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Posts posted by Stenbar

  1. Why do you assume the 3rd string QB will never see the field? Do you watch the NFL? If you did, you would now many 3rd stringer see action, every season.

    Don't be a hater.

    Just curious do you have any stats of how many 3rd stringers see the field in the NFL a season? Regular not the Preseason please..

  2. I dont like all these names that have been created..Trentites. Losmaniacs..All of them do nothing but incite anger and make probably a knowledgeable football fan look at a situation with emotion instead of using common sense..For sure Losman was yanked around however he just didnt seem to be able to get over the hump of being a prospect with good potential to being a winning qb in the NFL....No one knows if Edwards is going to be that qb or not, what we do know is he played ok for a rookie qb, he didnt finish well and he needs to perform and improve...I wont make any excuses for him or any one else on this team..Win or move on thats what its about..I had my fill of Jp Losman as qb of the Buffalo Bills..I want to see someone else try and win games for my team..And if Edwards doesnt then we better find one that can because this is old....

  3. Indeed. As I said, nobody ever got banned simply for insulting me. Nobody ever got banned simply for disliking any player. All of the regulars here know that.


    And, for the record, I have never run to Lori (or any of the other mods) asking for a poster to be banned because of what they said about me. I take care of my own business.

    A funny story for you..Back in 99 I was on a board and this poster and I went at it pretty good..He was a Cardinals fan, he challenged me to come down and handle it like a man..LOL..Well it just so happened we were playing the Cardinals on Sunday night that yr..A bunch of us made that our away game and we went..Before we went this poster and I exchanged copies of seats and we were going to "meet" he said..Well after the alleged time came and went and he never showed up I went to his seats..When I showed up at the copied ticket he mailed me I found Kevin to be a 12 yr old punk with his Dad...You never know who is on the other end..LOL

  4. Hayes, Rentzel, Meredith, Morton, Staubach, Lilly, Howley, Jordan, Hill, Thomas, etc. The Landry-led Cows were top teams.

    My mom worked for Yellow freight when we lived there and they had office season tickets..My mom was able to get 2 games a year..I still cherish those teams...you want to talk about going through some serious Qb debates..First it was Meredith vs. Morton then it was Morton Vs. Staubach..It was hell for 10 yrs much like here now..The difference being we argue on the message board, in Dallas they fought it out outside the stadium..LOL

  5. I am one fan with little attachment to Losman as I am quite certain that he is done as a Bill. I am also pretty certain that those who claim he has no value as a football player and that he is certain to fail in any situation are also probably wrong.


    Losman has failed as a QB here and in particular I think he is done here because he called himself out saying Jax was make or break for him and he broke. He would need to restore his teammate's faith in him first (this can be done with a good performance in a clutch situation in a game which he has done before as a Bill as recently as last season so I have little doubt he can do this.


    However, I think there is little he can do regardless of his onfield performance to sway the folks at WGR who make a lot of money bashing him or legends in their own mind like Jerry Sullivan even with good on field performances. i think that most Bills fans simply care about what have you done on the field for us and they can forgive and forger. However, there is also a small but vocal fan base that is most entertained by seeing a millionaire athlete fail and these folks stoked by the anti-Bills coverage of the media will simply lay in wait even if he does well on the field and at the first mortal failing of any athlete they will squeal I told you so.


    On TSW we have gone through this as the Bills rushed along TC before he was ready (if he ever could have been ready was actually a question but starting him without training the happy feet out of him was an error0. We saw it with the attempts to pretend the AVP effect which made him an effective relief guy was transmogrified into foolish investment in him as a starter.


    We saw this with the stupid reach for Billy Joe Hobert who was so stupid he had to be cut mid-season,


    We saw this with this with foolish long-term signing of RJ who we should have had prove himself on the field before we gave him the guarantee and if there was no way to have him play without the guarantee we should not have traded for him.


    We saw this with the QB controversy and Ralph exercising his right as an owner to mettle to the ultimate cost to the team.


    We saw this with the foolish decision to extend Bledsoe's deal (trading for him initially was actually a smart move by us but extending him rather than cutting our losses was foolish.


    We saw this with rushing JP to start before he was ready.


