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Posts posted by Oxrock


    Oh, please. You've never been ANYTHING but a far left sheep. I know you pretend for the sake of making a point, but your posting history and political philosophy is SO clearly the byproduct of a Bernie/Liz/Obama three-way, that no one believes you've ever been anything but a Dead Dog SoProg.

    I have a co-worker at the paying job who says "I'm a Reuplican! I voted for Reagan!" then voted for Obama twice and Hillary. He still swears he's a Republican. I have to remind him a hell of a lot of Democrats voted for Reagan too. He's a leftist.


    Me? Well I still lurk here (ever since BBMB killed the political conversations - heh... now they've killed the entire BBMB). I even stalked DC Tom on twitter once. Don't remember when or why I knew it was him commenting a tweet from someone we had been following in common... but I knew it was him. Found FIL2 the other day. He's become a disillusioned democrat like some of the other posters here. At the moment I can't remember his blog name.


    As for myself, I didn't vote for President for the first time in my adult life. I consistently score "right leaning libertarian" on most political quizzes. Frank (FIL2) would be surprised on some of my moderated views - Fiscally Conservative/Socially libertarian.


    Looking back, I should have voted for that RINO Donald Trump. I am more aligned with his views than I thought.

  2. I'm a a Constitutional Originalist. So, no.


    As such, you have to go by the meaning of words and the speachifying of the 14th amendments proponents which leads to children of citizens (naturalized or born here) are also citizens. At the time of passing the proponents of the amendment wrote as such to mean children whose parents were not subject to any foreign power. Therefore, the parents could not be citizens of another country. 1898 United States vs Wong Kim Ark pretty much assumed that if you were a LEGAL immigrant you were not subject to a foreign power any longer.


    The case less than 100yrs later... 1982 Plyer vs Doe pretty much said Legal/Illegal...Toe-mato/Toe-Mahto... what's the dif? Eh? And here we are.


    Just as the court was wrong in Plessy vs Ferguson, so they were also wrong with Plyer vs Doe (and Roe vs Wade, go look, there is no "right to privacy" in the Constitution).

  3. Assuming the Republicans hold the Senate.


    The problem with assume is it makes an ass out of you and an ass out. well nevermind, nobody else here will dispute the ass out of you part

    Ok, but for the purpose of the question, play along for a moment.


    1. Border security.

    2. Tax cuts for corporations tied together with repatriating money from overseas by tax forgiveness.

    3. Comprehensive immigration reform.

  4. Now, since Hillary is running and had stated that Iraq had WMD's, it can now be told that YES! WMD's were found in Iraq and some of our soldiers were injured by them.


    Only coming out now to justify Hillary's vote to take military action in Iraq and to back up HER claims that WMD's were in Iraq when she voted for military action. A good analysis here: AOSHQ


    The NYTimes has published a particularly despicable piece on the Iraq War. Here's the link, if you must. Now, let me start by saying there are parts of this piece that are noteworthy, and those parts recount acts of valor and duty by U.S. service members. That's not the despicable part. The despicable part is how the NYTimes writers have twisted what happened to these service members to their own end of rewriting the Iraq War.

    According to the NYTimes, chemical weapons of mass destruction were indeed found in Iraq during the war, as has been a simmering, off-again-on-again open secret. But the NYTimes says these were not the chemical WMD that President Bush said would be found:

    The United States had gone to war declaring it must destroy an active weapons of mass destruction program.
    Instead, American troops gradually found and ultimately suffered from the remnants of long-abandoned programs, built in close collaboration with the West.

    The New York Times found 17 American service members and seven Iraqi police officers who were exposed to nerve or mustard agents after 2003. American officials said that the actual tally of exposed troops was slightly higher, but that the government�s official count was classified.

    The secrecy fit a pattern. Since the outset of the war, the scale of the United States� encounters with chemical weapons in Iraq was neither publicly shared nor widely circulated within the military.
    These encounters carry worrisome implications now that the Islamic State, a Qaeda splinter group, controls much of the territory where the weapons were found.

    The first sentence is an absolute lie, uttered at Bush 43's expense, and made to justify the terrifying conclusion, laid at Obama's feet, in the last sentence.

    This NYTimes piece has an overarching political goal: to cement forever the lie that the Iraq War was directed solely at stopping an active weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq. As we know, the military never found an active weapons program, which makes this a particularly compelling slander.

    Well, okay. Let us say that it is compelling for anyone stupid enough to believe it, which, shockingly, includes far too many people who actually lived through the event and have conveniently forgotten now. I am flabbergasted at the number of people who immediately repeated this lie on Twitter who I know were alive and well and watching the run-up to the Iraq War, just like me.


    So let me remind you about the actual casus belli for the Iraq War.


    Click through for the "casus beli"

  5. Derringers? Derringers? How many people have been killed by derringers in the past 20 years? Maybe three? More people have probably choked on derringers since 1970 than been sh0ot by one. You don't fire a derringer, you display it in a UV-resistant glass case on a turntable with soft lighting. They're all friggin' antiques, the last one was made in 1935.


    Nice to see illegal "assault weapons" aren't on the list. Guess we should legalize them, then...y'know, since they're apparently safer than derringers.

