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Posts posted by TroutDog

  1. 28 minutes ago, Inigo Montoya said:


    I'm pretty certain I watched the game. 


    Why don't you make a counter argument to my position instead of responding like a jerk?   I'm a reasonable person, you could convince me I'm mistaken.  Maybe I could change your mind.  You know, like two grown ups having a conversation...

    Josh’s throws occurred after an average of 3.2 seconds. That’s a significant amount of time. 

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  2. He was on fire yesterday. He accounted for the vast majority of the Bills O output and stayed in command...never looked like he was rattled like last year. It appeared to me that he has begun to look at the postseason as ‘just another game’. In my opinion, that’s what he needed to do and he did it. 

    I have loved and defended this kid since year one because of his very clear willingness to lay it all on the line. That’s a special trait. 

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  3. From the Athletic (pay wall):




    Josh is now truly elite. The type of jump he has made from last year to this has never happened before. On top of that, the players around him recognize it (and, I trust, those of us who watch do as well). 


    “Josh is the best football player on the planet right now,” Lee Smith said. “Elite isn’t even the right word. He’s passed elite.”


    “Allen averaged 3.24 seconds from snap to throw. Rivers averaged 2.52 seconds from snap to throw. When Allen took more than three seconds from the snap to throw the ball, he completed 13 of 18 attempts for 204 yards and both of his touchdown passes. Rivers in that same scenario was 3-for-9 passing for 54 yards and a touchdown.

    “He gets us out of a lot of bad situations,” Jon Feliciano said.

    Said Cole Beasley: “That’s what makes us hard to contain. It’s him. He’s a big difference-maker. He’s the engine that makes this thing run. We just have to do our best to be as good as him.””


    “He’s such a different player mentally this year than he was last year and he’s been it all year,” Beasley said. “So it’s still the same from the season to the playoffs. That’s who he is. We’re going to follow him everywhere he goes because we know he’s everything we need to get there. We have to protect him as much as possible and do everything we can to make it easy on him because it’s rare when you have players like that.”

    Said Dawkins: “If I could put it in one phrase, lasered in, dialed in, just extremely focused. He was like, ‘Nah, we’re not walking off this field with a loss.’ I saw it and felt it in Josh’s emotions, how he was calling calls, how his progression was. He went on the field with a ‘kill or be killed’ mentality.”



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  4. 1 minute ago, Best Williams Available said:

    Right, I’m guessing, but I thought they were MS Surface tablets and not TVs anymore. What’s the screen rez on a Surface? My point is we are watching from home with more detail than the people making the call, as the avg TV and HDMI beats whatever is under their hood.

    I don’t know, I’m an iPad guy and the resolution on it is astounding. I’m sure the MS Surface is similar. Plus NYC: I expect they’re looking at huge monitors. 

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  5. How’s this for positive: I think they needed this type of win a’la the Cards game. 

    Butterflies? Yup. They managed them. D collapse? Yup and then they saved the day. No run game? Yup, what’s new? Turn back to the pass and let Josh do his thing. 

    At the end of the day, however, the manner in which they pulled this out may be the exact perfect timing!


    Super Bowl or bust!!!! 🦬🏈

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Best Williams Available said:

    Why is a call like this even the responsibility of 1 guy in the field looking at a tiny low Rez monitor??? MLB sends it back to a group of people that look at it from both teams cameras at all angles then tells the ump what to do.

    Am I wrong about the NFL’s procedure here? 

    He’s connected to NY while reviewing. And low-res? How would you possibly know or assume that?


    Terrible call nonetheless.

    6 minutes ago, Best Williams Available said:
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  7. 19 minutes ago, MJS said:

    There were plenty of fans that agreed with letting them walk. And I can't think of anyone who called him stupid for letting them walk. Yeah, some wanted Beane to keep them, but especially after seeing the contracts that they got, most fans agreed that they were not worth keeping if that was the price tag.

    There have literally been many multiple people here who, during the beginning of the year when out D was poor, that were calling Beane a dolt for letting them walk. If you didn’t see that, no worries...doesn’t change the fact that it took place. 

    I’m not digging through post game posts as I operate on an iPad. That, however, does not change reality. 

  8. 1 minute ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I don't recall any "Beane is an idiot for letting them go" comments.

    It was more like, "Beane emphasized offense this offseason, and it worked on that side of the ball, but we're seeing the downside on defense."

    And it took some time for the defense to gel, but I'm glad to see it has.

    I recall, literally, individuals saying Beane and McD should be gone. 

    Just now, Royale with Cheese said:

    Don’t think it’s bashing.  Its more that we made the right choice not offering them a contract.

    I tried to make this point earlier. Treatment day so thoughts get a little whack-o on this end. 😃 


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