    However, though I think all this was true, I do not think it necessarily follows that JP is done as a player in the NFL, but I am pretty certain he is done as a Bills and I have little attachment to him and instead root for Edwards to prove (for the first time) that he deserves the starting QB slot.


    He was impressive for a rookie last year and deserves to start (as I see no other alternative for us) but I am under no illusion that his impressive play for a rookie is any proof that he is up to be a starter. I hope he is, but will not be shocked if he is not and will not be surprised at all when those declaring him a savior now turn on him as soon as he proves to be human.

    This is the problem I have with this whole argument. I dont ever recall ANYONE annointing him the Messiah..I recall posters having seen enough of the JP run offense and when Trent had his chance he SHOWED a little hope..He made nice reads and moved the offense a little smoother than JP it seemed..People saw that and made their decsion that they would rather C Trent than JP..I NEVER saw or promoted Trent a so called savior..I promoted him as being next inline to try as Buffalo Bills QB..If he doesnt pan out then bring on the next one till they get a good QB...My opinion is that due to the past history of Qb debates that those who latched on to JP as a fan didnt want him to lose his job and felt he wasnt given the time or proper coaching to succeed...I respect that..I dont necessarily agree with it all but I can see their argument....

  6. Apparenty "westinghouse" is a former poster who was booted because they broke one of the rules, carrying on a crusade. I'm guessing too from the posters disgust for Dean and lori, something happened where either Dean informed Lori of this, or Lori stepped in and used her special "mod" powers to banish the person and they feel it was Dean who forced it only because the person didn't think the same way and now they are back on a crusade to tell us how bad JP fans are that they keep running members off the board and Dean is the ringleader of it.


    Anyone want to start a pool as to time of the re-banning of this poster? I am taking before 6 tonight


    From my research, I would say its either

    - Deluca again, only because he was banned a little while ago, and believes it was due to his views on JP, and has made up a couple other fake user names to get back on the board. Although it seems less likely its him because he always refers to JP as Loseman


    - that Weenie guy because he disapeared and had many arguements with people around here

    If you get banned from this board does it carryover to the Sabres message board?

  7. Westinghouse is like a PMS-ing ex girlfriend who runs into you and decides "she'll show you" by bitching you out. Little does she know that she's making a complete ass of herself in front of everyone, and everyone knows how truly pathetic she is.

    Sorry for butting in but for a casual poster like myself why all the hate from westinghouse??? What happened to start this out..LOL..

  8. A truly honest question. I need to be reminded why 80% of the board is so high on this guy. Not saying that its wrong, just that I find it difficult to evaluate the secondary and would love to have it spelled out for me.

    I think I was excited to see Ko and Donte grow together as a team in the secondary..Kinda like Charlie Waters and Cliff Harris in Dallas yrs ago..They just complemented each others skills and I thought Ko and Donte could do the same..I was as dissapointed in his injury as I was Pozs...I thought he would really grow last year...Now we will have to see how he comes back from a bad injury and if he can improve...

  9. JP Losman has been a class act off the field and on the field he has always put his team first. I hope he goes into training camp and preseason with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. In my opinion, we have two potential starters in JP and the Holy Trent. Each with their own special skills and talents they bring to the game.


    I've talked about this before, when will the mold be broken that you have one starter and only one? If the team you face next week requires a differnt type of play at the QB position to have a better chance at being successful and you have that player on the bench, why not start him?


    Why not have every team you play wonder who they will be game planning against? I know this is not a new idea, and has been tinkered with before but has anyone commited long enough to see if it would work? If you could win with both, doesn't it just increase the value of your QB's, and as an owner isn't that a good thing? When a players value increases it makes the whole team worth more in my opinion, unless I'm missing something.


    JP is a good guy and a class act, I hope he stays in Buffalo :beer:

    That is exactly the type of comment that gets me pissed..Great post then you throw a dumbass word in there to ruin it..I respect your opinion but then you ruin it with a stupid addon... :D

  10. I stabbed my thumb with the corkscrew so excuse the typing.




    I'm surprised that nobody's talking about the Colts extending GM Bill Polian's contract. I think that it's for another 3 or 4 years.


