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Posts posted by sherpa

  1. 13 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Saw one fellow saying if we just let them know we have an eye directly on them, they might just feel they are being targeted and might stop. Who knows. Try that first, then take it to the next step. Something needs to be done, though. This is outrageous


    Could not disagree with this more.

    Doing nothing offensive does nothing other than invite more or this.


    There is an old military axiom. You don't build something, just so you can defend it.


    We need to move mud in Yemen, and we need to do it now rather than put up with another defense of 14 x $20k missiles using 16 x $2.5m missiles.

    Innocent non combatants are in jeopardy, and sailors from the cooperative nations are sitting on their hands waiting to be attacked instead of  using what they are capable of to eliminate the threat.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, yall said:

    It's probably a matter of optics and not giving the impression of widening the conflict. 


    I get your point, but the conflict has been widened.

    Interfering with navigation of non combatants in international waters is war. They have gone beyond interfering. They are attacking them.

    Optics be damned.

    Time to make a stand and stop putting up with this.

    If we don't the message will be sent to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard regarding the Strait of Hormuz.

    The Administration is putting the Navy in an unnecessary defensive position.

    It is time to get offensive re the Houthi group launching missiles against non combatant merchant ships.

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  3. This Houthi thing.


    While cooperating nations have announced joint support in protecting Red Sea-Bab el Mandeb Strait-Gulf of Aden shipping, I'm afraid we need to go a step further.  This silly named operation "Prosperity Guardian" is an ill conceived plan that begs for more aggression from Iranian proxies.


    The concept is to provide an umbrella coverage of commercial shipping in those international waters. Already, commercial shippers have re-routed ships around Africa to avoid this, and are bearing 3x insurance costs. Long term the additional 3-4 weeks to sail these unplanned distances will obliterate shipping schedules and result in supply chain issues.


    Militarily, the strategy makes no sense.

    This past weekend, if sources are to be believed, the US Navy destroyed 14 Iranian drones launched from Yemen. The cost of those drones is about $20k/per. The cost of the missiles used to destroy them is about $2.5 million per.


    The proper choice is obvious, and goes back to the age old military strategy of "shoot the Indian, not the arrow."

    (cultural sensitivities acknowledged).


    The point is that with the carrier Eisenhower repositioned much closer to, or in, the Gulf of Aden, it is time to use the US Navy to do what it is in existence for, which is to protect shipping.


    If the US has the intel to determine where these drones/cruise/ballistic missiles are being launched from in Yemen, it is time to go ashore and demolish those sites.

    I am not a fan of this administration at all, but another weekend of wasting US taxpayer's money is not justified.

    Time to go "feet dry," as we used to say. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Justice said:

    Yeah true. Maybe. Sure. Maybe the Rabin lesson was learned as well… no? 


    I think the contrast in history of attempted resolution is as clear as the history of achievement between the cultures.

    The Israelis are not free of guilt.

    In no way does their history compare to the barbarism and total dependence on leveraging civilian deaths as a military strategy.

    That is Hamas, and Hezbollah, and there is no current leader or vector in the Arab world to change course.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Justice said:

    Maybe some ego and pride was involved in his decision too. Idk. 


    He was making a lot of money off of the situation.


    There seems to be an extreme resistance among the Islamic/Arab world to ever be the first to agree to a serious agreement leading to a long term coexistence with Israel.

    The Sadat lesson was learned.

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  6. 2 hours ago, BillStime said:

    And yet you still support a traitor.


    What traitor do I "support"?


    If you are referring to Trump, I have never supported him.

    I simply said that one example of his history of stupid comments doesn't anger me, and regarding that subject, I formed a view on him in 1989 when I became aware of the results of forensic accountant's findings in a scheme he was involved in to get involved in a takeover.

    My view has never changed.


    I certainly agree with most of his views regarding US policy, but I don't like his chaotic, polarizing style that divides our country.


    Either way, it's kind of like how I view a Tibs or your posts.

