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Posts posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. I have been so impressed by Beane and McDermott.  What McDermott got out of the roster last year.  Beane's gumption to try to go get a QB and many other things.  Plus, one of the best things is they seem totally in-sync.  It seems when GM and coach are not on the same page it is a formula for disaster even if, independently, the coach and the GM might not be on the same page.  Our guys are.  And I don't think they are just copying Carolina - they were buddies there, but not in charge.  I think they look at Carolina and say "here are all the things Carolina did well, how can we do it better."


    I think they may be the best Coach/GM pairing in the league.  And even if not the best now, perhaps the best YOUNG coach/GM combo - a band that could play together a long time.  Adding people like Dan Morgan only helps (quality people giving us a real football infrastructure).


    Be interested in the board's thoughts.  How do they rank overall as a pair?  How about among young GM/Coach teams?  I think these guys are awesome, full disclosure.

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  2. Milano is super-instinctive.  His 40 time at combine (like 4.67) was a product of injury, he is one of the faster backers in the whole league and a converted safety.  He is one of my favorites, but we can't expect too much from the kid yet.  I know he works at the sport like an animal.  A year in the strength and conditioning program will really help him avoid the wash.  He is already, however, elite in coverage and a playmaker.  Potential is there.  


    I don't watch much college so I am concerned about the posts immediately above saying Edmunds is not so great in coverage.  I had heard he is quite good.  I have also heard he is a fanatical worker like Milano (seems we have a lot of those).  If he can match Milano's coverage skills we will have a pair of elite coverage linebackers when we are in the two linebacker sub package.  And if Star, Harry, and Kyle can keep Edmunds and Milano clean they can both really fly to the ball like few other NFL pairs (with Edmunds having some tremendous power).  Having said that, calling them Kuechly and Davis may be a bit much to ask at this stage.  In two years though, who knows!

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  3. 15 hours ago, swnybillsfan said:

    the exciting thing to me is not exclusively the physical ability of edmunds, but the addition of star, phillips, and murphy. not to mention the db's that were picked up and/or drafted. this defense did pretty good with modest talent last year. this year, i think it is primed to take another step, and edmunds should absolutely shine!


    Agree.  And Vontae Davis is a really important pick up too.

  4. The degree of Rosen excuse making is unbelievable.  To the extent the article or posters are suggesting NFL Execs, whose living depends on wins and losses, really based their decisions on a "narrative" they did not investigate first hand - that is absurd.  Teams dig deep on these guys.  Sure, some of it is a feeling.  But the are feelings based on in-person meetings and extensive background checks.  Highsmith probably regarded the volleyball story as an incident he could share risklessly.  That does not mean it is all Cleveland had.  More likely their view was like that of a lot of other teams.  A view something like this:


    According to Scott Davis of Business Insider, there is at least one team concerned that his personality will cause internal issues with the Arizona Cardinals, comparing him to two former quarterbacks who did so.

    One team reportedly compared to Rosen a combination of former quarterback Jeff George and Jay Cutler, the polarizing quarterback most recently with the Miami Dolphins, saying he doesn’t think Rosen could lead a team.

    Another executive referenced Rosen’s wealthy upbringing, calling him a “cake eater,” and saying Cardinals quarterback coach Byron Leftwich won’t allow Rosen to act like an “a–hole.”

    Very glad this guys is not our problem.


  5. I liked him for us, and these fumbles mean nothing longer term, but it is kind of funny.  And he does have those teeny-weeny, clutching, clawing, little dwarf fingers.  Hope he has a great career (unlike that wanker Rosen}, except when he plays us.  


    Allen's hands on the other hand - like giant eagle's wings enveloping the football.

  6. 8 minutes ago, ndirish1978 said:

    This board has become kind of toxic in regards to the QB pick. I don't like the pick, but I don't see the point starting 200 threads entitled "my opinion why Allen sucks"


    I agree.  I think it is the level of disrespect for others opinions that has the OP and others bothered, not the fact of them.  I too get sucked in.  I am really excited about Allen, and I respect your right to have wanted Rosen.  However, the level of toxicity directed for Allen is totally unwarranted.  Every time someone posts "garbage pick" about Allen, I feel compelled to defend him with a staunch "Rosen is a wanker and will be terrible."  T


    here are of course substantive reasons why I don't like Rosen and why others don't like Allen.  But those are not complicated and have all been trotted out numerous times by both sides.  Now it is just foul spew - which is why I called this thread a dumpster fire earlier.  Rosen may be better.  Allen may be better. Only time will tell.  For sure,  Allen is the Buffalo Bill, not Rosen.  Time to get over it and move on.  Definitely my last post in any of these QB threads (which I suppose will please the Rosen side and perhaps more), but it has become tiresome and just mean spirited.  

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:




    Exactly correct.  Beane chose athleticism, perhaps intelligence (higher Wonderlic), and potential  over polished and proficient passing skills and a higher level of demonstrated ability to read a defense and make football reactions.


    Was this the right choice?  I didn't think so, but it's done now, so I'll hope for the best.


    The fact that he was twice concussed matters.  The fact that scouts say he holds the ball too long when pressured and takes unnecessary hits matters.  All things considered we took the better QB.  Allen is not accurate is fake news.

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  8. 16 minutes ago, MrEpsYtown said:


    Some Bills fans are so afraid of success and having good players. They get obsessed with people like Brandon Reilly, but complain that KB sucks. Jon DiGiorgio brings his lunch pail and works his butt off, but Tremain Edmunds is so flawed. Some wish we still had Preston Brown even though he was slow as crap and one of the main reasons we lost the Jacksonville game. Many still think we should have drafted RUDOLPH! in the first, even though he went in the 70s. It's strange...it's like they don't want to be let down. Now that Tremaine is ours, some people have to poke holes in him so that they aren't let down if he struggles a bit. 


    I've used this analogy before, but it's like dating an ugly girl instead of a hot one, because you are afraid the hot one might leave you some day. Very strange. 


    I agree with this - can't believe we got Edmunds, and the level of negativity on the board can be astounding.  Having said that, please don't pick on Brandon Reilly!  Has a chance to be quite good.  Not just a no talent high motor lunch bucket guy.

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  9. Just now, Bangarang said:


    The league is filled with guys like Brandon Reilly who end up doing absolutely nothing. He’s given me no reason to think he’ll do anything more than he already has. He’s a fringe roster guy. I understand Bills fans absolutely love rooting for the underdog but even this is stretching it.


    If fairness, you know nothing about Brandon Reilly.


    Which of course begs the question - do I know anything about him?  Yes, I do.  I know what his teammates think of him from first hand information.  If you get the chance to ask one of them, do so.  I think you will hear the same things I have said.

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