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Posts posted by Oxrock




    People are funny about environmental risks. For example, we have a newly developed housing neighborhood called Stapleton, after the old Stapleton airport. It has become kind of a posh, uppermiddle class nesting place for white liberals. There is very high demand for homes, they resell immediately, the schools are supposed to be very good, everybody has two white children and a chocolate lab... you get the picture.


    So my wife looked at houses there when they were first building- she got an Environemtnal Reports that was 4 inches thick and alot of warnings in it.. she decided to not buy there because of what she read... other people, some freinds have bought there and consider themselves very strong pro-enviornmental regulation and protection... quite the irony.


    I do believe most businesses have the core belief that they should refrain from delveratly and knowingly posison their customers... there are a minority that know risks and hide them delberartly (Everybody here loves the NFL, they withheld very important consussion research.. nobody wants them gone)




    I imagine he means the historical context of how that came to be, who let Oxy bury there... I don't actually know the story...





    People are funny about environmental risks. For example, we have a newly developed housing neighborhood called Stapleton, after the old Stapleton airport. It has become kind of a posh, uppermiddle class nesting place for white liberals. There is very high demand for homes, they resell immediately, the schools are supposed to be very good, everybody has two white children and a chocolate lab... you get the picture.


    So my wife looked at houses there when they were first building- she got an Environemtnal Reports that was 4 inches thick and alot of warnings in it.. she decided to not buy there because of what she read... other people, some freinds have bought there and consider themselves very strong pro-enviornmental regulation and protection... quite the irony.


    I do believe most businesses have the core belief that they should refrain from delveratly and knowingly posison their customers... there are a minority that know risks and hide them delberartly (Everybody here loves the NFL, they withheld very important consussion research.. nobody wants them gone)




    I imagine he means the historical context of how that came to be, who let Oxy bury there... I don't actually know the story...

    Hey! I'm just a lurker here! Leave me out of it!

  2. Not knowing all the facts, my first instinct is a reasonable person would not have been in fear of great bodily harm or death from someone outside 30' away. Just me, I'll keep an opened mind though. Hope the youngster doesn't die from his trespass.


  3. AOSHQ:

    Oh My: Leftwing Protester Displays Sign Sarcastically Saying "We're Racist & Proud," Intending That as an Insult Against Pro-Zimmerman Protesters; Media Immediately Begins Reporting Sign as Bona-Fide Expression by Rightwingers



    Only one problem with their plan: Brandon Darby was on-site and, get this, actually bothered to interview this specific protester, who wasn't even a Moby or Agent Provocateur.

    She had no real intent to deceive -- the moment Darby asked her about it, she said she was there to insult the Zimmerman supporters, not actually disguise herself as one of them.

    All you had to do was ask her.




  4. Bobby rush on fox right now- he's a mess

    The people,of his district must know that he doesn't call the shots in his office... Right? The have to know someone pulls his strings to keep sending him back every two years. It's not like he's a Senator with a 6 year appointment who could possibly have his his condition for 4 of the 6 years... Right?


    Wait, I forgot the voters who re-electect JJ Jr while he was institutionalized.

  5. Good lord.


    So far I've heard repeated and have read repeatedly that Zimmerman was ordered or told by the police or 911 to stay in his truck.


    That this is about "Stand Your Ground"


    That Zimmerman stalked Martin. Stalked, not followed.


    "If only Zimmerman would have obeyed the police order to stand down"


    As the kids say on FB "SMHID"




  6. For those that want to think and educate themselves:





    Five Myths About That Night



    Who the aggressor was that fateful night is the central — and most unanswerable — question of the case. Those who fault Zimmerman have latched on to this back-and-forth with Sean Noffke, the operator, as proof that Zimmerman defied a direct police order.

    Not so. Noffke testified on the first day of the jury trial that it is dispatchers’ policy not to give orders to callers. “We’re directly liable if we give a direct order,” he explained. “We always try to give general basic . . . not commands, just suggestions.” So, “We don’t need you to do that” is different than a more direct “Don’t do that.”

    Did anyone see the photo of the rapper Game in a claim that it was TM? I've followed this case closely and never saw that photo before today.



    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    you do know that this isn't a "stand your ground" case right? It's a simple self defense case. In other words, he had a reasonable fear that his life was about to be snuffed out. The same self defense right you'd have in any state. The stand your ground controversy is a figment of the msm. That's what the defense is using forget "stand your ground".


    I have not read through this entire beastly thread but what evidence backs up that he didn't get out of the car to pursue Trayvon and what evidence supports that Trayvon came out of nowhere and started violently attacking George who at that point was not trying to engage Trayvon? I understand George's story...but you are saying the evidence supports it...these are two of the more important points imo.....the 911 call he says he was following him and -while I could be missing something- I have heard of nothing other than Zimmerman's own words that suggest Trayvon ran, then came back and started fighting...

    no, the 911 call says he said "ok" when told "you don't need to do that". He stopped following. That's what the 911 call says.


    Yeah, well...LA's right, Brooks is the sort of "token Republican" left-leaning shills trot out to say "See! We're objective!" (Like Colmes' role on the old Hannity and Colmes show).


    And I gave you the benefit of the doubt and refrained from pointing that out...but given you ignored my substantive observation and went straight to bitching about an ad hominem attack, it seems I was wrong. You're not interested in discussing it, you're more interested in **** slinging.

    you !@#$ing sand crab... Brooks is nothing like Colmes. Colmes never waivers in his left wing convictions. Brooks is left wing who pretends to be conservative.
  10. take away drudge and obscure nut job far right blogger references and 75+% of ppp posts suddenly become moderate or progressive.

    Drudge is links to stories. A brief visit this morning has story links to CBS, FOX, ABC, NBC, CNBC, several British papers, USA Today, Bloomberg, WSJ, So, I guess what your saying is that people who visit Drudge get their news from too many different sources?
  11. One bit of information that I think hasn't been considered here (recently at least) is the location of the altercation. If I remember correctly Zimmerman claimed he was returning to his vehicle when he was attacked and the location of the altercation along with the location of the vehicle bears that out.


    Another pic of Zimmerman that night:

    exactly. When told that he needn't follow, he said ok and didn't. He was heading back to his vehicle. The evidence will show this soon enough. How? GPS.


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