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Everything posted by Bump

  1. LOL! @ "Clippers Of The NFL" Somebody left the irony on...
  2. Merrimans knees did the Lights Out dance 3 years out... Merriman is scaring nobody...very impressive one tackle game last week Our backup runningback had more TD's than the whole Bills rushing offense... Yea...I'd say the Bills RB's are = lol
  3. So... u don't think going in the whole 14 points in the first quarter changes the complexion of a game completely? My whole point was...if McCluster doesn't fumble and Colquit punts worth any NFL punters weight in salt.... They might have scored more than 7 points! So was I, zing! Not to mention Champ got injured because he was trying to avoid getting trucked by Dmac yes lol... in the 2 games of those 3.5 sacks, 1 came against Veldheer. Veldheer pancaked Hali about 5 times in the overtime matchup.
  4. Hali still had a sack didn't he? As long as it isn't some exotic microbrew lol Unfortunately, I couldn't collect my all u can eat wings, I'm in North Carolina since Feb I would've taken you up on that offer if I was still in NJ. Never had anchor wings... Buffalo still is a haul from Nj but I always said one day I'd try them
  5. Yea, aside from 16 TD's, a Super Bowl ring, 40 catches and 1500+ yards.... they are pretty much EXACTLY the same player and you're basing this on??? Have you ever seen Boss play and really broke down his blocking? Does Boss' reputation as a dominating blocker come out of nowhere?
  6. pretty silly poll... you have a rookie that never even suited up for game and another who has played in a few seasons.
  7. Veldheer blanked Hali last season....does that say anything? Veldheer put on 15 pounds this offseason. He is looking like a furture franchise LT. I guarantee you whoever the Bills throw at him will be completely irrelevant.
  8. Kevin Boss ran a 4.66 at his Pro Day though...
  9. Chiefs were not a playoff team...they were clearly pretending.
  10. stopped reading right there... I don't know where to start with this.. it's pure speculation. Conventional wisdom would say "Hey, we had a better win against a (supposedly) better team....so we HAVE to win, right?" How many times have you seen your team get burned in situations like this? It happens all the time... this type of logic simply does not translate into gameday. Raiders played ugly, yes... But they made the Broncos look uglier. Key to victory for the Bills? Don't get drawn into an ugly game. Much ado over nothing. Ford is out... Everybody else will be a go. Sheesh man, the NFL is very stringent with injury report details. EVERYTHING must be reported. lol, Raiders will not be "running on empty" Yes, it's a disadvantage. Always has been. Raiders beat Pittsburgh in Pitt on a 1pm game in 09 though. So nothing is a given. Chiefs are not better than the Raiders... if they were.. they wouldn't have been swept last year. Chiefs also lost Charlie Weis and Tony Moeaki and Brian Waters...Pretty significant pieces of the offense. And Cassell was playing way over his head last year. HE is not a good QB. Chiefs are really a trash team at the end of the day. That's why the game gets played...Good Luck! I think Campbell managed the games better... but didn't actually play better overall. I think a better comparison is Kyle Orton... Fitz and Kyle Ortons #'s are nearly identical. The glaring difference is while Fitz threw 3 more TD's... he also threw 6 more INT's. Orton protected the ball better and threw for more yards. So, I don't follow this logic about "Broncos were a horrible team, Raiders barely beat them"... When the Bills actually resemble the Broncos, almost identically at position for position. Bills were better by one win.. You can even make the argument that the Broncos are a more talented team. I just don't see where the hype is. Only one more day to clutch on to that win and tomorrow we find out if it was a fluke or not.
  11. IF McCluster doesn't fumble on the opening kickoff....... IF Colquit doesn't have pathetic punts of...27, 34 and 36 yards...from deep within their own turf. Things could have ended-up very differently....
  12. So.....are you trying to say Fred Jackson is better than Terrell Davis? lol
  13. Wow if that isn't a pot vs. kettle statement if I've ever seen one LOL
  14. Still speculation.... the game is all about matchups.
  15. Dude, trust me.. I have watched every game of Nnamdi's Raider career.... the "takes away the whole left side of the field" argument is way overstated. I am happy that I don't have to watch our team get run on while Nnamdi blankets the no.2 receiver all game. Again, the Raiders were 8-8 last year and the Bills were 4-12
  16. I remember 51-3 I also remember 0-4
  17. Gibson had one long pass and drew a bad PI on Nnamdi deep... I'm in the minority but what does that mean? 5 sacks, an INT, 2 forced recovered fumbles......Raiders Net yards rushing allowed? 38 on 13 carries 2.9 YPC THAT is TRULY stuffing the run. Edit: well actually one wasnt forced lol... Orton just dropped it
  18. Fair enough. on the flipside... the game the Raiders won on Monday night is a game they would have packed in a year and a half ago..
  19. By far and large it will be MERRIMAN dear Bills fans..... I mean, how can you think otherwise?... 4 sacks in 3 seasons and a couple knee blowouts.....no way to game plan around that.
  20. Rian Lindell kicks off to the KC0. Dexter McCluster return for 26 yards to KC25. Tackled by Chris White. FUMBLE, recovered by Buf Dustin Colquitt punts for 27 yards to KC44. No return. Dustin Colquitt punts for 34 yards to Buf41. No return. Dustin Colquitt punts for 36 yards to Buf40. Say some pretty careless ball protection and awful special teams had at least something to do with it...... no?
  21. I'm pretty pumped about Game 1 yea because our D was slappin people around...If the O can sustain drives, the sky is the limit. I disagree that we lost our best player on D... We still have Richard Seymour. Nnamdi, and trust me, this is not out of bitterness....was pretty overrated. Look no further than last week when he was burned by Brandon Gibson deep, twice. Not really worried about the injuries to the WR's... The way I see it is opportunity needs to be filled. Somebody capable will step up. I am all for a pleasant surprise, it makes games that more interesting. Here is a pretty interesting stat....figured I'd get some Bills fans take on it.. Buffalo's starting field position on scoring drives: K.C. 26 yd line--TD Buf 25 yd line-- TD Buf 39 yd line--FG K.C. 21 yd line--FG Buf 41 yd line--TD K.C. 32 yd line--TD K.C. 28 yd line--TD one drive over 60 yards..... Average field they had to play to score - 43 yds. No wonder they scored 41 pts.
  22. And the Bills had 4 wins..... So not only on this post did you 1) Point out that Raiders lost to East Coast teams... you unwittingly likened the Bills to these bad teams lol.. 2) added the extra consecutive road game and short week... somebody stated I was just making excuses...it's good to see that somebody recognizes these factors. I mean, these West Coast teams have only been griping about it to the NFL forever.. and yet the NFL still keeps scheduling 1pm EC games for the WC teams. There are some pretty rational fans on this board. A bunch of homers too, but that's cool. But when you boil it down it really comes down to two things. 1 - The Raiders were a better team than the Bills last year, HANDS DOWN. 2 - Many Bills are rooting there basis for the Bills being better than the Raiders this year off of one game.. As I maintained... I think the Raiders are a more talented team. But, Bills will be very tough at home and every other variable makes this a very difficult game for the Raiders to win. I think the Bills will edge it out. But can the Raiders win? Absolutely.
  23. lol I disagree... I see A LOT of folks who are calling it a blowout. I guess, "blowout" is subjective, though. But definitely best of luck to the BILLS. and hope for some good hard nosed football.
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