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Posts posted by Oxrock

  1. Here we go again ahead of the next IPCC meeting! More on the non-scientific scientist that have been waging a PR war for your mind and money:

    News Story Here



    Fresh round of hacked climate science emails leaked online

    A file containing 5,000 emails has been made available in an apparent attempt to repeat the impact of 2009's similar release


    A fresh tranche of private emails exchanged between leading climate scientists throughout the last decade was released online on Tuesday. The unauthorised publication is an apparent attempt to repeat the impact of a similar release of emails on the eve of the Copenhagen climate summit in late 2009.




    The initial email dump was apparently timed to disrupt the Copenhagen climate talks. It prompted three official inquiries in the UK and two in the US into the working practices of climate scientists. Although these were critical of the scientists' handling of Freedom of Information Act requests and lack of openness they did not find fault with the climate change science they had produced.




    Norfolk police have said the new set of emails is "of interest" to their investigation to find the perpetrator of the initial email release who has not yet been identified.




    The emails appear to be genuine, but the University of East Anglia said the "sheer volume of material" meant it was not yet able to confirm that they were. One of the emailers, the climate scientist Prof Michael Mann, has confirmed that he believes they are his messages. The lack of any emails post-dating the 2009 release suggests that they were obtained at the same time, but held back. Their release now suggests they are intended to cause maximum impact before the upcoming climate summit in Durban which starts on Monday.... (MORE AT LINK)



    And a whole lot of fun here:

    Watts Up With That?



    UPDATE8: 140PM PST Mike Mann shows his true colors:


    email 1680.txt


    date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:03:05 -0400

    from: "Michael E. Mann"..

    subject: Re: Something not to pass on

    to: Phil Jones



    I would not respond to this. They will misrepresent and take out of context anything you give them. This is a set up. They will certainly publish this, and will ignore any evidence to the contrary that you provide. s They are going after Wei-Chyung because he's U.S. and there is a higher threshold for establishing libel. Nonetheless, he should

    consider filing a defamation lawsuit, perhaps you too.


    I have been talking w/ folks in the states about finding an investigative journalist to investigate and expose McIntyre, and his thusfar unexplored connections with fossil fuel interests.Perhaps the same needs to be done w/ this Keenan guy.


    I believe that the only way to stop these people is by exposing them and discrediting them….




    Ahhh, Penn State, what to do with Mr. Mann......

  2. I just figured it out...every time you see something that tickles your little racialist fancy, you have to come running here and post it with some little meaningless quip and absolutely no thoughts of your own, as though we're all somehow your circle of friends and actually give a **** about what interests you.


    Basically, you think this board is Facebook.



    So why don't you just take your act to Facebook already? Did all your friends "unfriend" you when they got sick of your bigoted shtick?


    Have to say that as kid who lived in the projects with 4 other siblings and a single mother receiving welfare, I'm truly offended. Terrible.

  3. If Huntsman or Romney doesn't get the nomination, I'd vote for Obama.

    Really? Logic fails me on that one. If Huntsman (Obama's employee) or Romney (Obama's role model) don't get the nomination your are going to go ahead an vote for the guy that ties the two together?


    Oooooooooooo...... Don't think that one over too hard.

  4. Yes, exactly. With one exception...infrastructure is designed to increase commerce for multiple parties while the pipeline will only directly profit one company in the long-term.




    See above. The stimulus was aimed at the economy at large. The pipeline is aimed at one (albeit important) sector, or perhaps even one company (that isn't even based in the US)




    Care to elaborate? What did I say that is incorrect? I did some quick research before I posted and I would like to know which portions are not factual.

    Wrong. The pipeline itself is infrastructure. It will need to be maintained. It will lower the cost of oil and therefore the cost of transporting goods for the economy at large. Thus, it is exactly like how you describe the "stimulus".

  5. I think you should set Crayonz straight.


    I would, but I'm not sure of the level of political savvy that each of you old timers here bring to the table. Some have already erred with the assumption that we refugees are indeed not only "noobs" to this board, but to political observation as well. I'm not going to make the same mistake about the posters who have been here for a while.


    So, no straightening of the Crayonz. I was just wondering if it is possible that someone might have been blissfully asleep at the time of the last Presidential election.


    3 - 4 years ago is a long time ago to some. To me, seems like last week.

  6. The pipeline may create some jobs, but they will be temporary. These pipelines are meant to basically run by themselves. So we may create a few thousand temporary construction jobs, but TransCanada - who would own and operate the pipeline - have said numerous times that the pipeline would only create a few hundred permanent jobs in the United States. TransCanada itself has issued a report saying the highest potential number of temporary jobs the project would create is just under 5,000. Talk about a drop in the bucket.


    And as for reducing oil prices, the majority of the oil would be exported from Houston/Galveston/Port Arthur, Texas to markets in Central and South America and would thus have little impact on domestic gas prices. Additionally, these ports are designated Foreign Trade Zones, so we couldn't even tax the exports.


    Oh, I see. Sort of like infrastructure projects such as roads and bridges.

  7. In 1970, the House reelection rate was the same as 2010.


    The Senate reelection rate has been lower than 2010 many times, including 2008 and 2006.


    2010 was not a watershed year. Maybe in 2012, we'll get 83% reelection. A real bloodbath.

    It's all a matter of scale.


    All of those other years were the standard. Not the 87%, but over 98%. So, a reduction by a factor of 10 is progress. That was only two years ago. Perhaps 2012 will repeat 1970 and 2010 or surpass both. But the truth is the trend was broken. Will there be a new trend? We will find out in 1 year.

  8. 87% House incumbents won in 2010. 84% Senate. Pretty much on average historically.


    Used, abused without clues, I refused to blow a fuse. They even had it on the news.


    You my friend believed the hype.


    It's all relative. The last time the percentage of incumbents being reelected was that low was in 1970.

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