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Posts posted by Stenbar

  1. If Harvey is there at #11 he has to be the pick..He is a game changer. Our DE are not very well gifted at the timely sack or the sack for that matter. Harvey seems to do that on a consistent basis..I think Schoebel and Kelsay are average DE's at best and an addition of Harvey makes our Defense alot better off..Our D was horrendous last yr and this would definatley get us on the way to the top of the d ranks...Obviously he wouldnt come in and leap to double digit sacks but he wouldnt be pressed into starting playing time either unless he was a freak.....

  2. I don't want to use the word hate but what Dolphin player got under your skin the most? For me it was a close race between Brian Cox and Louis Oliver. I think for me it would have to be Oliver. I'll never forget when they beat us and Oliver was so elated and was saying how he was going to ride that Buffalo or some stupid remark like that. It bother me alot to hear that idiot mock us so gleefully.

    Dead on..I will take Bryan Cox...I was there at the infamous Finger incident in the tunnel and I jawed with him all the way from the tunnel down to the opposite endzone...He challenged me to come down I told him to come up in the stands..Boy was I retarded back then..LOL..I still have my Brian Coxs@cker shirt..lol

  3. I was reading about that area, someone had wrote about going to Wrestlemania at the orangebowl this weekend and they said the stadium is in such a bad area of Miami and were being warned by Cab Drivers to not leave the Stadium area before or after

    Wrestlemania was at the citrus bowl which I dont think is in Miami..

  4. This, coming from a guy who's head is a cardboard box? :thumbsup:


    Keeping Drury, Briere and Soupy would have added at least $10 to the $46 million payroll. Even if you dump Max or Spacek to free up funds, you've still got Miller's contract coming up, which would offset the savings. This team can not carry a $56 million (top-5) payroll, no matter how much fans B word.

    Sure they can..Why not..They make money?? Sell out the stadium sell out merchandise at ridiculous prices..Dont by the argument..They didnt sign them due to a case stupidity....We will see if the fans get fooled again next yr..

  5. The funny thing is I started this topic as joke. You can root for whoever you want. I just wanted to know why people were rooting for a 3rd stinger. Have fun rooting for him.

    I think the last 3rd sting Qb i ever wanted to see play was Glenn Carano...

  6. That actually gets even more impressive when you consider that Smith made the Pro Bowl in 11 of his first 14 seasons. His last five were merely stringing out trying to chase White's sack record. Smith didn't do much in his last few seasons. Otherwise his totals are in blue parenthesis. That's ridiculously more impressive than Long's.

    It shouldnt even be a conversation..The best DE to play a 3 4 def is Bruce Smith..End of story

  7. You are exactly right. :nana: While people may not think JP will cut it as an NFL starter they should admit he's a admirable human being. If every player in the NFL had JP's personality then the league would be a much more admirable group of players.


    Everyone was down on Kevin Everett and called him names because he wasn't cutting it on the field. Those people felt bad after his injury. Think about the things you say about players. Pacman Jones is a useless piece of trash IMO. I don't give a crap if he makes pro-bowls he is a failure as a human being. Players that are great on the field and off like Andre, Darryl and Steve are great to have but not the norm. So rail on JP's playing but don't let that enter your opinions of him as a man.





    True, but if the only alternative was a Pacman type player I'd pass. Edwards looks to be a good guy and maybe a better QB.





    Guy, calling someone a worthless piece of trash has a lot to do with them personally. It's too harsh. If someone called you a worthless piece of trash at work and said it was only referring to you screwing up a lot would you take it personally? All we're saying is conduct yourself with more class and respect people who deserve respect as human beings even if you are unhappy with their play. Do you have the nuts to say that to his face. 'Nuff said.










    I'm not. I was a big JP supporter but I realize it's best for him to move on. Both for himself and for the team. I'm sure he's going to do very well for the team that gets him. He was screwed in Buffalo by the coaching staffs and I believe a change of scenery and a fresh start should do wonders for him.





    I've only seen one post about Poz, supposedly, smoking and it came from someone who claimed to see it. I find it very hard to believe and think that more evidence is needed before start spreading the rumor.





    Maybe some day you'll pay closer attention to the NFL. I know you like hockey more than football but there's no reason to act like a hockey puck. A lot of players hold out who aren't that great looking for a trade. It's only because he's earned so much respect from his teammates that he can come in and not feel unwanted. I'm sorry you have to make comments without a lot of knowledge but if you read a little more about guys on other teams you may learn something. ;)





    I don't think this is as absurd as most people think. If the draft was done over again he would be one of the top three QB's taken. I don't think they could get that for him but it's not that absurd.

    Nice Post...Agree with it all pretty much

  8. Is that so? OK, Let's talk about all of the rookie QBs who looked better than Trent.

    You start, and then let me know how he isn't worth at least a 2nd, OK?

    I wouldnt trade him for a second or a first rd pick..Look at what it has cost us just to find a qb that has shown promise and won more than he lost as starting qb...Keep the qb...Wish we could have the 1st and second rd picks we gave up for Losman.All wishfull thinking of course..

  9. You are right, & I will. The point of this thread was to refute previous declarations by JP HATERS that JP would be a cancer on the team next year. It has devolved into YET ANOTHER JP vs Trent argument. I for one am done with it. How about you? Let's wait until next year & see what happens. I hope you Trent lovers are right about Trent & he has a GREAT YEAR!! :nana: GO BILLS!!!!!!!

    As much as I dislike the way JP played QB he has never complained one bit about his situation..Which is commendable because he was jerked around here in his time at Buffalo..

  10. All Trent had to do in the Dallas game was to NOT LOSE IT. The defense had the game won. JP would have won that game with NO PROBLEM. Against the Giants Trent Lost that game as well with his interceptions. "(how'd those other QB's do in those games?)" - THEY WON!!!!!! thats how they did. I do support the TEAM - SO FAR JP is PART of that team. WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT THE TEAM, THE ENTIRE TEAM - Not just a player. Especially one who hasn't shown all that much YET. :nana:

    He won so many here..I guess thats a given

  11. Not disagreeing with any of your comments, but this is more about 2007 vs 2008. Sure we still have some major shortcomings as a team, but I see us improving in these areas vs 2007, which was a fringe playoff year (luckily or not). Anything can happen that debunks some of these, like another rash of injuries etc.

    We have been 1 step above disastrous and one step below playoff caliber for 3 yrs in my opinion..

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