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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. Awesome episode last night. Great battle scenes. King Ecbert's brilliant political strategy. Lagertha just being sexy as usual (she makes me wish it was on HBO where they could show her taking a jiggle test :flirt:). Every time I think I have a read on Floki there is something that makes me question it. I love how this show plays the bait and switch. All of the foreshadowing is leading us to believe that Horik and Floki are going to betray Ragnar by killing Bjorn. My theory is that they're setting that up so we don't see what is really coming, which is Floki gaining Horik's trust just to betray him. I love this show!


    Good call, awesome finale, and what an awesome show :thumbsup:

  2. Awesome episode last night. Great battle scenes. King Ecbert's brilliant political strategy. Lagertha just being sexy as usual (she makes me wish it was on HBO where they could show her taking a jiggle test :flirt:). Every time I think I have a read on Floki there is something that makes me question it. I love how this show plays the bait and switch. All of the foreshadowing is leading us to believe that Horik and Floki are going to betray Ragnar by killing Bjorn. My theory is that they're setting that up so we don't see what is really coming, which is Floki gaining Horik's trust just to betray him. I love this show!


    I hope Bjorn doesn't get killed off :cry:

  3. Ebron drop rate 11.43 compared to ASJ 5.41 . ASJ best hands of top TE`s


    Folks are beating a dead horse into the ground with Ebron's drop percentage.


    OK, its all you got, we get it.


    Wes Welker drop percentage was over 9% last season. Calvin Johnson was tied for fourth in the NFL in drops drops with 8.


    Eric Ebron is a WR in a TE's body, his large catching range has been well documented along with Ebrons acrobatic/one handed catches.


    Simply put Ebron gets his hands and or hand on balls(in double, sometimes even triple coverage) other TE's wouldn't and it adds to his drop percentage.

  4. Have never even heard of this show.


    Can I jump right in or would you recommend watching it from the beginning and in sequence?


    myself personally, I would recommend starting from the beginning.

  5. have absolutely loved Vikings from the beginning. Love. It.


    nerd alert: have always been intrigued by the actual Vikings and learned even more about them during a trip to Ireland a few years back. it's absolutely fascinating how this rag-tag civilization was so ahead of its time when it came to exploring by, essentially, necessity.





    you and me both jw,


    The battle scenes last night were spectacular :thumbsup:

  6. Good to see. I am not sold on Ebron, but I want to like him. My perception, admittedly based on little, is that he won't be the game changer in the NFL that he was in college. Honestly, as someone else pointed out, not sure 3 TDs his last collegiate season qualifies him as a great receiving threat at TE.



    Ebron also had a backup QB throwing to him the last 6 games of the season

  7. Well then what else is he here for? Why didn't Marrone put him in there?


    I believe what boyst is trying to say is, the Bills sent good WR's packing last season and kept Easley,


    If they didn't think Easley was a decent WR I doubt seriously he makes the team despite good ST play.

  8. Did George Wilson play receiver in the NFL ever or did he switch to safety right out of college?


    I think he was a WR and on ST for a short period, but don't quote me on it


    Yep, you guessed it.. He should be converted to our new SS. Great special teams guy, football fast, good to moderate hands, and a quality hitter. Can't seem to break the WR corps, so why not? Marcus, are need to listen to me. Go to Doug and tell him you want to make this team as a starter, and if it means becoming a strong Safety then so be it.


    Why not? Why couldn't he do it?





    I agree OP, why not...

  9. He's a good ST player; I wouldn't agree that he's excelled in anything the team has asked him to do...he's been, largely, a disappointment as a WR in any regular-season chances he's had.


    That said, I don't see an athlete that plays the game like a DB. I see a big guy that has some speed and shows a willingness to tackle on ST.


    Am I certain he can't be a DB? No...do I feel pretty confident saying he can't? Yes.


    I'm thinking more safety then DB bandit, J Byrd makes a good living picking his angle and straight lining it to the football,

  10. Just because Marcus Easley has a couple ST tackles doesn't mean he'd make a good safety.


    What is the fascination with this guy? I don't get it. He's not Tasker reborn, or even the 5th best replacement for Byrd.


    I swear, it's like Chad Rhinehart mixed with Garrison Sanborn sprinkled with some Da'Rick.


    A couple? Easley led the league in solo tackles on ST last season


    I agree that we should keep giving him opportunities to succeed. I agree that he may be a good defender. But I have no idea how you can say what if he's the best option to replace Byrd.


    I realize its a bit of a stretch

  11. The reason I feel like Marcus Easley might make a good Safety or DB is because during training camp every year Easley comes up with some of the biggest most acrobatic catches, going up into a crowd of defenders and coming down with the football. Easley is also not afraid to knock the snot out of the opposition which he has displayed on Special teams.


    If for whatever reason the new regime feels they have better options at the WR position which when you look at the production of players like TG Graham it has me scratching my head a little. Lets give this guy an opportunity somewhere else then


    The Bills have a player right now who has excelled in anything we have given him an opportunity to excel in. The Bills just lost their best safety, maybe even the best player on the team per position.


    What If Marcus Easley is the best guy to replace him?


    I say lets keep pushing the envelope with Marcus Easley...

  12. If Trump owned the Bills we would go from being considered just another small market team like the Bengals, Chiefs and Jags to being considered a unique, small market team with a big market type of owner. He loves anything New York State, and I could see the Donald try to make Buffalo relevant again in the public consciousness. It could be the best thing to ever happen to the Bills, especially if Jim Kelly gets to chaperone the football side of things.



    and If it would help give Kelly even more strength and determination, regardless of how well JK would do managing a football team,


    Donald Trump is the man for me :thumbsup:

  13. would he know how to get the best though? This isn't the real world. There are rules andimits to be being the best. The salary cap is just one instance


    Surrounding yourself with the best people to make the decisions in business is easy. In football it is much tougher. the game is changing all the time.


    I agree, finding Football savvy people who are up with the times is not very easy,


    more importantly , getting these footballs minds once you find them, to come to Buffalo is even more tough,


    In my opinion Donald Trump may help create the kind of positive vibe needed to change the face of the franchise.

  14. Man to be completely honest, I would think long and hard about continuing my support for the Buffalo Bills if Trump was the owner, even if he kept it in Buffalo. In some ways, a football franchise reflects the consciousness of their owner, and Trump is not anyone I'd want near something I love.


    Bills Die hard fans don't have the same option,


    and after listening to all the BS thrown at RW over the years I doubt seriously we will ever find someone we can all agree on,


    I look at it like this, If D Trump has JK's blessing, then he's good enough for me...

  15. With the addition of Williams now, If we drafted Evans who doesn't play? SJ, Goodwin, Robert Woods?


    I just don't see it happening fellas, because for one it wouldn't be fair to the guys we already have, and two, rookie WR's more often then not are not going to have an immediate impact on your football team, (something you would like to see out of a 1st rounder).


    Eric Ebron makes better sense because we get the big body target we need without disrupting what in my opinion is already a talented, but very inexperienced WR corp

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