    The Seahawks re-signed CB Marcus Trufant to a six-year, $50.2 million contract which includes a $10 million signing bonus. What surprises me here is that I thought that the 'Hawks were only about 9 1/2 million under the cap going into free agency. How in the world did they accomplish this?


    The New York Times suggests that teams' apparent "concern" over Glenn Dorsey's lower body injuries are false and attempts to get his stock to drop. If there is any truth to this then I think that this is a rotten thing to do to a young prospect that has dedicated himself up to this point in his life to succeed.


    As it stands now that all these rumored trade talks have fallen through for Jets' DT Dwayne Robertson that there is a good chance that the Jets will entertain a late rd pick for him or just flat out release him. Hey Mike Tannenbaum, how about one of our 7th rders for Robertson?


    Louisville WR Mario Urrutia ran forty times of 4.58 and 4.53 at his Pro Day. He also jumped vertically 35". Urrutia was in the 4.5s at the Combine as well, which is fine for a 6'5/229-pound wideout. Despite an up-and-down college career, Urrutia should be well worth a fourth- or fifth-round flier. Does anyone know anything about this kid?


    Bears head coach Lovie Smith met with Arkansas running backs Darren McFadden and Felix Jones on Monday. The Bears were thought to be seeking an offensive tackle with the 14th pick, but the pursuit of competition for RB Cedric Benson could be genuine. It has been suspected that Benson's rehabilitation from a fractured left ankle is not going smoothly, in which case he could be phased out of the team's plans. I recently made a mock draft that had the Bears taking RB Rashard Mendenhall. It doesn't look like I was too far off the mark.


    QB Matt Flynn (6-2, 229) at LSU's Pro Day on 3/26 kept all his numbers from the combine, ran position drills and looked very good throwing the ball.


    After registering a blazing 4.32 on a fairly slow track, running back Steve Korte Jr. has to be considered the unsung hero of L.S.U.'s Pro Day. But who is he?Korte, who was heavily recruited coming out of high school, is the son of former N.F.L. offensive lineman Steve Korte. He sort of got lost in the shuffle in Baton Rogue due to injuries and the Tigers' plethora of talent at running back, so he announced he would transfer to Southern Miss in the summer of 2007. But according to one of our sources, Korte was suspended by both the N.C.A.A. and L.S.U. (due to an academic issue) and has decided to turn to pro, instead of sitting out another season or transfering to a lower level program.


    That's enough for now, the room is starting to spin. Enjoy.

    Damn for getting drunk nice job..I am having a hard time typing this..LOL

  11. That would be the Tennessee game where Evans took a pitch from JP and hit Royal in the endzone and he somehow managed to practially leap out of bounds costing us a TD? The one where that final drive was into a wicked wind so bad we couldn't even consider kicking FG's from any appreciable distance? That would be the same game the defense gave up 10 points in the 4th quarter including a seven minute drive for the go ahead FG.


    The offense put up 29 points, it would have been 33 if not for Royal's screw up. He moved us on our last poss. to the Titan 28 yard line which was still too far for a FG given the wind conditions. It was 4th down when he was intercepted in the endzone, he had narrowly avoided a sack before he threw it. We still had 41 seconds left on the clock so his time management wasn't a problem at all.


    JP had some stinker games, for sure, more than his share even but not that one. Hang that one on Royal.

    He looked like a lost sheep on that last 2 minute drive when he had a chance to overcome all those obstacles..No doubt there were some collosal mistakes made not by him but he had the ball with time and to's left and he looked bad..Thats the time to shine...Just my opinion you might have a different take but thats how I interpeted it..

  12. As much as i want Losman to do well and succeed somewhere, the Bills made their choice in Edwards, and better damn well stick with Edwards for a full season (so long as he stays healthy, of course). If they begin to play musical QBs, again, i'll be infuriated with the coaching staff/front office.


    Oh, if Edwards shows some real promise this season, and has 2 bad games in 2009, they better stick with him then too.

    With Jauron I wouldnt be the least bit surprised that as training camp gets closer we hear the rumblings..Its an open competition..(Which I wouldnt mind, It would be the first real Qb competition this club really had since?????)

