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Posts posted by mjt328

  1. I would disagree with Jim on the QBs thing. Seems to me the QBs are possibly better than they've ever been.















    That's pretty close to 50% of the QBs being elite enough that Jim wouldn't even be on that list during his days. Heck, even Fitz threw right around Jims career year stats last year.


    It's another topic I guess, just wanted to stress my dissagreement with the HOFer.


    Thanks BBIA. Any other info?


    Quarterbacks today have all the rules catering to them.


    When Jim Kelly played, wide receivers actually had to fight off the line of scrimmage to get open. Cornerbacks were allowed to use bump and run coverage. There was none of this illegal contact crap.


    Want some proof? Just look at one of today's "elite" Hall of Fame quarterbacks (who some are now calling the best ever). He has spent his ENTIRE career throwing 90% of his passes to slot receivers and tight ends. His claim to fame is throwing the ball 5-7 yards over the middle and watching his receivers to the rest of the work.


    Do you honestly think that DINK and DUNK garbage would have been successful in the NFL twenty years ago? Not a chance.


    Half of the guys on your list would have been BELOW average in Kelly's era.

  2. Consistent. He can do it. No doubt in my mind he's cabaple of being very good. Just be consistent


    The Nail on the Head.


    A lot of posters on this board only like to look at Fitzpatrick's final season stats - which admittedly were pretty decent (minus the 23 picks).


    Mistakes are a killer in this league.

    The problem is that for stretches, Fitz will look like a Pro Bowler - quickly finding the open guy and rifling perfect passes.

    Then all of a sudden, he will terribly underthrow his receiver or lob a lame-duck into coverage.


    He has a terrible game like Week 11 against the Dolphins - 209 yards, 51% completion, 0 touchdowns and 2 picks

    Then he has a great game like Week 12 against the Jets - 264 yards, 67% completion, 3 touchdowns and no picks.


    Everybody has a bad game once in awhile, but these up-and-down numbers are too common with Fitz.

    In my estimation, he was good in about 5 games last year, bad in about 5 games, and a mixed bag in about 6 games.

    That just can't happen.

  3. I do see your point but I'm gonna have to respectly disagree. The GM should be getting the draft choices and trades done, but not making the choice. If the head coach says he's wants player A, the GM should do his best to make it happen, not say too bad, you're getting player B. I do agree with you though that a head coach should not be a GM. Has there been any team that had that work succesfully?


    Every team has its own system. Some don't even have a general manager.


    On a team like New England (Belichek) or Washington (Shanahan), the personnel decisions pretty much start and stop with the head coach.


    On others - such as Oakland when Al Davis was alive - the owner seems to have the final say on all player movement.



    The most successful teams seem to split duties between the GM and Head Coach. I get the impression that our setup is currently very similar to this. It's hard to tell whether Ralph is still pulling strings in the background though.

  4. What's tough is turning that into second nature physically. It's tough to turn 30 years of slinging the rock into precision in just a few months. If he can, perhaps he has a shot at that late career spike, but its rare for a reason - its very hard. I don't doubt his will (though did he not see the issues? Why not seek help earlier?), so fingers crossed!



    My thoughts exactly. Old habits are hard to break.


    But if Fitz can consistently improve his game, he's still got a lot of years in front of him.

    Maybe he could become the next Rich Gannon?

  5. I've broken down the Bills schedule several times.


    If the team completely underachieves and doesn't improve much from last season, I think we should STILL at least be heavy favorites to win 6 games:

    - Kansas City (home), Cleveland (road), Miami (home), Indianapolis (road), Jacksonville (home) and St. Louis (home)


    I also believe the following 5 games are also VERY winnable:

    - Arizona (road), Tennessee (home), Seattle (home), Miami (road), New York Jets (home)



    This is the easiest schedule our team has had in years. I think an 11-5 record is certainly attainable... even if we are only marginally better from last season.




    Now, if you go strictly by potential playoff spots:


    > New England has to be the favorite to win the AFC East

    > Houston should be the favorite to repeat in the AFC South, especially with Shaub and AJohnson coming back from injury

    > Denver will likely win the AFC West now that it has Peyton Manning.

    > In the AFC North, it's usually a dog fight between Pittsburgh and Baltimore. But personally, I think Baltimore is going to fall-off big time this season. Terrell Suggs might be gone for the season. Ed Reed is threatening to retire. Ray Rice is threatening to hold out (which almost always results in injury). Ray Lewis is another year older. The whole team has to feel a let-down after that crushing loss in the AFC Championship. So I'm sticking with Pittsburgh.


    For the remaining wild cards, I think it will come down to 5 teams. And I like our talent better than all of them:


    New York Jets


    San Diego

    Kansas City

  6. If a team is willing to let a 'talent' go, the question 'Why?' and if they are willing to let him go for 'not too much' the question is 'What wrong with him?'


    The Packers let Nick Barnett go last year, and he was a pretty good late addition to our team.


