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TC in St. Louis

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Posts posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I noticed that the Pats RB's would take immediate cuts into slight gaps, and then slash their way for 4-10 yards.  There have to be some slight openings at times that our guys go past looking for big holes....which may never open.  


    This may be a coaching problem.  There are RBs all over the league with arguably less talent than our group....and they are gaining yards by making "business decisions."  

    Who's teaching them?


    Sure, our offensive line needs improvement.  But they can't be that much worse than average.  

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  2. 37 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    The big reason we lost to JAX and TEN was not winning to take 3 points when we had the chance. For sure the Jags game.


    We handed Jacksonville the game when we declined the holding call.  We let them kick the field goal instead of pushing them out of field goal position and making a stop.  I was disgusted with that, and shared my thoughts with the St. Louis Bills Backers when they declined the penalty.  "We just gave them the lead," is what I said.  And that's what happened.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:


    I agree the better option is to fix the line.  But is that going to happen this year?  I want to fix this year.


    Rocks-for-Hands Knox hasn't entirely gotten over the dropsies that plagued his rookie year.  He probably never will.  And that doesn't help Allen either.


    Might still have issues from the broken hand.  

  4. I hadn't noticed.  He can see guys jump Offside, and twice has been hurt by the missed calls.  I don't see how these calls are missed.  When I can see it 800 miles away, live on t.v., I think the officials should see it too.  However, if he thinks he has a free play, he should try and put the ball in a catchable position.  His throw to Knox was way off.


    If any player thinks he's right, he has the right to protest.  

  5. I just watched an NFL show on ESPN, and all the analysts agree that Bill Bellichick's defense is incomprehensible and dominant, and the Bills are screwed.  Then I remembered that the Bills have a pretty good defense too, and wondered if they even know that.  I'd play clips like that for our defense as an example that, despite their achievements, they're considered nothing compared to the Patriots defense.


    This might be a game where the players run right through those schemes and take care of business.  

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  6. The Pats have been in the Bills heads for years.  Most of our players didn't suffer through to the extent the fans have....obviously.  


    They're a really good team.  We have lost at least one game we never should have lost.  What happened that day is the Jags showed up pissed and possessed and throttled our men up front.  Our team was not mentally prepared for that.  


    We could've beaten the Titans.  We should have won the opener.  We got whupped by the Colts.  


    Ok, those are rationalizations.  But I think the Patriot hex has come to an end, and this Monday our team will be ready, and we'll take the game.  

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  7. It's up to the Bills players to come in with a proper attitude and anger.  There is no chance they take this lightly.  This can and should be the game where the team finds its identity and moves toward a championship.  Part of that identity is to not turn the ball over, and to not commit dumb penalties.


    Of course, officiating could make a difference.  This is a showcase game, and I don't think the NFL wants the refs running around tossing hankies and ruining a good matchup.

  8. The game sucked.  The team made every conceivable mistake.  The Colts played their best game of the year, and we played our worst.  When you play this poorly, you will lose.  


    Our defense has been dominant in nearly every game.  They failed Sunday.  


    Time to play angry football.  We're about to find out what we have here in Buffalo.  

  9. I watched it.  They spent a lot of time showcasing the upcoming birth of Carson's baby girl, and what a sweet guy he is.  They also showed what a good sweet guy Darius Leonard is off the field, and what a crazy person he is on the field.  They used a tape of the Bills/Jags game to create a blocked punt scheme, which worked and probably won the game for them.


    Carson Wentz and Frank Reich share a fondness for a particular bible verse, which seemed to create a tremendous bond between them.  Frank is a believer in God and Carson Wentz, and that is nice.  


    Jonathan Taylor is a great player.  


    I look forward to next week's show, especially if the Bills win the game.

  10. Might need to scour the world for a new OL coach.  I remember when Jim McNally coached the Giants to the Super Bowl with two Bills castoffs starting on the line.  Glenn Parker and Dusty Ziegler.  Too bad McNally retired.  Maybe they should hire him as a consultant.  

  11. Bring in the RB from the practice squad.  I'll bet he's ready to plow through some mini holes.  We all agree that Ford blows.  Cut him.  Put in somebody with attitude and anger.  This whole team needs to play angry. 


    Side note:  Wyatt Teller was pick #166 in the 2018 draft.  If his talent was that obvious, he wouldn't have lasted that long.  They saw him as a tradable asset, and he was part of the formula that got us Josh.  Cleveland probably has a better OL coach.

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  12. Just now, 1ManRaid said:

    As bad as we played, we still win that game easily if the refs know what a false start is and what unsportsmanlike conduct isn't. 

    Their right tackle was up early at least 5 times.  And on the 4th and 2, they were Offside, and somehow Boettger got the flag.  Instead of 1st and 10 at the 37, we punt from the 47.  


    The officials officially sucked.  The fix was in.

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