    I think they're useless, counterproductive, uninformed, purely political is scope....but they don't anger me.


    I don't have the "road rage" gene that causes people to get needlessly angry.

    Gave it up years ago.


    • Awesome! (+1) 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    You have zero integrity 


    Fortunately, the people I served with, the company I served as an international check captain for,  the community I belong to, as well as the volunteer fire company I serve as Treasurer of, and the church I belong to, as well as my family and friends do not share your view.


    What some knucklehead who is addicted to a useless posting hobby is of absolutely no concern to me.

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  8. 32 minutes ago, SUNY_amherst said:

    That doesn’t make any sense. Two posts ago you mention Biden looking dumb in YouTube videos. Its clearly meaningful to you how our president speaks 


    Yes it does make sense.

    I commented on Biden foolishly stating that Israel was engaging in "indescriminate" bombing.

    Biden is our president. Israel is our ally, and engaged in an incredibly serious situation.

    Our president damages that situation by making foolish, untrue accusations.


    Regarding Carter, which the other guy brought up, Carter was a horrible president, and his foolish decisions directly impacted me and my fellow aviators in the Navy. Get that? Directly impacted.


    What Trump foolishly says about deceased veterans in no way has any impact on me, so I don't worry about it.

    It is one of the many reasons I wouldn't vote for him, but certainly not the most important, and in no way would ever make me "angry."

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. Yes. I thought we were still in the War on Israel thread.

    You are posting bull#### so rapidly, and I am busy, that i made that mistake.


    No matter, your claims are nonsense, no matter where posted.

    I am not "mad" at Biden.

    I have always thought he was an idiot, and he is now completely useless, except for some funny youtubes about not being able to talk, unable to find his way off stage, as well as lying about every single thing in his contrived personal history.


    I have never posted any allegiance to any party, so that claim is idiotic as well.

    By the way, you have presented the perfect example of the fallacy of the false choice, also called the fallacy of the false dilemma.


    Given your history, I'm quite sure you don't know what that means, but it is a habit of yours.


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  10. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    A commander in chief calling troops suckers and losers, that's f'd up.


    Come on, you have to agree with that. SUCKERS AND LOSERS! 


    Take a stand buddy, don't just be a partisan clown 


    Nothing "partisan" about it.

    One would have to be more stupid than you, if that's possible, to not postulate what I might think about that comment.

    It has nothing to do with this thread, and I don't waste my time responding to unrelated, stupid assignments.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Not true. There is no voting there. But Net-and-yahoo made sure Hamas money 


    That's a fact 



    So you don't like me, then? Is that true? 🤣

    If Israelis were just gunning down surrendering Palestine civilians, it was a smart move by Hamas to send out some hostages to surrender. I bet the IDF will be a little less indiscriminate next time  



    Liking you has nothing to do with the issue.

    I couldn't care less about you.


    You are grossly ignorant regarding the situation those people are in, yet you comment,  rendering judgement.


    For your own sake, don't use the phrase "indiscriminate."


    The knucklehead president used it last week to his regret, as it is nonsense and utter bullsnot.


    The point is that you are completely incapable of putting yourself in the position those IDF forces are in.

    You should recognize that, but you aren't smart enough to.


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 40 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Netandyahoo let them attack. Israel barely even had protection at the border of a group whose living and dying passion is to kill jews, yet the front door was left wide open. No help for hours as Hamas went on a killing spree. Netandyahoo was too busy finding was to funnel money to Hamas to care 

    You are grossly, obnoxiously out of your lane here.

    You know absolutely nothing about this.

    You also know nothing about what these IDF people are against in this disgusting urban warfare scenario where the enemy uses civilians, baits the IDF by using their desire to rescue hostages, often children, as a tactic to ambush them. 

    To accuse Netanyahu of "letting them attack" is ignorance beyond measure.


    You are not impressing a point on anyone.

    You are exposing yourself as an idiot with some stupid, ill formed view.