    Our current starting tight end, Scott Chandler, was also waived several times before landing on our team.



    From what I understand, the biggest issue with Winslow is his contract. He also apparently got into it with the new coaching staff for not working out with the team in the offseason (a pretty standard issue for ex-Hurricane players).

  7. LOL..You can't be serious...



    Reed Lofton >>>>>>>>>>>> SJ and scraps

    Thurman/Davis >>>>>>>> FJ Spiller

    Hull >>>>>>>>>>> Wood

    Wolford >>>>>>>>>> Hairston, Glenn et al

    Bruce Smith > Super Mario(hopefully this will be a tie)

    Biscuit >>>>>>> Barnett/ Merriman


    Need I go on...



    I was going to make a post exactly like this.

    I would add:


    Darrell Talley/Shane Conlan >>>>>>>>>> Kelvin Sheppard/Kirk Morrison

    Keith McKeller/Pete Metzelaars >>>>>>> Scott Chandler

    Jim Richter/Howard Ballard/John Davis >>>>> Andy Levitre/Erik Pears/Kraig Urbik




    Frank Reich >>>>>> Fitz



    If they reach their potential, the current roster might bost a better secondary than the Super Bowl teams.

    Right now, I think they are about even.

  8. Nix has been building a championship caliber defense (especially this season). IMO, the Bills window of opportunity for success could be for 3-4 years before having to do some rebuilding. Even if Brees is signed to a short contract (such as 3-4 years), he still gives you the best option to win a Superbowl.


    A question for everyone that says "No" to Brees: is Fitz good enough to win a Superbowl (let alone win playoff games)?





    No matter how great of a job Nix is doing, quarterbacks of Brees caliber don't exactly grow on trees.


    I can't believe anyone would vote 'No' on this poll. If you asked Fitz, I would bet he would vote 'Yes.'

  9. 1. The main goal of a team should be winning the Super Bowl


    2. The Saints stand NO CHANCE of winning the Super Bowl without Brees.


    3. With Brees under center, they should always be a contender for the championship - even with the bounty scandal, etc.



    Replacing a quarterback like Drew Brees is easier said that done.

    Just ask Buffalo, who has been trying to replace Jim Kelly for over a decade. Or Miami, who is still trying to replace Marino (good luck with Tannehill).


    Denver finally got it. After messing around with Brian Griese, Jay Cutler and Tim Tebow - they finally threw all their money at an injured legend with only 3-4 years left in the tank (at best). Why? Because it's better to be a Super Bowl contender for 3-4 years than spend DECADES trying to find a decent franchise quarterback.

  10. I don't think Fitzpatrick's biggest problem is arm strength.


    It's accuracy - particulary on the deep ball.



    He goes through spurts where he zips balls through the tiniest windows and makes some of the prettiest passes you've ever seen. Look at the Cincinnati game in 2010, which might have been his most impressive performance. Then he goes through spurts where his accuracy and decision making are pathetic.

  11. I'm not sure how good T.J. Graham will be. He's never played an NFL down. Neither have Justin Blackmon or Michael Floyd.

    And I can't say that I was a fan of trading Evans (I wasn't).



    One thing is certain.

    As a player ages, speed is the first thing to go.



    If we are going to have a one-dimensional speed guy, you can't fault the front office for wanting a guy fresh out of college vs. a guy who is 31 years old.

  12. Prior to the draft, Chandler Jones was a late riser who had moved up to consideration as a borderline first/second round pick.

    Donte Hightower was considered a late first round pick.


    The Patriots had two first round picks, so getting both guys was just about what should be expected.

    But of course, since it was Belicheck drafting them - Jones all of a sudden became the best DE prospect in the draft and Hightower became the top LB prospect in the draft. That is the way people in the sports media see it.



    In contrast, Stephon Gilmore was generally considered a Top 10/Mid First Round Pick. Cordy Glenn was considered a mid first round pick.

    Both of Buffalo's top draft choices were rated HIGHER than New England's. So who gets the better draft grade?

  13. Wide receiver was and still is a huge need. We have a lot of decent guys, but nothing special outside of Steve Johnson.



    I wouldn't mind grabbing a veteran QB or two to compete with Thigpen for the backup spot.


    Pretty sure we still need a backup center, in case Wood goes down again.


    People keep saying we need a tight end, but that's just not a big position in Gailey's offense. I think Chandler is a good fit for what we need.




    And shockingly, that's about it.

    I think we've got one starting position that isn't solid (imagine if we had gotten Meachem) and a couple places that could use some depth.

  14. Based purely on consensus projections, we drafted two SURE starters, with the potential for this draft to yield four or five starting caliber players.

    Depending on how our team plays out, I think all of our top seven picks could get significant playing time.



    Stephon Gilmore was projected by most to be a Top 10 to Mid-First Round pick. He will almost certainly contribute big this year and he should be starting next to Aaron Williams by the start of next season.


