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Everything posted by J-E-T-S

  1. Really? He's improved more this season honestly. People used stats against him before and now they're irrelevant? LT is also used in the screeng ame somewhat. Watch out for that.
  2. Really? He blanketed Welker (NFL's leading receiver) in the slot on 21 plays for 1 reception, 4 yards. The 2.9 rating against him speaks volumes.
  3. Turnover prone =/= efficiency. Again, Sanchez has one more turnover than Fitz, who you guys wouldn't call turnover prone. Sanchez has made strides this year, with the turnover in the WRs and the o-line (with Baxter isntead of Mangold, Hunter instead of Woody)
  4. He's the best QB you've had in a while. I don't see why there would be complaints. Rex disagrees.
  5. Shonn Greene actually is better on the outside, which makes no damn sense because he's a power runner. Sanchez also isn't as turnover prone as you think. Sanchez: 9 turnovers, Fitz: 8. I don't think you would call Fitz turnover prone. Also, no way Dareus has faced a center as good as Mangold. He's the best in the league by far.
  6. Glad you cut him tbh, he's been pretty good for us so far. Hopefully he keeps it up this week. He's better than Gholston, the Ghost, at least.
  7. I referenced Mangold stopping Suh as a way to say, most likely he'll stop Dareus. His injury should be fully healed at this point. And you would probably take Suh over Dareus at this point (unbiased). Damn, your logic is too good. You win.
  8. According to all those things, he obviously doesn't have the capability to be a head coach. Damn. He should be fired now! (Who cares if he's fat, or likes feet, or can't shut up. It doesn't have an impact on anything...)
  9. Cro is having a decent season, for a guy playing across Revis. the 3rd CB, Kyle Wilson, 1st rounder last year, is playing out of his mind too. Playing almost as well as Haden and better than McCourty.
  10. Probably best not to throw at Revis. QBs throwing at him this year have a 2.9 QB rating. Mangold is most likely going to hold Dareus. Mangold is the best C in the league by far, Darius is good but I think Mangold can handle him (the way he handled suh last year)
  11. But the Bills are not top 10 on defense. I would agree that this season is different - the Jets are coming together more than they were at the beginning of the year, though.
  12. I saw one Bills game this year (living in San Diego, I don't really get their games lol). I get it, the Bills spread the ball around. Stevie's the primary target though, I doubt you can argue that Naaman Roosevelt gets as many looks as Stevie does.
  13. 5 actually. It's still not that much to be worried about IMO, as it's 2 catches/game.
  14. Hehe, I don't think any of it will. All of those players will probably have negative yards while Sanchez destroys the NFL record with 829 passing yards and 22 TDs. Jets win in a landslide.
  15. Any reason why you believe all this will happen?
  16. Yes. But Rex gave the players more of a vacation the last couple of byes, this one he's given them a sense of urgency. Plus, the game after this bye is a divisional one so I'm holding out hope that Rex is focusing on the game heavily.
  17. Looking it up, he's been active in 5 games. So 8 receptions in 5 games, that's not much better tbh. And yes, the TD against the giants, I remember that one. I could tell you to watch for Kerley as well, though I'm sure he'll be easily covered right?
  18. I'm sure Stevie Johnson is a higher option than Roosevelt. Even you can't disagree with that. Of course Fitz will pass to the open guy though... or the guy who appears open.
  19. Realistic Jets fans know the Bills are above us in the standings and it's a pretty must win game. Of course the Bills won't forget the beatdowns, but Rex knows that too. The Jets will be ready (at least I hope).
  20. McKnight has like a 40 yard return average this year, he's like way ahead of the rest of the AFC. Hopefully he can break one this week.
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