    Stop with the idiotic misspelling of the man's name.

    It is childish and foolish.


    The man has served his country for decades in a manner you are seemingly not capable of understanding. 


    You are an embarrassment. 


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  13. On 12/13/2023 at 1:37 PM, Irv said:


    I went to a place named Campinas.  Every building had graffiti.  The porches/balconies on every apartment building unit had chain link fence covering them to prevent break-in's.    The airport had two terminals.  Only one was completed.  The builders ran off with the money for the other second terminal.   I was told not to wear my watch if I went outside and to never leave the hotel at night.   It was like being in a minimum-security prison.  They're big into steaks down there. Every one I tried to choke down had whip marks on it where the jockey was hitting it.   Never again.    




    Sao Paulo is a massive city. The biggest I've ever seen.

    Flew there three times per month about ten months of every year for seven years.

    (I had a business partner in Ascuncion, Paraguay and the trip was Miami-Sao Paulo, next day to Asuncion and back, fdourth day Sao Paulo-Miami).

    I stayed there so often I kept a keyboard with headphones at the hotel so I could practice. They'd give it to me when I checked in and store it between trips. 


    We stayed in the Jardines district. Nice area.

    You just have to be very careful if you get far away from major commercial areas.

    You absolutely do not want to challenge customs or police authorities. They are remarkably void of any sense of humor.

    I've got a story about that. Not me, but another captain. Cost him $18,000 to stay out of jail and was thrown out before ever getting through immigration.


    Food is pretty good if you know where to go. Good sushi. I really like acai, and it's inexpensive there.

    Good metro system, but you have to be careful.

    Things to remember:

    Their laws, their police, their courts, their jails. Don't challenge that.

    There is no "incidental contact." If someone is touching you, you are about to be or probably are being robbed. Always stay away from contact.

    Eight hour flight from Miami. 50 mins to town from airport on the good days. I would never consider driving it.

    It's not like European cities regarding English. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  14. Biden now accuses Israel of "indiscriminate bombing."


    "They’re starting to lose that support by indiscriminate bombing that takes place,” he said."


    What a senseless statement.

    I can't wait until this man is no longer in office.

    He claims to support Israel, and makes this idiotic statement, while White House staffers head outside and protest for a ceasefire.


    It is not clear who is running this.



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  15. 18 minutes ago, PetermansRedemption said:

    I’d love to see them try to block pretty much any countries ships with their mighty navy. It consists of 2 corvettes and about 20 coastal torpedo boats. Not going to find any large nation with a navy that weak. 


    So are you opining that if they attack, the Houthis are gonna meet the blowfish?


    I'll slap myself.

    • Haha (+1) 4
  16. Yemen, the Houthis, have announced a blockade of ships heading to Israel.

    They say they will attack ships entering the Red Sea destined for Israel.

    Not only is this international waters, and clearly a violation, but they don't have any way to determine where ship's ultimate destination is.

    Could make for some interesting responses.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Andy1 said:

    NONE of this nations who voted for the cease fire would tolerate another country launching thousands of rockets to kill their people. Furthermore, the cease fire resolution does not require Hamas to release the hostages. Thus it only provides strategic advantage to Hanas


    It was a grossly one sided resolution.

    I wonder why people even bother reporting the stuff the UN Security Council does anymore.

    Totally useless.

    • Agree 2
  18. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    What did I "lie" about the Bush administration, as you claim? You are playing switch-a-roo now 


    Kind of dishonest 


    For the third time, this is the lie you have posted, readily accessible in this thread:


    "You told me so. 

    That you thought the Iraq war was a good idea?"


    That never happened. That is your screwed up, nonsense, imaginary claim.


    You get on here, and you make judgements about people's patriotism, honesty, ethical values. cowardice and a host of other horsecrap, and you you can't even accurately remember what was said.


    You burden people with correcting your nonsense.


    Why don't you just shut up and process what people actually say?





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