    Cordy Glenn was projected as a safe, middle of the first round guard. The Bills see him as a left tackle. Even if he never wins that job, he will eventually start somewhere on our offensive line. Many considered Zebrie Sanders a second round prospect, also with starting potential. He will start as valuable depth and could leave us with an EXCELLENT tackle rotation with Glenn, Pears and Hairston.


    Nigel Bradham and Tank Carder were both considered third round talents, with the potential to eventually become solid starters. There is a good chance that one of these guys will eventually unseat Kirk Morrison. Maybe the other will be a replacement for Nick Barnett someday.


    Ron Brooks could eventually become our nickle corner. With the number of 3-4-5 receiver sets that teams run, that's almost as good as being a starter.


    TJ Graham was a reach. But in the spread passing attack, it's clear Buffalo wasn't looking for an "all-around" receiver. They wanted pure speed, even if he's a one-dimensional player.

  15. Alshon Jefferies... we better land him in the second, but something tells me he may not last


    Alshon Jeffery has been on my "steal" list for a couple months, but talk is resurfacing of him creeping into the first round.

    Somebody else said Marvin McNutt and I also agree. He could go as late as the fourth round.


    Doug Martin is another late-first, early second round pick that I could see being a huge star at the next level.


    Janoris Jenkins and Alfonzo Dennard will drop because of character issues, and justifiably so. But if they decide to clean up their lives, they could be huge steals.


    Whitney Mercilus was a one-year wonder, which makes him an obvious risk. But when all is said and done, I think Mercilus and Nick Perry will be the best pass rushers of this draft.

  16. You are what you eat:


    2011 BC schedule


    2010 BC schedule


    IMO, he did very little against the few quality opponents BC faced, of which Clemson was the best last year and pretty good darn in 2010. Pat Kirwan said as much a few days ago.


    As Parcels said the other night, trust what you see, not what you read...


    In 2011 Kuechly had 16 tackles against Clemson. 11 solo and 5 assisted.

    In 2010, he had 14 tackles against Clemson. 10 solo and 4 assisted.


    If that is "doing little" then I would like to see a good game.

  17. I've noticed a lot of random criticism over Kuechly.

    All I can assume is that these statements are being made by people that haven't actually watched Kuechly in game action (not highlights).


    Watch any Boston College game.


    If the opposing offense runs 100 plays, you will see Kuechly "in on the play" on at least 95 of those plays. By that, I mean he either makes the tackle himself, assists on the tackle, or he's within a couple yards of being the first guy there. It doesn't matter where he is on the field.

    His instincts and his relentless play are absolutely amazing.



    His lack of sack numbers do not indicate an inability to do so.

    I've watched several games of his and NOT ONCE did the team ask him to blitz. He was asked to read/react to running plays and to drop into coverage. He did both of those things very-very well.


    The only legitimate concern about Kuechly is that you don't see him shedding blocks very often. But consider that we now have one of the league's best defensive lines. They will be occupying multiple blockers on every play. Imagine having a linebacker with his field range and ability to recognize where the play is going.

    Because of his speed and instincts, Kuechly would be a TREMENDOUS asset against the running game.


    As a three-down guy, his coverage abilities would also help us against guys like Rob Gronkowski. And unlike drafting a certain safety, he would wouldn't be a liability in the running game.

  18. Two weeks ago, the idea that either of these guys would be available at #7 was absolutely insane.

    But only a couple days away, it's actually plausible.


    - I've been inclined to think the Vikings are bluffing in hopes of a trade down. But their statement that "we play Aaron Rodgers, Matthews Stafford and Jay Cutler six times every season" is actually a legitimate reason to take Morris Claiborne instead.


    - If Minnesota takes Claiborne and Cleveland takes Richardson, that leaves the Bucs with a dilemma. They very likely could take the BPA in Kalil even though he isn't their biggest need. Or they could trade the pick to someone that takes him. But it's not crazy to think they reach for a bigger need like Luke Kuechly. Or a trading partner could move in for Fletcher Cox/Ryan Tannehill.


    Would it really be a huge stretch to see the draft go like this?

    1 - Luck

    2 - Griffin

    3 - Claiborne

    4 - Richardson

    5 - Kuechly

    6 - Cox

    7 - Gilmore

    8 - Tannehill

    9 - Brockers

  19. Question #1

    Personally, I also think all three will be there.

    - I'm not hearing anybody talk about Mark Barron in the Top 10. So the only way I see him being gone is if somebody trades up.

    - Now that there is a chance Minnesota takes Claiborne instead of Kalil, I'm suddenly hearing talk that Luke Kuechly could end up on Tampa Bay. But I still think they take Matt Kalil (or trade out) if he's there.

    - The Jags supposedly like Stephon Gilmore, but I think they take the top reciever available (Blackmon/Floyd).



    Question #2

    No doubt that I like Kuechly the most our of those three.

    I wouldn't mind taking a cornerback at #10, but I'm not a fan of Gilmore.

    As I've stated in other threads, I despise the idea of taking Barron.

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