I had to do to get one he replied with, "I've seen you handle a gun, that's enough for me. All you have to do now is get a passport photo made, get a copy of your criminal background and get your fingerprints ". When I asked him about the training I'm supposed to go through he said to forget about that just give me an extra $20.


    No wonder Florida has one million weapons permits handed out.

    Lie. Not even a good one.


    That's kind of like saying the Bills are 4 and 7 but that's just because of a couple dropped balls and some bad play calling. Really they should be 6 and 5 and in the playoff hunt. The fact is they're 4 and 7 and they're just about cooked as far as the playoffs go. And the reason is that they didn't do well enough.


    More facts: The Democratic President won re-election and it wasn't close. Democrats are up 2 in the Senate and 5 in the House.


    You think the Republican leadership is pointing fingers and saying "what did we do wrong, what do we have to do to turn this around?" because they think they did well?


    I'll let you have the last word. You can tell me I'm wrong again. But you can't change the facts.

    Nothing has changed. Facts: Today, the GOP controls the house be a large margin. The Dems control the senate without a filibuster proof majority. The President is a democrat. Come January, none of those facts change.


    Actually, I'm right. Dem President re-elected by a comfortable margin. Dems plus 2 in the Senate and plus 5 in the House. The voice of the majority is there and carries some weight.

    Nope. You are wrong. The gain in the senate came fom self destructing GOP candidates and the return of a Dem seat to the Dems in a solidly blue state. The house is still overwhelmingly GOP, and the executive won with fewer votes and. Slimmer margin than 2008, a first for a winning incumbent.


    That’s a good point, but your example of context seems incomplete.


    It’s like if you were having an argument with a woman. You say that you want to have sex with her 25 times. She says she wants to get a court order forcing you to move to a different county. She might be willing to compromise by saying that you get to maintain your residence in the same county, but you are not allowed within 300 feet of her residence. You might initially complain that it’s not a compromise because you have given up your position entirely. However, if more context is given which reveals that you have been pestering this poor woman and stalking her for years, then it seems reasonable and it becomes clear that both sides have made some concessions which are appropriate.


    Another example of additional context might be a recent election in which the majority of voters have chosen one particular fiscal vision over another. This particular contextual element is called leverage.




    Actually, you are wrong. The voters agree with the status quo. They voted to keep things as they were on 5 November. GOP HOR, Democrat controlled Senate & Executive. No change. No mandate except stalemate. I'm all for it. It seems the do nothing government is working out just fine and the economy might just be heading in the right direction (although it might just be the holiday hiring and spending... We will have to wait until January or Ebruary to know for sure).
  10. Do you think you'll get a response? I forget what thread it was in but I posted a link or two about conservatives being more charitable with their time and money vs libs in response to his holier than thou proclamations. He conveniently went and hid deeper than if he was in the witness protection program. When I say "he", I say it lightly. I'm not sure you can be a "he" if you have no balls.

    Might be "Linda" from the other board by the constant use of "wingnuts". That was her favorite thing.
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