  13. Another fact is many QB's in the NFL spend 4- 6 +++ years in the league before things start to click better. Not all get it from day 1... Those that do are very special, most take years...


    Trent is our starter, and it is up to Trent to keep his job and not lose it. I'm 100% in support of Trent, but I fail to see why anyone wants to hate on JP for any reason. Yes he has flaws, he doesn't read D's very well, has acccuracy lapses and he doesn't have many touch passes, but when he is on he definitely has the tools... but he still doens't deserve ANY of the vile hate some of you throw at him.. and those that do are an embarssment to everythign Buffalo Bills.

    Where in any of my posts do you see vile hate..LOL...Nowhere...As a matter of fact I see a couple smartass comments in this thread but where is the hate all of you keep tossing around..Its like you are insinuating if you dont like JP you want him and his future seed burned at the stake..LOL..WTF..I dont want him as a qb on my favorite football team..End of story..I think maybe a few of you still really hate the fact he isnt going to be the starting qb going into the season and it is eating at your inner brain beyond its capacity..


    Embarassment to the Buffalo Bills would be a fan throwing Batteries at an opposing player ( Bryan Cox) or horking Lugies at Don SHula in the tunnell..Thats an embarassment not putting your feelings down on a message board..LOL...

  14. Not saying that JP couldn't have done better, but you do realize that the Bills offensive system the last 2 years was a poor man's variant of the Mike Martz offense, right? The Martz offense, due to its control freak creator I assume, has NO audible system at all; the team executes the plays the coach calls and that's it. The Martz offense also puts a premium on great pass pro; Kurt Warner didn't look the same after getting the stuffing knocked out of him, did he? It requires multiple receiving threats from multiple positions and speed. The difference between a Shaud Williams and a Marshall Faulk are ginormous. The Bills WR corps, other than Evans, was woefully inadequate to the task.


    Sure, JP may suck. But, to think he had everything breaking his way is laughable.

    Did I say he had everything break his way??? He is an NFL QB..NFL players are suppose to be able to adapt..They are the cream of the crop....He didnt overcome..He didnt think and he didnt react..What else do you want to see? I give you the offensive gameplan looked bad..But so did the qb...They both sucked..And if Trent sucks get him oughta here too..I want a Qb that can read a defense and make plays....Simple...JP didnt do either very well..And the jury is out on Trent..We will see..

  15. It was a shame. Not to mention the crap about no audibles. JP ran the no huddle and audibled competently in '06, only to have Fairchild kill it in '07 (before anyone comes back with it was because he sucks Trent ran it once and it was pulled from him too).


    I'm not sure the uncomfortableness in the pocket JP shows is uncertainty. I think it's him fighting every instinct he has to be the type of QB he is to try and become the type of QB the coaches WANT him to be to fit into their system.

    Its probably alot of both if that makes any sense..Obviously Fairchild is living proof that its not what you know but who you know..His offense was terrible but it is the Qb's job to make things happen and it just didnt...He shares the blame..And if Treent doesnt get it done he wont be here long either..

  16. Actually.. I can respect that opinion. All of it. Though you may or may not be aware that JP was pretty much told NOT to run (I will put this hear as hearsay 'cause even though I remember reading it, I don't have a link handy at the moment)


    JP happens to be one of my favorite players. Don't get me wrong. I like Trent. He's a hell of a nice guy and has a decent game. Where he goes from here is anyone's guess. Trent fits this Bills team's system. Jp? Not so much. JP is a risk taker and willing to get smacked in the mouth. For some reason, that just appeals to me more.


    But, based on game performance I can't kind of understand the dislike for JP. It holds a lot more merit than "he talks like a girl" or "he needs a haircut" or "he just sucks". A lot of people can't put into words WHY they don't like him. I commend you for being able to.

    I read the same thing..It came from Turk..If true which it sounds like it is then shame on the Bills for not giving him a chance to prove what he has to offer..

    With that said I do not want to go through last year this year again...It sucked it took all the fun out of watching the Bills..

    Trent has a ton of flaws..And if he doesnt throw the ball downfield more and take shots I wont like him long either..LOL

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