    Ok. You are usually on top of things. I'll help you out:

    1. Pistols - hand gun

    2. Revolvers - hand gun

    3. Rifles - well, rifle

    4. Shotguns - meh, shotgun

    5. Derringer - hand gun


    So, to recap:

    1. Handguns

    2. Handguns

    3. Rifles

    4. Shotguns

    5. Handguns


    or for mockery go: http://twitchy.com/2014/07/15/rolling-stone-inspires-mockery-with-list-of-most-dangerous-guns/



    Not exactly, but close enough


    Outlook (and by Outlook everyone really means Microsoft Exchange) stores email on the server. If your computer crashes and you get a new hard drive, the first time you start Outlook it pulls a copy of your store to the local hard drive. If you walk into the next cubicle and log into your coworkers computer, same deal.


    If the IRS lost all of Lois Lerner's email during a set period of time, then they lost the email for everybody on the same Exchange store.


    And even if the Exchange store crashed, an IT Enterprise the size of the IRS is going to have a system in place to backup email and file servers.


    Another factor to consider in the crashed hard drive, is that an IT Enterprise the size of the IRS is going to have a large IT support team. They won't just call up Geek Squad when they have a problem. Any large IT Enterprise will have a phone Help Desk, field techs, server admins, etc all working off a ticketing system. So where is the documentation that the hard drive crashed?

    Yes. There has to be a help desk involved somewhere. Great clarification. Thank.

  7. Whenever someone that high up gets a new Desktop or Hardrive, Outlook populates the new hardrive with old emails from the server. Period. Just like if she remotes in from home to a new server and she clicks on Outlook, the first thing it does is based on her login name and password sets up outlook for her and then retrieves everything from the server in her profile.


    Edit: Not just anyone that high up. Everyone.

  8. "A new study by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin found that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is collapsing due to geothermal heat, not man-made global warming.

    Researchers from the UTA’s Institute for Geophysics found that the Thwaites Glacier in western Antarctica is being eroded by the ocean as well as geothermal heat from magma and subaerial volcanoes. Thwaites is considered a key glacier for understanding future sea level rise."

    There is a link to a pdf of the study. It wouldn't load for me, but I'm on a very old windows XP machine.


    Read more: http://dailycaller.c.../#ixzz34XC3BSJk

  9. Ooooh, another Bush photo. Soooo original.



    Which, by the way, the "Mission" was accomplished. The "Campaign" was just as was described by the administration "a long, slow, slog". Another leftest meme that the LIV like to trot out now and then is that "mission accomplished" banner never knowing the difference between a "mission" and a "campaign" let alone the over all objectives of "war".


    That's the wonderful thing about the Bush administration, anytime Obama makes a small blunder we can all reference something far greater the Conservative administration did. Like lying after an attack? How many years went by before the Bush administration stopped trying to deceitfully tie the sacred 9-11 attacks to Saddam? Obama's sins pale in comparison.

    Iraq was not tied by Bush to 9/11 by the way. Just "terrorism" in general (i.e. Sadam hosted terrorist training camps... Which he did). Grow up. Leave the mother jones left wing talking points and read the timeline for yourself.
  11. This is a frivolous law suit. The senate is allowed to amend bills and send them back and if the house doesn't like it they could have simply not affirmed the senates decision by voting it down. This is grasping at straws.

    if that is upheld, then all the party in power has to send to the Senate is a bill consisting of one letter. Let the senate fille in the blanks and off we go. Is that what you want?


  12. I find it interesting that the full force of the federal government and the national media was brought to bear against Toyota for a single "accident" where a "design flaw" "caused" the deaths of four people. Of course it was at a critical time when the future of GM was a stake, their corporate bondholders were illegally removed from their primary bankruptcy claimant status, and cash-for-clunkers was "stimulating" sales of US made cars and trucks (which tanked the used car industry for two years), all of which gave the federal government a much needed feel-good "win" in the public's jaundiced eye.


    Now, that same GM is (using the same standard) guilty of thirteen deaths and nary a peep out of the main stream media.


    Oh well. Al Qaida is on the run and GM is alive. forward reset never-mind

    This. I'm not usually a "yeah that" guy, but... THAT!

  13. Boston - Democratic mayors for pretty much the last 100 years

    New York - Largely democratic for last century

    Chicago- Democratic since 1931

    Dallas - 50/50

    San Francisco - Democratic


    Those are pretty well run successful cities....maybe its something else.....

    Forgive me. I'm on an iPad. But... http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2014/03/04/moodys-downgrades-chicagos-credit-rating-lowest-of-any-major-city-except-detroit/


    Moody’s Downgrades Chicago’s Credit Rating, Lowest Of Any Major City Except Detroit
  14. It appears the market IS speaking...Apple, NFL....the governor should sign it and we can really see the market speak....

    At this point she should sign the bills. Threats should be taken seriously and confronted. She should adopt a go ahead and make my day stance.


    OT: just saw a pitch down here on TV for business to relocate to NY. Pay no state taxes for 10 years? Is that right?


  15. De-lurking for a moment. Forgive me for I am on an iPad. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/14/united-auto-workers-union-stunned-by-devastating-defeat-in-tennessee/


    Bad form I know, but here's an excerpt:


    CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — Workers at a Volkswagen factory in Tennessee have voted against union representation, a devastating loss that derails the United Auto Workers union’s effort to organize Southern factories.


    The 712-626 vote released late Friday stunned many labor experts who expected a UAW win because Volkswagen tacitly endorsed the union and even allowed organizers into the Chattanooga factory to make sales pitches.


    Yes... It's the Blaze. but it's an AP story.

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